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783 F.

2d 38

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellant-CrossAppellee,

Ronald G. CHEESEMAN, John LoFranco, Martin Pulver,
Deitz, and James Lee Farrigan,
Richard D. Cirzeveto, Defendant-Appellee.
Nos. 624, 637, 753, 773, 774, 775 and 925, Dockets 85-1405,
-1406, -1407, -1414, -1415, -1416, -1417.

United States Court of Appeals,

Second Circuit.
Argued Nov. 21, 1985.
Finally Submitted Jan. 3, 1986.
Decided Feb. 5, 1986.

Gregory A. West, Sp. Atty., Dept. of Justice, Organized Crime &

Racketeering Sec., Syracuse, N.Y. (Frederick J. Scullin, Jr., U.S. Atty.,
Syracuse, N.Y., Gary L. Sharpe, Asst. U.S. Atty., Binghamton, N.Y., on
briefs), for plaintiff-appellant-cross-appellee.
Vincent P. Accardi, Binghamton, N.Y., for defendant-appellee-crossappellant Cheeseman.
Mark B. Harris, Troy, N.Y., for defendant-appellee-cross-appellant
John J. Brunetti, Syracuse, N.Y. (Edward Z. Menkin, Syracuse, N.Y., on
briefs), for defendants-appellees-cross-appellants Pulver and Farrigan.
Richard C. Kram, Syracuse, N.Y., for defendant-appellee-cross-appellant
(Remo A. Allio, Endicott, N.Y., submitted briefs for defendant-appellee

JON O. NEWMAN, Circuit Judge:

This appeal and the cross-appeals from orders affecting pretrial detention
endeavor to present constitutional issues concerning the Bail Reform Act of
1984, 18 U.S.C.A. Secs. 3141-3156 (West 1985). The United States appeals
from orders of the District Court for the Northern District of New York
(Howard G. Munson, Chief Judge) directing the release of six indicted
defendants on conditions to be determined by a magistrate. Five defendants
cross-appeal, challenging the validity of their initial confinement without bail
and the denial of reconsideration. For reasons that follow, we conclude that we
lack appellate jurisdiction.

Since we consider only the question of appealability at this stage of the

litigation, we need detail only the pertinent procedural facts. The defendants-Ronald Cheeseman, John LoFranco, Richard Cirzeveto, Martin Pulver, Orville
Deitz, and James Lee Farrigan--were arrested on May 2, 1985. They have all
been in custody since that date. They and other alleged members or associates
of the Mid-State Chapter of the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club were charged
with conspiring to distribute narcotics, in violation of 21 U.S.C. Sec. 846
(1982). At their initial appearances before a United States Magistrate, the
Government petitioned for pretrial detention, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Sec.
3142(f). After hearings the Magistrate ordered detention.

On May 10, the defendants were indicted. Thereafter they sought review of the
detention orders in the District Court. On July 12, Chief Judge Munson
affirmed the detention orders. On August 2 the grand jury returned a
superseding indictment. At their arraignment on the superseding indictment, the
defendants requested reconsideration of the Magistrate's detention orders. The
Magistrate denied reconsideration on September 5. On September 26,
defendants sought review in the District Court of the Magistrate's denial of
reconsideration. On October 25, Chief Judge Munson issued the decision, 620
F.Supp. 1324, and accompanying orders that are the subject of the pending
appeal and the cross-appeals.1

The District Judge ruled that two circumstances arising since his July 12
affirmance of the detention orders justified release of the appellants. The first

was the passage of time--more than three months since he had affirmed the
detention orders and nearly six months since detention had begun. The second
was his ruling on September 26 that the case was "complex" within the
meaning of the Speedy Trial Act, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3161(h)(8)(B)(ii) and
therefore justified an "ends of justice" continuance, id. Sec. 3161(h)(8)(A),
which would be excluded from the normal 70-day time limit on commencing
trial after indictment, id. Sec. 3161(c)(1). Chief Judge Munson estimated that
trial would not commence until the middle of February 1986, by which time
detention will have lasted nine and one-half months. Relying on Chief Judge
Weinstein's decision in the Eastern District in United States v. Colombo, 616
F.Supp. 780 (E.D.N.Y.1985), which we reversed on November 19, 1985, 777
F.2d 96, Chief Judge Munson concluded that pretrial detention had become
unconstitutional by the date of his ruling (October 25). In six separate orders he
ordered the release of each defendant on conditions to be determined by the
Magistrate. The Government timely appealed from these orders and also
obtained from this Court a stay pending disposition of the appeal, which was

The defendants (except Cirzeveto) cross-appealed from the October 25 orders,

apparently to challenge the lawfulness of the detention orders and the denial of
reconsideration. In this Court, the defendants expressed a preference to let their
cross-appeals be considered after consideration of the Government's appeal. We
scheduled both the appeal and the cross-appeals for argument on the same date
but afforded the defendants additional time to brief their cross-appeals and also
allowed the Government time to file a responsive brief.


The defendants contend that the Government's appeal should be dismissed for
lack of an appealable order. They argue that Chief Judge Munson's orders of
October 25 are not "release orders" within the meaning of the statutory
provisions governing bail appeals and granting the Government a right to
appeal. 18 U.S.C. Secs. 3145(c), 3731. Surprisingly, the Government has not
deigned to respond to this contention.

The Bail Reform Act states that an appeal from "a release or detention order" is
governed by the provisions of 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1291 and 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3731. 18
U.S.C. Sec. 3145(c). Section 3731 states that the Government may appeal from
"a decision or order, entered by a district court of the United States, granting
the release of a person charged with ... an offense." The directive language in
each of the orders entered by Chief Judge Munson states that "the matter is
remanded to Magistrate Smith with instructions to release the defendant with

conditions that Magistrate Smith finds proper."


We agree with the defendants that, though the District Court's orders obviously
contemplate release and would have led to orders for release had they not been
stayed, they are not themselves "release orders." They do not direct release;
they remand for determination of the conditions under which each of the
defendants is to be released. Had these orders been presented to defendants'
custodian, they would not have sufficed to procure defendants' liberty since
they do not contain either an unqualified direction for release or a qualified
direction to release upon satisfaction of specified conditions of bail. In this
respect, the orders differ from the order entered by Chief Judge Weinstein in
United States v. Colombo, supra, which set the conditions for release and
ordered release subject to the meeting of those conditions. The definiteness of
that order permitted it to be appealed. By contrast, the remand provisions of
Chief Judge Munson's orders deprive them of the finality necessary to qualify
them as "release orders" within the meaning of section 3145(c) or section 3731.
The remand provisions also render the orders non-final and hence not
appealable under either 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1291 or the collateral order doctrine.

Had this Court not stayed Chief Judge Munson's remand orders, the appropriate
course for the Government would have been to await the setting of release
conditions and the issuance of release orders by the Magistrate,2 and then
pursue its appellate rights, initially to the District Judge, pursuant to 18 U.S.C.
Sec. 3145(a), and thereafter to this Court, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Secs. 3145(c),


Though the defendants contend, correctly in our view, that the October 25
orders are not sufficiently final to permit our exercise of jurisdiction over the
Government's appeal, they apparently think those orders are nonetheless able to
support jurisdiction over their cross-appeals. Or it may be that the defendants
have simply filed protective cross-appeals to bring their claims to our attention
in the event we disagreed with their jurisdictional objection to the
Government's appeal. Whatever their thinking on this point, we see no basis for
entertaining the cross-appeals until a final order has been entered in the District
Court. We recognize the possibility that a district court could simultaneously
enter a non-final order that the Government might prematurely seek to appeal
and also a final order that a defendant is entitled to appeal. However, we see
nothing in the October 25 orders that provides the basis for a cross-appeal.
Those orders direct only a remand to the Magistrate to set conditions for
release. They do not take any final action against the defendants.


The defendants precipitated the October 25 orders by making two claims to

Chief Judge Munson. First, they argued that the length of their pretrial
confinement exceeded the limitations of due process. On that claim they have
prevailed by securing a remand order for the setting of conditions for their
release. That order is neither final nor adverse. Second, they argued that the
Magistrate erred in denying reconsideration of the initial orders of detention.
The October 25 orders make no ruling with respect to this claim, the District
Judge evidently believing that his remand order mooted any complaint about
the Magistrate's denial of reconsideration. Had Chief Judge Munson not agreed
with defendants' first contention, he would undoubtedly have ruled on their
second contention, and an affirmance of the Magistrate's denial of
reconsideration would have enabled the defendants to seek review of that
affirmance. That opportunity may still arise if the District Judge, after our
dismissal of the appeal and the cross-appeal, revises his remand orders in light
of our decision in United States v. Colombo, supra. If that reconsideration
results in rejection of the due process claim based on length of confinement, we
would expect the District Judge then to adjudicate defendants' claim that they
were improperly denied reconsideration of the detention orders. An adverse
ruling on that contention would lead to continued detention and provide the
basis for an appeal raising at least some of the issues now tendered.

The briefs in support of the cross-appeals endeavor to raise issues concerning

the lawfulness of the Magistrate's original decisions to issue detention orders,
decisions that were affirmed by the District Judge on July 12. Nothing in the
October 25 orders purports to adjudicate the correctness of the original
detention orders. Moreover, these orders were affirmed by Chief Judge Munson
on July 12, and no appeal from that ruling was taken within the ten-day time
limit for appealing from a judgment or an order in a criminal case,
Fed.R.App.P. 4(b). See United States v. Golding, 739 F.2d 183 (5th Cir.1984)
(applying Fed.R.App.P. 4(b) to appeal of detention order).


To minimize the delay regrettably necessitated by our adherence to the

requirements of appellate jurisdiction we will direct that any subsequent appeal
by the defendants or by the Government concerning pretrial detention be
referred to this panel, if practicable, and submitted on the briefs and appendices
already filed, supplemented only with additional papers (which may be
typewritten) directed to issues arising as a result of rulings by either the District
Judge or the Magistrate subsequent to our dismissal of the pending appeal and
cross-appeals. We also direct that the stay of the October 25 orders, previously
entered by a panel of this Court, be vacated, without prejudice to a prompt
request for reinstatement in the event that a final order directing release is


Appeal and cross-appeals dismissed for lack of appellate jurisdiction. Stay

vacated without prejudice. The mandate shall issue forthwith. No costs.

The order with respect to James Lee Farrigan was entered October 30, 1985;
620 F.Supp. 1327, however, for convenience we will refer to all six orders as
the orders of October 25

The form for an "Order Setting Conditions of Release," which the Magistrate
would have had available for use had the October 25 remand orders not been
appealed and stayed, includes alternative directions to the United States
Marshal either to order the defendant released or to keep the defendants in
custody until the conditions for release have been satisfied. Form AO 199C

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