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Communicative Expressions
Agreeing and Disagreeing Expressions
Statements for simple agreement
1. I agree.
2. I really agree with you.
3. I think you are right.
4. I couldnt agree with you more.
5. You said it.
6. Cant say I dont agree.
7. Im with you on this.
8. I partly agree
9. I agree on this but not that.
10. Its partly true.

Statements for Accepting/Declining/Expressing acceptance

I accept your point.

Please accept this on our behalf.

Sorry, I cant accept this.

Im 100% with you on this!

Great idea.

Ill take it.

Sorry, I cant take it.

Accept my apology.

Statements for Simple disagreement or refusal

I disagree with you.

Everyone has their own opinion, right?

I think youre wrong on this.

Im sorry but I have to refuse your request.

Youre wrong.

No way!

Youve got to be kidding!

How can you even say that?

Where is your logic?

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Statements for Strong disagreement

I completely disagree with you.

You are very wrong to say that.

I totally disagree with you.

I cant find myself to agree with you.

Youre dead wrong.

Youre way to wrong.(stress on way)

Statements for Apologizing- ways to say you are sorry

I am so sorry for the confusion
I am sorry for what happened that day/ today/two weeks ago
I am sorry that was my mistake
Sorry for the delay, will complete it as soon as possible
I sincerely apologize for the confusion caused
Sorry for being late forparty/dinner/movie
I cant imagine I did that.. Sorry for all the trouble

Statements for interrupting someone

Sorry but my intension is not to interrupt but..
Excuse me
Im sorry, but
I just want to say
May I interrupt here?
Do you mind if I say something?
Can I say something?...I wanted to put a point across that..

Statements for talking about self

there are certain topics that are polite to discuss when getting to know someone. Here are some of them:
Talking about your background

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Though I live in Hyderabad I am originally from.

I was (born and) brought up in

I come from a (sporty/musical)/ (an army) family.

My proudest moment was when I had.

Ive always dreamt of ing/ wanted to +verb

Statements for Describing your language ability


Im fluent in Punjabi.

I speak Italian reasonably well.

I speak Bengali but it is a bit rusty.

I know a few words of Telgu.

I wish I could speak Spanish.

Statements for with like, such as, and that sort of thing

I like music such as opera, choral music, and classical music.

I really love modern music like house, rap, reggae, and hip hop.

After one or two examples, we can use an expression meaning et -cetera.


Im fond of salsa, and that sort of thing.

I like kathak, classical rock, and that sort of thing.

Showing a lot of interest



(Thats) interesting!

(Thats) fantastic

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Goodbye Expressions
There are many ways of saying good-bye, just as there are many of saying hello, and it is important to use
an expression of the appropriate tone and register. In the end, its all up to your judgment but remember that
using a very formal expression with someone who is your friend, as it may sound sarcastic.
Simple good-byes (Formal)


Stay in touch.

It was nice meeting you.

I hope to see you soon.

Simple good-byes (Informal)


See you.

Talk to you later.

Catch up with you later.

Nice seeing you.

Leaving a place (Formal)

I have to leave here by noon.

Is it okay if we leave your home at 9pm?

What do you say we leave work a little earlier today?

Would you mind if I leave the dinner before it ends?

I need to depart for the airport in one hour.

Leaving a place (Informal)

I got to go now.

Ill be leaving from the office in 20 minutes.

How about we jet off to the shops now?

Im afraid I have to head off now.

Lets get off work early.

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Greetings Expressions
There are many ways of greeting people, both formal and informal. The speakers task is to choose the
appropriate one for the situation. It is also useful to know lots of different ones so as to not repeat yourself
when you meet a number of people at the same time. As with any other aspect, you need to be careful about
using informal expressions with people who you do not know well or whose rank or status is higher than

General greetings (Formal)

1. Hello!
2. How are you?
3. How are you doing?
4. How is everything?
5. Hows everything going?
6. How have you been keeping?
7. I trust that everything is well.
General greetings (Informal)
8. Hi.
9. Whats up?
10. Good to see you.
11. How are things (with you)?
12. Hows it going?
13. Hows life been treating you?
Greeting a person you havent seen for a long time (Formal)
14. It has been a long time.
15. Its been too long.
16. What have you been up to all these years?
17. Its always a pleasure to see you.
18. How long has it been?
19. Im so happy to see you again.

Greeting a person you havent seen for a long time (Informal)

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How come I never see you?

Its been such a long time.

Long time no see.

Where have you been hiding?

Its been ages since we last met.

Interrupting someone- Learn how to politely interrupt

When you want to stop someone interrupting, dont pause for too long, dont lower your voice, and (if you
want) you can refuse to be interrupted.

How to interrupt


Excuse me

Im sorry, but

I just want to say

May I interrupt here?

Do you mind if I say something?

Paraphrasing - Trying to express in your own words

Paraphrasing means repeating things in a different way. You use the technique to:

check that you have understood what someone means.

emphasize a point, or make sure that your meaning is clear. This is useful when speaking to people
whose first language is not English.

So you mean.

What you mean is

What youre saying is

So what you mean to say is

Let me get this clear

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Let me get this straight,

Permission - Asking for permission

There are many ways of requesting permission in English. However, knowing when to use the right request
formula or structure is a bit tricky. This can be determined by asking yourself these questions:
Does the other person have higher status than you? (e.g. more authority or older)?
Is the other person a stranger, an acquaintance, a colleague, a friend or a relative? (You dont need polite
formulas with people you know well it sounds sarcastic.)
Is your request going to cause the other person trouble or extra work? Is the other person in a good mood or
a bad mood?

Could I use your phone?

Might I possibly use your phone?
Sorry to trouble you, but do you mind if I use your phone?
Would you mind if I used your phone?
May I use your phone?
Can I use your phone?
I wonder if I could use your phone

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Phone expressions
Phone greetings

Identifying the listener

Is that Shivani Singh?
Could I speak Shivani Singh, please?

Is that Bruno? Are you Bruno?

Is that you, Bruno?

Saying who you are

(Yes,) speaking.

Yes (it is).

Introducing yourself

My name is Ruchi Bhatia. (Formal)

Its Ruchi. Im Ruchi. (Informal)

This is Elena (Formal)

Here is Elena. (Informal)

Asking people to speak slowly/speak up

Sorry, could you speak slowly, please?

Could you speak up, please?

Yes, sure. (Formal)

Yes, of course (Informal)

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Ending a phone conversation

When you phone for information, you can often end with phrases like this:

OK, I think thats everything I need. (Informal)

OK, I think Ive got all the details (Formal)

Thanks. Youve been very helpful. (Formal)

Thanks very much for your help. (Informal)

Bye bye. (Informal)

Goodbye. (Formal)

Sentence Completion:
Directions: Choose the best option to complete each sentence.

1) She had _______ so much this year

A. went
B. studied
C. cried
D. talked

2) They _______ a new Iron table

A. sang
B. learned
C. was
D. bought

3) Melvin _______ to Goa yesterday.

A. read
B. ate
C. talked
D. went

4) Yesterday, Suresh _______ all my

A. bought
B. took
C. learned
D. ate

5) Last week, Sam _______ me a lot.

6) Casey _______ a dog when he was a

little boy.

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A. was
B. helped
C. swam
D. wrote

A. ate
B. ran
C. learned
D. had

7) I _______ to go to the beach


8) Rams Cow _______ away last month.

A. had
B. studied
C. talked
D. ran

A. was
B. wrote
C. wanted
D. listened
9) It _______ a lot during last weeks

10) Yesterday, William _______ to his

mother over the telephone.

A. rained
B. talked
C. was
D. had

A. was
B. had
C. talked
D. spoke

Answer :
1 Studied
2 Bought
3 Went
4 Ate
5 Helped
6 Had
7 Wanted
8 Ran
9 Rained
10 Spoke

Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

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1) My Dog _______ only eats Pedigree.

2) Mrs. Kim _______ a lot of jewelry.

A. pushes

A. wears

B. talks

B. cooks

C. drives

C. watches

D. eats

D. writes

3) Pooja _______ English.

4) Shaleen _______ a watch as a wedding

from you.

A. buy
B. bake

A. wants

C. listen

B. is

D. speaks

C. feels
D. sings

5) Danny _______ real well.

6) You & Sam_______ my only friends.

A. writes

A. have

B. plays

B. are

C. is

C. eat

D. cooks

D. speak

7) My father _______ new clothes every


8) Sheela _______ every body well enough

to ask for help.

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A. buys

A. buys

B. thinks

B. hears

C. reads

C. knows

D. has

D. sleeps

9) Monica _______ in an apartment.

10) Mr. Sharma _______ amazing poems.

A. wants

A. listens

B. has

B. writes

C. sells

C. bakes

D. lives

D. is

Answers :

5. writes
6. are
7. buys
8. knows
9. lives
10. writes

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Directions:: Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

1) Hina and Chotu _______ best friends.

2) Bharat _______ awkward talking to new


A. are
A. feels

B. buy

B. watches

C. drive

C. wears

D. eat

D. writes

3) He and I _______ to the park.

4) My father _______ dinner.

A. speak

A. feels

B. play

B. is

C. listen

C. cooks

D. go

D. sings

5) You _______ French every day.

6) Samantha _______ French.

A. know

A. has

B. sleep

B. eats

C. are

C. wants

D. study

D. speaks

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7) Mom and Dad _______ me a present on

my birthday.

8) Raman _______ his bike to school.

A. buys
A. have

B. rides

B. think

C. runs

C. are

D. learns

D. give

9) Priya _______ from India.

10) I _______ to eat cupcakes.

A. sleeps

A. listen

B. has

B. like

C. is

C. run

D. lives

D. study

Answers :
1. are
3. go
4. cooks.
5. study
6. speaks
7. give
8. rides
9. is
10. run

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Directions: Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

1) Right now, Priya _______ dinner.

2) Right now, Maya _______ on the phone.

A. is talking

A. is talking

B. is cooking

B. is wearing

C. is helping

C. is cooking

D. is doing

D. is doing

3) Gaurav _______ the laundry right now.

4) Shweta _______ me with my homework

right now.

A. is going
A. is thinking

B. is talking

B. is helping

C. is doing

C. is cooking

D. is being

D. is fighting

5) Right now, I _______ how to drive.

6) Right now, Dad _______ a movie.

A. am being

A. is watching

B. am painting

B. is eating

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C. am learning

C. is helping

D. am watching

D. is speaking

7) Harry _______ about the movie right now.

8) Mary _______ a book for me

A. is buying

A. is drawing

B. is eating

B. is thinking

C. is learning

C. is running

D. is traveling

D. is giving

9) Right now, she _______ to all her friends .

10) Srini & Sam _______ English.

A. is sleeping

A. are listening

B. is talking

B. are studying

C. is raining

C. are watching

D. is studying

D. are eating

Answer :
1 is cooking
2 is talking
3 is doing
4 is helping
5 am learning
6 is watching
7 is thinking
8 is buying
9 is talking
10 are studying

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Directions: Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

1) James _______ right now. He wants to pass

in his exams .

2) Lavanya _______ dinner for her parents

right now.

A. is making

A. is studying

B. is teaching

B. is writing

C. is studying

C. is cooking

D. is doing

D. is singing

3) Right now, Aunt Lata _______ a new game.

4) Teresa and Jon _______ soccer right now.

A. is reading

A. are talking

B. is talking

B. are writing

C. is playing

C. are playing

D. is cooking

D. are making

5) Right now, Tanushree _______ a new car.

6) Right now, Natasha and I _______. The

water is cold in here.

A. is running
A. are running

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B. is sleeping

B. are studying

C. is buying

C. are helping

D. is watching

D. are swimming

7) You _______ English now.

8) Tushar and I _______ to a party on Friday


A. are drawing
A. are buying

B. are practicing

B. are eating

C. are eating

C. are going

D. are having

D. are having

9) The baby _______ right now. Dont wake

him up!

10) Right now, Akshay _______ to his favorite

band .

A. is sleeping

A. is listening

B. is walking

B. is playing

C. is snowing

C. is being

D. is studying

D. is raining

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1. is studying
2. is cooking
3. is playing
4. are playing
5. is buying
6. are swimming
7. are practicing
8. are going
9. is sleeping
10. is listening

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