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(Department of Architecture)

Class: 5th B. Arch. (A & B)

Subject: Semester IX Studio

Issued: 3rd August 2016

Session: July November 2016

Handout 03: Framework of analysis for Case Studies

no issue
Net Search/Library Studies
1.1 Building and open space typological study of case study
2 sheets
1.2 Space standards of buildings and open spaces of case study
1.3 Overview of case study from secondary sources i.e brochures,
journal articles, thesis case studies and reliable sources from the
Connectivity and Context
2.1 Location of the site wrt to the city neighbourhood and precinct;
2 sheets;
2.2 Land-use at the neighbourhood and precinct level
2.3 Building mass/volume and figure ground at the precinct level
Movement systems
3.1 Connectivity of site to precinct, neighbourhood, sub-city and city
2 sheets;
level public transport system
3.2 Public and private vehicles movement and stations at the
neighbourhood, precinct and within your site
3.3 Pedestrian movement within and in the immediate surroundings of
the site i.e. till he/she connects to the public/private transport mode
3.4 Service vehicle movement and stations at the neighbourhood,
precinct and within your site; movement timelines if any
4.0 Functional Relationship diagram and activity patterns
4.1 Precinct level
2 sheets;
4.2 Between Precinct and site
4.3 Within the site
4.4 Publicness of relationship at each level and identifying the
participating components
5.0 Programmatic content of each building and open space component
5.1 Size and numbers
3 sheets
5.2 Number of users
5.3 A schematic use diagram of major public functions
6.0 Architectural/Schematic studies
6.1 Understanding building foot-prints and their functionality
4 sheets
6.2 Internal spatial organization of each building and its contribution to
the whole
6.3 Three dimensional studies of spaces and their interrelationships
within the site and at the edge
6.4 Spatial relationship of built-unbuilt
6.5 Architectural outcomes, fenestrations, tones and textures
6.6 Recording of services in each building related to fire, airconditioning, electricity, rainwater and waste water; evaluating if the
necessary norms have been met
6.7 Landscape components
Handout 03: Created by Dr. Aruna Ramani Grover (2015), updated 27th July 2016

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(Department of Architecture)


Total site area & Ground coverage
Total built-up area; Permissible FAR and achieved FAR;
Total parking achieved; current prescribed norms for such functions
and deficit if any
7.4 Built-up area under each use type

1 sheet

o Delhi/NCR Case Study & Net Case studies are to be finalized after discussion
youre your mentor
o All drawings in A2 horizontal format;
o Avoid verbal communication and explain ideas thru schematic plans/sections,
sketches, photographs and diagrams;
o All plan to show north upwards;
o Use a graphic scale wherever there is a drawing;
o Sheet numbers shown are the maximum; feel free to reduce the number of
sheets if you can convey the information;
o Choose your base scales carefully so that you have minimum number of base

Handout 03: Created by Dr. Aruna Ramani Grover (2015), updated 27th July 2016

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