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Greenbelt Development Plan


The greenbelt development plan aims at overall improvement in the

environmental conditions of the region. The plan with a five-fold objective addresses
issues such as prevention of land degradation due to activities during construction phase;
enhancing the forest cover for increasing the biodiversity of the region; providing
aesthetic value to the project area and consequently inviting a proportionate tourist flux;
enhancing the ecological equilibrium of the area; and to a large proportion in combating
soil erosion.
The present plan comprises the details on field investigations, choice of plant
species for greenbelt development, areas identified for development under greenbelt,
infrastructure requirements, manpower requirements, feasibility in implementation, and
development of landscape, development of administrative guidance for identifying the
feasibility of greenbelt development activities within NHPC or sub-contractors.


Areas, Guidelines and Techniques for

Greenbelt Development
A detailed survey was conducted with respect to existing forest types,

vegetation diversity and density etc in the project area for development of greenbelt
around project components. The greenbelt plan has been formulated considering the

Chapter 2: Greenbelt Development Plan

parameters such as climate, soil types etc. Greenbelt within and outside the premises will
attenuate dust emission and noise during construction. The greenbelt is also developed
for the efficient use of land and to improve the aesthetic quality of the environment.
Extensive plantation shall be carried out along the boundaries of the project
features. The greenbelt would be along the boundaries of the colonies C1 and C2
proposed near Sainj, dam complex, power house site, amenities and infrastructure
facilities such as new approach roads, school, hospital, fish farms for pisciculture
development, nurseries required for afforestation schemes. Tall tree species should be
planted near the dam area in rows spaced 6 m apart and the plants within each row
should be placed 5 m apart.
The inter-connecting/approach roads to various project components, within the
colonies, working sites will be developed with avenue plantation, at a distance of 2 3 m
wherever required tree guards shall be installed for protection of these plants.
Approach roads of all the intermediate Adits shall be covered under this plan by
providing avenue plantation on both sides of the road along the slopes. Wherever
required, bamboo tree guards and barbed wire fencing will be installed for protection of
the plants. In addition there shall be roadside plantation in two rows on either side of new
roads around the project area and also along existing roads.
All the available space within the colonies should be covered under this plan by
plantation of fruit, ornamental and shade trees along with some shrubs and climbers etc.
The shrubs and climbers should be planted even in between the tree spaces. The fruit
trees planted should be protected using iron tree guards. The employees should be
encouraged for plantation. Farmyard manure should also be applied to the pits of the
plants for good survival.
A nursery should be created for supply of saplings, and its maintenance should
be followed. However, the saplings could also be obtained from nurseries being
developed for compensatory afforestation.
For the construction of the project features an area of about 50 ha of land is
identified at various places. Colonies, rehabilitation areas, approach roads, quarry sites,
spoil tips areas, adit roads, working areas for dam and power house complexes will be
Environmental Management Plans for Parbati Hydroelectric Power
Project Stage III Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

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Chapter 2: Greenbelt Development Plan

For the restoration of spoil tip areas and quarry site areas two different plans viz,
muck disposal plan, and landscape and restoration plan have also been proposed. Under
these plans, plantation is also simultaneously proposed. Therefore, the following areas
should be brought under greenbelt development plan.


Nursery Development and Plantation Requirements

Seedling Requirements
The seedlings to meet the nursery requirements are to be obtained from local

market supplemented by saplings from new nurseries proposed to be developed under

this Plan in the project area.

Nursery Development
Nurseries would be developed with 6 to 8 seedbeds each and 6-8 beds for

potted plants. On an average range to 1.5 ha of land is required for nursery development.
Nursery saplings would be developed for species such as deodhar, chil, oak, walnut,
rubenia, willow and tosh. While kail would be directly done through patch sowing, poplar
would be developed using grafting. Hence, looking into the possibility for plantation, one
can arrive at distribution and type of plantations.

Vermiculture Development and Usage

Vermicompost is natural organic manure and its chemical composition is much

more superior to compost made either in conventional composting pits or by bacterial

decomposition. Vermicompost consists of humus, which is the basic building block of
fertile soil. It contains all essential macro and micronutrients for plants in readily available
form due to which plants are able to easily absorb them. Vermicompost is prepared with
the aid of earthworms. Eisenia foetida is an earthworm, which has been found to be well
adapted to the semi-temperate conditions of Western Himalayas. In Kullu area, this
species has been successfully used to produce vermicompost. The species is very active
red wriggler with alternating bands of yellow and maroon down its body. This earthworm
needs high organic matter such as manure, vegetative waste, and rich kitchen waste
material to survive. After eating the decomposed vegetable cow dung/ rabbit droppings
the earthworm grinds the whole material in its digestive track and passes it out after
digestion as small granular pieces resembling tea leaves. It is normally black or dark
brown in colour and has a fresh earthy smell or no smell at all.
Environmental Management Plans for Parbati Hydroelectric Power
Project Stage III Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

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Chapter 2: Greenbelt Development Plan

Spacing and Pit Size

The spacing and pit size would be vary according to the choice of species and

compatibility of various species to grow together in a niche. Conifers would be planted at

a distance of 2.5 m X 2.5 m apart, while broadleaf species would be planted at a spacing
of 3 m X 3 m. The pit size would be 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm for conifers whereas for the
broadleaf species the size of 45 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm need to be adopted.

Fencing and Closure

A minimum block plantation would be undertaken by providing barbed wire

fencing including watch and ward for assuring protection from biotic interference.

Plantation Guard and Protection from Fire

Protection of plantation is greatest challenge as villagers and their cattle

damage the plantations before they are established. Hence protection of plantation is of
paramount importance and guards should be arranged for two to three years. Most of the
plants shall be guarded against fire, mainly in the summer season.


Plantation schemes

Dam Site and Approach Roads

The dam is proposed at Suind. The layout map in Fig. 2.1 shows areas for

plantation. Greenbelt will be developed around the Dam Complex and on both sides of
the approach roads to the complex. Plants of horticulture, floriculture and ornamental
importance shall be planted within the premises of the dam complex. An area of 10 ha is
available for greenbelt development. A plantation of 3 kms of proposed and existing road
is envisaged. The avenue plantation scheme is illustrated in Fig. 2.2.

Colony at Sainj
The colony is proposed at Sainj Village. Greenbelt will be developed outside the

colony and on both sides of the roads within the colony. A park and playground shall be
developed with a greenbelt around its hedge. Plants basically of horticulture, floriculture
and ornamental importance, are recommended within the premises of buildings in the
colony for added attraction and providing a green lustre. In the initial period for protection
of planted saplings, angle iron / bamboo tree guards need to be provided. An area of 4 ha
is available for greenbelt development. Avenue plantation of 8 kms. is proposed along
Environmental Management Plans for Parbati Hydroelectric Power
Project Stage III Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

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Chapter 2: Greenbelt Development Plan

both sides of existing and proposed roads. The plantation scheme is illustrated in
Fig. 2.3.

Four Adits viz. Inlet Adit, Intermediate Adit I and II, and an Outlet Adit would be

provided. To access these Adit structures, approach roads would also be constructed.
The approach roads need to be provided with plantation on both sides. An area of 4 ha is
available for greenbelt development. Avenue plantation of a sum of 7 kms along the
existing and proposed roads is envisaged. The plantation scheme is illustrated in
Figs. 2.4 2.5.

Power House Complex

The power house complex proposed at Bihali Village is the welcome point of the

proposed hydro power project. The power house complex includes the surge shaft, the
penstock arrangements and the under ground power house.

An area of 8 ha. is

available for greenbelt development. Avenue plantation of a sum of 18 kms along the
existing and proposed roads is envisaged. The plantation scheme is illustrated in
Fig. 2.6.

Fish Farms and Nurseries

The fish farms and nurseries proposed for various development schemes would

require plantation around their boundaries in order to maintain them in isolation. An area
of 2 ha is available for greenbelt development. Avenue plantation of a sum of 5 kms along
the existing and proposed roads is envisaged. The plantation scheme is illustrated in
Fig. 2.7.

Amenities and other Infrastructure facilities

The amenities proposed include development of school building, hospital,

community hall, market place and other service centers. These development schemes
would require plantation around in order to maintain aesthetic environmental quality and
restoration. An area of 2 ha is available for greenbelt development. Avenue plantation of
a sum of 4 kms along the existing and proposed roads is envisaged. The plantation
scheme is illustrated in Fig. 2.7.

Environmental Management Plans for Parbati Hydroelectric Power

Project Stage III Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

2. 5

Chapter 2: Greenbelt Development Plan


Selection of Plant Species

Keeping in view the climatic conditions, status of soils and vegetation types in

and around the project area the following species of plants have been found suitable for
plantation around the colonies, road sides and various components of the project. Plants
species for greenbelt development are as in Table 2.1.
In addition to above some flowering plants, shrubs, herbs, and climber plants
species will also be planted for beautification in the project area.


Other Infrastructure Requirements

Other than the saplings and seeds for plantation purpose required, to facilitate

the need of the plantation activity, for transport of plant saplings a tipper truck is also
proposed and a vehicle for office staff. For systematic records and data maintenance, a
computer along with peripheries would also be required. These are integral part of project
accessories and can be utilized for the above purpose.


Plan Implementation
Manager Environment/ Environment Officer at NHPC Site office would

coordinate the implementation of the proposed plan. He will evaluate/monitor both

financial and administrative aspects at Site Office.


Cost Analysis Economic and Financial Aspects

The costs for the proposed schemes comprise of capital investments and

annual recurring costs. The construction of nursery and vehicles form the capital cost.
Annual recurring costs include purchase of seed, vermiculture production, salary and
wages, conservation/protection costs and miscellaneous expenditure. The unit costs are
used to determine total cost for nursery construction. Capital costs other than the nursery
are taken in Lump Sum. Recurring costs are determined based on annual basis.

Environmental Management Plans for Parbati Hydroelectric Power

Project Stage III Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

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Chapter 2: Greenbelt Development Plan

The details of expenditure under the Greenbelt Plan are as below:


Details of expenditure




(Rs. Lakhs)


Creation of Nursery






Nursery maintenance for 5 years






Cost of Seedling












Maintenance of Plantation for 5 years

30 x 5





Avenue plantation



L. S.



Maintenance of Avenue plantation for

4 year

50 x4





Barbed wire fencing





Maintenance of fencing for 3 years






Provision of Bamboo tree Guards






Maintenance of bamboo tree guards

for 3 years considering 50% damaged






Mali/Watch & Wards

6x8 yrs





World Environment Day Celebrations




Contingencies and Miscellaneous

8 years



Grand Total (1-12)



Salient Remarks and Recommendations

Salient recommendations for smooth implementation of the Greenbelt

Development Plan are delineated below:

Selection of species having faster growth, and helpful in soil and water
Project authorities should ensure frequent meetings with the project monitoring
committees and executing teams to enable smooth implementation of the
Greenbelt Development Plan
Project authorities should seek services from the project-affected families and
local population in such an activity.

Environmental Management Plans for Parbati Hydroelectric Power

Project Stage III Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

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