Board Game

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Class, you will create a Civil Rights board game as your final big project of

the school year!!!

This will be a (pre-assigned) group activity.

If you are a group of four, Each board game must have:

1. At least 32 “Spaces.” (Spaces as in you move 3 spaces if you roll a 3
on the die).
2. At least 16 “spaces” must force the player to answer a History Trivia
a. So, I’m requiring you to have 16 history trivia questions. ALL
must be related to the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT! But
there MUST BE VARIETY in the questions! Don’t have 20
questions on Rosa Parks!
i. EXAMPLE: “What case made segregation illegal?”
1. Answer: Brown v. Board of Education.
b. 12 RISK “spaces” (A space where you pick up a card that
relates to the Civil Rights Movement and tells you to move
forward one space or back one space because of something
related to the Movement. A RISK card is something that must
be relevant to the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT!!! Have
i. EXAMPLE: “The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminates
the ‘poll tax’ and allows blacks to vote. Move up two
spaces.” OR: “The 1963 Clean Air Act was created, but
car companies lost money because they had to pay
money to create environmentally safe cars. Move back 1
3. 4 game pieces.
a. Each game piece must be a person or event from the Civil
Rights Movement and have a brief, 1 sentence explanation of
how this person or event related to the Civil Rights Movement.
4. The game MUST BE FUN!!!

CREATE A GROUP NAME! _____________________________________

4 tasks, each person takes 1 task:
Task Person Assigned
Draws out at least 32 spaces on the board.
Draws at least 3 drawings on the board (It
doesn’t have to be art, but it must look like
you spent more than 10 minutes on it.)
Writes out the directions and rules for your
board game.
Creates 4 game pieces: Each game piece
must be a person or event from the Civil
Rights Movement and a brief, 1 sentence
explanation of how this person related to
the Civil Rights Movement.

EVERY person complete the following:

Task YOU!!!
Makes 4 trivia questions that relate to the
“Civil Rights Movement”
Makes 3 RISK questions that relate to the
“Civil Rights Movement”

Requirement for the boardgame as a checklist

Has at least 32 spaces
Has at least 16 spaces for History Trivia
Has at least 16 History Trivia cards related
Has at least 12 spaces for RISK CARDS.
Has at least 12 RISK cards related to
CIVIL RIGHTS, with variety
Has 4 game pieces
Each game pieces is a person or event from
the Civil Rights Movement and has a brief,
1 sentence explanation of its relation to the
Civil Rights Movement
Has a list of Instructions
Has a list of Rules
Board has at least 3 drawings from the
Civil Rights Movement WHICH TOOK
more than 10 minutes!
Is the game fun? (I am not kidding!!)
Groups for Board Game!

Hour 2:

Group 1: Tim, Lacey, Liz, Anna

Group 2: Maggie, Eduardo, Landon, Taylor
Group 3: Stormy, Emily M., Lindsey, Phoebe
Group 4: Deon, Chase, Hannah, Madelaine
Group 5: Zach, Dustin, Heather, Krista
Group 6: Lexi, Amy, Andrew, Jacob
Group 7: Sierra, Emily B., Brandon, Danny

Hour 3:

Group 1: Morgan, Nicole, Keeley, Josh H., Chaz

Group 2: Beth, Mikayla, Austin, Jake
Group 3: Shelby, Ellen, Ashley, Kayla
Group 4: Amanda, Sam, Zack, Josh G.

Hour 5:

Group 1: Travis, Nick, Kaitlyn, Mary

Group 2: Connor, Brent, Jacklyn, Kelsey
Group 3: Marcus, Mike, Shane, Tori, Brooke
Group 4: Adam, Sid, Donald
Group 5: Levi, Sam, Tyler

Hour 6:

Group 1: Jason, Lucas, Bridget, Victoria

Group 2: Hannah, Natasha, Jay, Jesse
Group 3: Ashley, Hope, Ian, Ryan
Group 4: Rachel, Mariah, Shawn, Markus
Group 5: Meredith, Lilia, Tyler, Nick

Hour 7:

Group 1: Justin, Justin, Kiley, Sarah

Group 2: Madison, Emily, Mitch, Dan
Group 3: Cheyenne, Mikala, Trevor, Zach
Group 4: Damian, Jake, Shannon, Amber
Group 5: Heidi, Amanda, Ashley, Matt, Brandon
Group 6: Brady, John, Alex, Rachel

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