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Writing is the one of the most universal ways of running away with our imagination, recreating
life and the dreams we hold so close to our hearts. For others it is the tool that forges new
synergies and brings hope, for some it is a gateway to endless possibilities, whilst for others it is
simply a way of expressing ones self and letting the voice within to be heard.

We have nothing to fear, except fear itself. Franklin D Roosevelt, the fifth president of the
United States of America. Although he was paralysed from the waist down, he never gave up his
dream and vision for his country. He led his great country through the great depression and the
Second World War.
There is a great lesson that is learnt from his life. In life we shouldnt be limited by physical
disabilities but we should look beyond it and fulfil our dreams. Someone once said where there
is a will there is hope. Let us strive to make a difference in our life and the lives of others. Let
us not be limited by our short sightedness or anything but always believe in

ourselves and in our abilities. How we see ourselves and that self-belief is important in life.
Only when you believe in yourself and your abilities can you step towards fulfilling that dream
of yours.
God created us the way we are for a reason, believe me there is no mistake about it or better still
trust in God because he numbered the very hairs in your head. He breathed His life into you. So
walk with your head held up high because you have the Godly life in you.


We are Africans, proud sons and daughters of great warriors who fought hard for our freedom.
Great men like Nelson Madiba Mandela, Nkwameh Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta and many
countless heroes and heroines all fought for a better Africa, free and united. But the question is,
are we free at all?
Not when we are fighting amongst ourselves, committing atrocious crimes against humanity. Not
when we are neck lacing our fellow brothers and sisters with tires and burning them alive. Why
do we discriminate among ourselves? Black hating on black, brother against brother, is this
freedom at all?
Not when we are enslaved by this hate we have among ourselves. We are all Africans, we all
want to be better. Regardless of what nationality you hold we are one. This violence and hurt
among ourselves is what is destroying us and the future of this great continent. Why fight when
we can work together for a better and united Africa. We are possibly the richest continent in
terms of natural resources in the entire world yet we are one of the poorest and most backward
continent. We need to change our mentality as Africans and eradicate this hate and violence
among ourselves xenophobia must stop.
We might speak different languages, have different cultures and religions but in the end we are
all Africans. I believe in a more developed, better and more united Africa. I believe in each and
every person in this continent. We, together have the ability to change our continent for the better
And we all can play a part in it in whatever way and means we can. The future is in our hands
and we can choose to begin now towards a better tomorrow.

Wrapped around in the beautiful flag of his beloved country, he weeps for his once prosperous
nation. What had gone wrong with the great nation of old which has become nothing but a mere
shadow of its former glory.
Men and women toil day in and out to survive through the harsh times, a country they once loved
and cherished has turned on them. Their cries for change are left unheard and when they rise to
share their views in peace they crackdown on them with force. Intimidation is the order of the
day and they are labelled as unruly and a menace to society when all they want is to be heard.
He weeps for the thousands of his fellow brothers and sisters who are scattered all around the
globe longing to come back home but when they look from a distance they realize there is
nothing to come back to yet. Theyd rather endure the suffering and mockery in a foreign land,
some live in abject poverty yet they say living like this is better than coming back home.
When will it all end he asks, there are no jobs in the land and every year optimistic young men
and women flock out from the universities only to become airtime sellers and vendors. His cries
mirror the cry of every man and woman of this nation, tired and frustrated of the never changing
situation. The look on a mothers face when she cannot feed her child or the loss of pride in man
when he cannot provide for his family-We cry for our nation and the future generations. Where
are the million jobs that we were promised? When he rises up and asks questions he is labelled as
a traitor, a puppet pushing the agenda of the West. Democracy is nothing but a fantasy in their
lives, there is no freedom at all, peaceful demonstrations are met with brutality in the hands of
our so called protectors. For how long will this go on?
Yes he weeps for this beautiful country, his beloved home and his patriotism is unquestionable.
His only crime was asking questions and simply crying out to be heard, crying out for change.

The story behind the story.

I remember the parable of the Good Samaritan, its a story that we were familiar with at primary
school. It teaches us that we should love our enemies and show kindness to them. Just as I went
over it again, I somewhat found a different perspective regarding the parable.
The part that caught my attention was that which said a man was going down from Jerusalem
to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of the robbers. They stripped him off his clothes, beat him
and went away, leaving him half-dead
I believe that being born again, doesnt mean that things will work out for the good, without
any struggle or tribulations. The devil will seek to derail you from receiving your breakthrough
or your blessings in Christ Jesus. Like the robbers, the devil will attack you and he will devise
plans to stop you, for he rejoices in your suffering. The devil may put sickness, failure,
stagnation and all other bad things that will seek to take away your joy and blessing that the
Lord has for you.
The devil may have knocked you down to the point that you half dead. Things may be looking
bad and there may seem like there is no way through it. It may look like you defeated but I want
you to know that being half dead, it doesnt mean you are dead, it doesnt mean you are totally
out. Being half dead means that you can still rise again, it means that you can pull through, out
of that difficult or seemingly impossible situation. This is the time you stand boldly and declare
that no weapon of the enemy formed against you will ever prosper. Whatever the enemy has put
in your life is not permanent, the word of the Lord says weeping may last for a night but joy
cometh in the morning. Jehovah will see you through and out of that situation. Remember that
in Psalms 91:15 God says you will call upon me and I will answer you, I will be with you in
trouble, I will deliver you and honour you. With long life will I satisfy you and show you my
salvation. God is always with us in good times and in bad times, we just have to trust in Him.
Sickness will never defeat you for his name is Jehovah Raffa. He is our healer. When you lack
remember He is Jehovah Jaireh, our provider. He will provide for you with all that your heart
desires. Trust in Him always. Our God is a faithful God, He will do what He says He will do in
our lives for He is not a man that he should lie. Whatever God sayeth shall come to pass. Take
heart and remember that God is in control.

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