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Name: Camille Joy Cucio

Block: Engineering I-A

Critique of Platos
Moral and Political Philosophy


Moral Philosophy


Political Philosophy


Moral Philosophy
In Platos moral philosophy he emphasized some of Socrates idea about moral

philosophy. He said that if we deceive by appearance in the physical world we can also be
deceive by our moral realm. The Cave this is an example of what Plato wants us to realize. It
explains that we should not believe in things we didnt see in person. Like the caveman in the
cave they believe in just some reflection from people outside. So when some of them went
outside they didnt know that what they believe is just an illusion, just a reflection of the real
person. It also made us to analyze the concept of the soul and the concept of virtue as function.
He made the concept of the soul clearer us. He also argued with the sophist on the topic of what
is good life? The sophist answered it that a good life is a life of pleasure.
Plato divide the concept of the soul in three parts the reason appetite and is based
on experience, confusion and basically our daily living. All people have their goal and thats
reason by Plato. Some people follow their desire of doing some things even though they didnt
know what will be the consequences of their doings for example a student wants to review for an
exam but he wants to play as well so he will choose what will make him happy . He will choose
to play rather than reviewing and that is what Plato called appetite. And the spirits that Plato
mention is the things that is always right. The things we do because we know that it is right. Just
like what the sophist said to Socrates and Plato. They said that the people obey them because of
the pressure by the public. The people didnt think if what they are obeying is right or wrong all
that they know is they should obey what their ruler wants no matter what.
Plato explains that evil is sometimes cause by forgetfulness. He explains that the soul
when enters the body is evil by means of forgetting. And that a soul has two parts the rational
and irrational. He said that the rational part of the soul is the reason .and the irrational is the spirit
or appetite. Irrational part of the soul is the part that has the possibility of imperfection so when
its not perfect it will desire to be perfect. So now the reason will attract to do what the appetite
want for it to have a perfect soul. We will recover the lost morality of the soul by means of
reversing the process which our reason will overcome the appetite.

No one ever knowingly chooses an act that will be harmful to one. We may do wrong
acts such as murder or lying and even admit the wrongness of these acts. But we always assume
that some benefit will come from them. This false knowledge is a kind of ignorance
I agree on what Plato said because it is the truth. People tend to do things because they
think it will make them satisfied and happy. Sometimes they make wrong things because they are
forced to do so. They do wrong things because they think it will make their life easier. Even
though they know that what they did or will do is wrong they eventually do it by their own
personal reason. For example a murderer, he needs money for his family. He will kill people for
the sake of money even though it is wrong he will still do it because he think it will bring his
family to great life but in reality what he is doing is putting him and his family in great trouble
that will eventually makes their life miserable.

Before we can go from false to true knowledge we must somehow become aware that
we are in the state of ignorance
We must be aware that when we did or we do some things, we should know that what
would be the result of the things we did. We should know the consequences of our action. Just
like cave man in the cave. They somehow became aware that the knowledge they know is just an
imaginary. When they release from the chain they saw the true knowledge. They saw the true
light, they saw real people they saw the things they didnt see inside the cave. So they surpassed
their state of ignorance .they became aware that the things they believe is just a shadow is just
some shadow of the real people.
Good life as the life of inner harmony, well being and happiness
A knife is good; he said when it cuts efficiently, that is when it fulfills its function
Everything in this world has a function even the smallest thing in the world. It is there
because it has a function maybe we havent discovered it yet but someday we will because
everything has a function why things exist.

II.political philosophy
A state comes into existence because no individual is self-sufficing,
we all have many needs
Every person needs someone to fulfill their needs, so without even noticing people can
build a state because we all have many needs. People cant function alone like Plato said no
individual is self-sufficing.
more things will be produced and the work more easily and better done ,when every
person set free from all other occupations to do at the right time ,the one thing for which he is
naturally fitted
If people know what are they made to do. What is their purposed in life maybe life will
be easier but I disagree in Plato because truthfully no one really knows what their purposed in
life at first. They will realize it when they experienced doing works that they think they are fitted
to but did not. Time comes when they will realized what they are fitted to do but not in one try so
people will never have an easy life. I think thats life everything you do will not be easy but I
assure that when the time comes that we people know what are our purpose in life .when that
times comes all we can say is it is worth waiting for. There are times when some conflicts come
in our way. Things like war, problems and misunderstandings. Many people fight because they
think that its not them who did wrong; they blame others for their wrong doings and vice versa.
They blame each other for the things they did so conflict comes in our way.
I shall try to convince, first the rulers and the soldiers, and then the whole community,
which all that nurture and education which we gave them was only something they seemed to
experience as it were in a dream. In reality they were the whole time down inside the earth being
molded.and fashioned and at last when they were complete, the earth sent them up from her
womb into the light of the day
Having knowledge is a task that we should be responsible of using, like sharing it to others but
what Plato said that we all are like a puppet being control by someone I think all the education

and the things we learn is just the things we really didnt learn its just an experienced that
someone up there open to us and when we are complete that someone will make us realize that
we are ready to do things that are really for us. The things that will make our life easier and
The human race will not be free of evils until either the stock of those who rightly and
truly follow philosophy acquire political authority or the class who have power in the cities be
led by some divine intervention to become real philosopher
People will not be free from doing bad things if they will not believe in someone higher
than them someone like a philosopher someone like a ruler in a state. They will free from evil if
they will truly understand what philosophy means and what power they will have if they study
and analyze philosophical things. They could also become a great philosopher someday that
anyone will follow.
In Platos political philosophy he described the states and system of government in
Athens. He said that it is bad the first one is the aristocracy a system that rules by the hands of a
small privilege ruing class. Plato said nothings permanent so the system of their government
changes from aristocracy to timocracy. Timocracy is an s a state where only property owners
may participate in government. The more extreme forms of timocracy, where power derives
entirely from wealth with no regard for social or civic responsibility. In this system Plato
described that the soul of the higher people is following their appetite .they are following their
desire to become rich ,they didnt care of what their followers think of them, they only care about
their lives ,about how to become the most powerful. They only love their own life, love of their
His better desire usually keeps the upper hand over the worse
Sometimes it is better to follow your desire on some things but not all the times.
Following your desire will lead you to not a very good will just lead you from
will just give you a temporary will just make you regret doing it. Maybe desire can
make us happy for a while but in a quite while you will just regret it.

From aristocracy to timocracy to plutocracy then it became democracy or what we call

freedom of speech. Democracy is a system of government in which all eligible citizens
participate equally either directly or indirectly through elected representatives in the proposal,
development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, religious, cultural, ethnic and racial
equality, justice, liberty and Athens democracy the people have the privilege to
participate in any government issues. Plato said that democracy end and Athens system of
government now is called despotism, it is in which a single entity rules with absolute power. That
entity may be an individual, as in an autocracy.

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