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Assignment 1

Management of

Khin Sandar

1. (a) The principle of project management
(b) The criteria for success/failure.
(c) Principles behind project management systems and procedures
(d) Key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post-project appraisals
2. (a) Organizational structure
(b) Roles and responsibilities of participants
(c) Control and co-ordination
(d) Leadership requirements and qualities
(e) Human resources and requirements

1.(a) The principle of project management

The principles of project management are as followed.

Monitoring and controlling process
Closing process

This project follows some of the principles but at some points the above project doesnt
follow the important principles. The project is done very well at initialization. I think that
their planning have a little mistakes. They are planning the project in disorganized way. And
they dont have a systematic closing process report.

(b) Criteria for success and failure

Firstly I want to point out that some criteria for success and failure.
Criteria for success
User involvement
Executive management support
Clear statement of requirements
Proper planning
Realistic expectations
Smaller project milestones
Competent staff
Clear vision and objectives
Hard-working, focused staff

Criteria for failure

Lack of User Input
Lack of Executive Support
Technology Incompetence
Lack of Resources
Unrealistic Expectations
Unclear Objectives
Unrealistic Time Frames
New Technology

This project is failure project. The main cause is that the project doesnt meet complete
requirements and lack of executive management support. The project doesnt have a proper
planning way because the members in the project arent stayed at their roles and responsibilities.
The chief operations officer (COO) of the company doesnt follow the right way to success the
project. He dont discuss with the executive team to manufacture the phone. And the project

doesnt have user involvement. The project doesnt have unrealistic time frame because Robert
was also asked to develop a schedule and budget in a week for a large project.

(c) Principles behind project management systems and procedures

Principles behind project management systems and procedures include definition of the
project or goal, success factors, initiation to set up the project, control action and closure of
disbanding the element.

This section involves the project definition, approval to start the project. This is Setting
up the requirements for the project.

Planning an event is a series of seemingly never-ending tasks that most people never
think about. Planning is drawing timetable for individual team or one to start the project. Project
objectives, requirements, and scope are set. These outcome elements specify project end-items,
desired results, and time, cost, and performance targets.

It is the process of performing the activities to complete the work which already defined
in the planning of the project management to satisfy the specifications of the project.

The controlling process is the important part to ensure and match the stakeholders
expectation. When the project is stay on track , analyze the risk or dangerous part of the situation
in the project and set up controlling systems.


That includes the remaining budget and materials and state about the individual efforts
and the customers satisfaction reviews, etc. Prepare a project closure report with the team, and
also with the terms of post-implementation review references.

The project doesnt have a proper management approval. When Robert presented his
plans to the executive management team, there was considerable discussion about whether the
company should begin manufacturing the new phone. Robert needs the approval and support of
the management team.But the chief operations officer (COO) of the company asks Robert to
move forward and report directly to him without approve by project manager.

(d) Key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post-project appraisals
Final stage of the project life cycle is to terminate the project. Working of the project is
started after the completion of properly close the project, and includes a variety of operations.
The reason to terminate the project properly can learn from the project experience gained to
improve the performance of future projects. Therefore, the tasks related to exit the project to
understand, does not become just out late to be included in the beginning of the project plan.
These activities, organize, submit a document for the project, receive, and the final payment. End
step, when the performance of the project is complete, is initiated, the result is allowed by the
customer. It sometimes or region meets the criteria, will be provided in the form of a system that
has been checklist or automated to pass the exam, which is described in the contract. When a
contractor completes a project for a customer, the contractor must verify that all the agreed-on
terms were, in fact, provided. In the future, the contractor may want to use some actual cost and
schedule information from this completed project to help develop the schedule and cost estimates
for a proposed future project. Another activities that must be performed at the end stage, which
ensures that it has collected from customers of all payments. Most of the contract, the customer
contains a progress payment clause of the content is to create the final payment upon completion
of the project. In some cases, the final payment total project cost - for example, a high proportion
of 25%.

2.(a) Organizational Structure

Board of


Chief operation
officer (COO)





Risk Control

Staff training




are Engineer

Design Engineer





Quality control

Service center

(b) Roles and Responsibilities

The following table show the roles and responsibilities of the project member.


Project Manager

Manage the whole company

carrying out the more detailed day-to-day
management of project activities

communication management

needs to prepare communication plan & make

sure that there is a healthy communication

Risk manager

various risks involved in a project should be

identified and a mitigation and contingency
plan need to be developed to ensure that the
project is not derailed at any point
Procurement manager
various materials need to be procured &
managed with vendors and suppliers
Marketing Project Manager
Manage the marketing and sales
human resource manager
needs to take care of his team encourage and
motivate them and make sure team moves in
right direction
Research and Development Project Manager
Manage the research and development team,
Discuss and solve problems directly or
indirectly with Development Team leader and
Design Team leader
Development Team Leader
Lead the development team and Mange the
Architecture and Engineering (A&E) Design providing strategic and technical design advice
in the development and delivery of projects,
ensuring the design service requirements of the
project are of a level and quality that meet
stakeholder expectations.
Design Team Leader
Directly deals with Development Team leader
and make new design for the Development
Team member

No. There havent roles and responsibilities been properly defined for the given project.
The vice president of marketing appointed Robert to be the project manager. Actually Robert
comes from marketing, and now in this project he is going to manage the project. So, the skill
dont match with Robert. This is the main point of not having roles and responsibilities of
members in the project..

(c) Control and co-ordination of a project

There are time, cost,quality control. The project manager has to make sure that Time, cost
and quality are staying to the standard to success the project.
1) Time Control

Time control is the control process in which the project manager make sure that
actual schedule matches with the base line control. To control time successfully, the
project manager has to check the following
1) Control variations
2) Assess probable alternatives
3) Take the proper arrangements
To be able to control the time properly, the project manager should make the right
schedule. And the project manager should take note of the performance data.

Starting time of each work packages.

Estimate remaining time of each work packages.
Finish time of each work packages.
Alternations in time estimates
New identified activities.
Unnecessary old planned activities.

2) Cost Control
Cost control is the process in which the project manager compare the actual cost to the
baseline cost. The project manager has to make the right cost control system in order to make the
right cost control. In order to do the right cost control system, the project manager has to make
sure the following points
1) Carefully design the right cost plan
2) Do right plans to obtain immediate feedback.
3) Show the right chart of resources used comparing to targeted
cost plan.

3) Quality Control
Quality control is the control in which the project manager makes sure that the
quality of the project matches the targeted project quality. In order to make the right
quality control, the project manager should make sure that the following points are being

1) The end-item quality has to meet the required quality.

2) Compare the performance to the quality testimonial.
The project manager has to control the overall resources to make sure the success of the project.

In this project, Robert should take more control over quality more than cost and time. In
order to take the proper quality control, Robert should meet with the clients more often. And
Robert needs to make more discussion, work break down structure and quality of the project with
requirements presentation about the product many times at public. And another Robert should do
is that he should draw the schedule of the project from starting to closing as soon as the project
was defined.

(d) Project leadership requirements and qualities

The successful completion of projects is the primary responsibility and goal of the Project
Manager, who will have a lot of weight on their shoulders, when it comes to making the right
decisions. The following items are the requirements and qualities for project leader ship.
Excellent communication skills are vital, to enable a project manager to communicate
effectively with a broad spectrum of people at different levels within an organization and
externally. The ability to deliver and receive constructive feedback and listen to others is another
important part of leading a team of individuals. Essentially, being a great communicator is a key
element to working well with others in any work environment.
2. Sharing a Vision
The ability to see the bigger picture behind a project and effectively convey that vision
to others is an incredibly valuable and important quality in a Project Manager. Successfully
articulating the vision of a project ensures the team can experience it in their mind and helps to
get them on board without delay.
3. Positive Attitude
A leader with an eternally full cup and a positive mental attitude is a pleasure to engage with and
their enthusiasm automatically rubs off on others. Being committed to a project and displaying
confidence in it impacts positively on the team and forms the basis of a happy, productive work

4. Integrity
Part of being a great team leader is the ability to gain the trust of your team. By demonstrating
that you are committed to adhering to both your values and ethical practices in general, team
members will soon recognize that you are an honest leader whom they are happy to put their
trust and faith in.
5. Competence
When a leader is unable to demonstrate that they are competent and capable, they will be unable
to gain the respect and trust of their team and colleagues. A team must always feel confident that
their leader is in control and knows exactly what they are doing.
6. Cool, Calm and Collected
Regardless of how well a project is planned there will always be obstacles of some sort to
overcome along the way. A good Project Manager will never panic or lose their head when
things go wrong; instead they will remain calm, assess the problem and find the best way to
resolve it, in order to put the project back on the right track. If things become too stressful at any
point, any flapping or excessive sweating should be done in private!
7. Problem solver
A great project manager should possess excellent problem solving skills and be resourceful and
creative in their general approach to problems. On many occasions when working on a project,
this may be as a simple case of identifying the right person(s) within the team to help you resolve
the problem quickly and effectively. Sometimes, the real skill here is in truly grasping the issues
behind the problem as this is always a fundamental element of the problem solving process.
8. Team Builder
A strong, happy team is a productive one and for the project to reach a successful conclusion the
team need to be working well together for a common purpose. Within any team of
individuals, you will find a variety of personalities that will need to somehow gel together to
form a positive dynamic. Part of successfully leading a team will involve learning about each
individuals skills and personality in order to get the best out of the team as a whole. Spotting
areas of conflict within the team early on and managing conflict is crucial.
9. Delegator
Having a good understanding of your team members allows you to delegate tasks to the right
individuals for the best possible results. Team members will respond well to a manager who

delegates appropriate tasks that are well suited to their skill set and subsequently trusts them to
get on with it. Encourage staff to approach you to discuss any queries or difficulties if they need
to rather than undermine them by constantly checking up on them and they will feel more
10. Decision Maker
The personal decisions you make as a Project Manager have a direct impact on the success of a
project and ultimately the success of the business itself. In order to be strong in this area it is
essential that you arm yourself with all of the information you need from the outset so that when
the time comes, informed decisions can be made quickly.

(E) Specific human resources and requirements for a project

The aim of the project management of human resources, for this project was completed,
with the right skill set experience, is to ensure that projects have adequate human resources.
Human Resources Project Management Plan, this project describes the process end-to-end that
will be used to meet the human resource needs. An important goal of this program is what will
be described.
source is required.
Core skills and experience do you need for that they have.
How resources.
How many resources you need.
When the source is required.
How the resource was developed.
method of forming everyday management. And
How to sources, after the allocation of the project was completed, to move out of the project.
This project, the skills to fill a variety of important roles, and requires specialized resources with
the ability and experience. It is, as the project manager, will be used to supply all projects. No
less important to determine how much experience and skills required for the role of the project,
the fact is the need to replenish their resources and roles that have the skills and abilities.
Examples their special resource that specializes in large-scale projects as you need to have the
experience and expertise of their background, is the risk manager or Communications Manager.
In some cases, if appropriate, training and development of special projects undertaken to ensure
that no one involved with the performance gap.

Human resource management, is closely related to the cost and time management planning
process, contains the following four activities.
develop a human resource plan.
Get the project team.
Development of the project team. And
manage project teams.

Principle behind project management systems and procedures ,
ectManagement , 27 Feb, 2015

Project leadership requirements and qualities ,

th , 27 ,

Human Resources and requirements ,
, 27 Feb, 2015.

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