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What is actually kleptocracy?

Klepto is thief, cracy is rule.

Therefore, literally kleptocracy means rule by thieves.
It involves:
A rule of government of any possible kind, which those in power exploit and
steal national resources;
Those in power who used power and official position for personal gain or to
steal from its people, and aim to stay in power through corruption, collusion
and nepotism;
A government dominated by unethical leaders but who pretend to be honest,
when in reality there is rampant greed and involvement in corruption;
Impostion of a massive tax burden on the public and enterprises;
Treating countrys treasure as though it were their own bank account;
Exploitation of the wealth of the public and uses the proceeds for their own
use or glorification including spending funds on luxury projects to obtain
more commissions;
A government that practices cronyism and nepotism by awarding prime
contracts and civil service posts to relatives or personal friends rather than
being given to competent candidates and
A government that create projects at policy level as the main reason to
funnel money out of the treasury to themselves or cronies with little viability

or necessity of the projects - more projects and programmes mean more

money - when in actual fact, those are public money and should be used to
build schools, hospitals, kampung roads and houses for the public.
In order for a country to be qualified to be labelled as a kleptocracy, it has to meet
the above criteria.

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