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The Science X-Files

By: Christian Dave A. De Leon

Changes that Matter

Grade 5 Science
1st Quarter
I. Start Up!
There are many changes that occur in matter. It might be
classified as physical change or chemical change. In physical change,
there is no change in the chemical composition of matter but rather
there is only change in the physical form of the matter, such as the
shape and the state of matter. In chemical change, there is a change
in the chemical composition of matter. But what may the different
factors that may cause these changes in matter? For you to find out,
try to perform this activity!
II. Search In
OBJECTIVE: The goal of this activity for you to determine some of the
physical factors that may have cause chemical changes in matter.
MATERIALS: The following are materials to be used in every set-up.
Small piece of meat
match stick
pieces of paper
Small platter

CAUTION: Be careful when handling fire! Ask for

supervision of an adult

SET A: Get small piece of meat and place it on a platter. Leave
the piece of meat uncovered on an open space for 5 days. After 5
days, observe the appearance of the meat
SET B: Get some pieces of paper. Light a candle and let the fire
cover the paper. Observe what happens on the paper.

III. Wrap it up!

You may have observed on the first set up that the meat
has rotten after a 5 days of being exposed to air uncovered and
meanwhile on the second set-up the paper burned and it turned into
ash. In the first set-up, the factor that affected the rotting of the meat
is the oxygen that is present in the air. These oxygen molecules
contributed to the rot formation on the meat. On the second set-up,
the presence of heat in the fire resulted for the burning of the paper
which resulted to the formation of ashes. Even when you light the
candle, both oxygen and heat are present. When strike the match, the
oxygen molecules found in the air caused for the match to light. And in
terms of the candle, the heat on the candle wick caused for the
burning of the wick.

Department of Education. (2014) Grade 5 Science Learners Module. Instructional Materials
Development Cooperation, Pasig City, Philippines
Fallaria, R. (2005) Science Spectrum 4. Rex Bookstore Publishing Inc., Manila

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