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Consumer Behavior Project

Project Title: An Analysis of the Consumer Buying Behavior






This is a group project. Students are free to form their group, which comprises of not more than four participants
(Since the class size is 51, only 1 group can have 3 participants, rest of the groups will have 4 participants each)
Each group has to choose a product/service brand (E.g. Honda Amaze Car, Bajaj Allianz Life insurance policy, etc.).
The brands will be allocated on the first come first serve basis. Once a brand is allocated to a group, no other group
can opt for it.
The project is divided into two phases Interim (Report only) and Final (Report + Presentation).
For Interim Report:
o Refer to contemporary print and/ or TV advertisements of the chosen product/service brand and
perform the following tasks:
Using model of the Motivation Process analyze how, according to your group, these ads motivate
the consumer purchases. (5 marks)
Using CAD and trait theories identify which all personality types are these ads catering to.
Relevant explanation for your answer is required. (5 marks)
For Final Report:
o Conduct a micro primary study (sample size 30-40 respondents) for the same brand which was used for
the interim report, do relevant analysis of the data and answer the following questions:
Analyze the attitude & perception of your respondent w.r.t. the given brand. (5 + 5 marks)
Important Instructions:
The project comprises of 30 marks. The written reports interim and final - carry 10 marks each. The remaining 10
marks are for the presentation, which should comprise the work done by you during the interim as well as the final
Theoretical definitions and unnecessary history of product/service brand should not be included in the report.
The main component of the project (answers to the given tasks/ questions) should not exceed more than 5 pages
each for the interim and final report. This page limit excludes annexure, which:
o For interim report should incorporate the copy of the ads used in the project.
o For final report should include the data collection tools used (e.g. copy of questionnaire, focus group
guide, etc), data details and main findings/statistical analysis of the data.
Use Times New Roman font size 12 with single spacing. Clearly mention group members names and roll no. on
the cover/first page.
Submission Details:
o For interim report: Softcopy is to be mailed on 9th August 2016 (Tuesday) by 3 p.m at Hardcopy submission on 9th August 2016 (Tuesday) in my office by 4 pm.
o For final report: Softcopy is to be mailed on 26th September 2016 (Monday) by 3 p.m at Hardcopy submission on 26ty September 2016 (Monday) in my office by 4
o Late submissions will not be accepted.
No queries regarding the project will be entertained after 2nd August 2016 (Tuesday) 5 p.m. for interim report and
after 19th September 2016 (Monday) 5 p.m. for final report. Every query after the given deadline will lead to
deduction of marks.
The group is not required to put the project in a file or spiral-bind it. Just staple/clip and submit it. Even color printout
is optional.
Project presentations will be conducted in the CB sessions indicated in the course handout. Further details regarding
the parameters for evaluation of the presentations will be conveyed in due course of time.

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