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A study on stress management and its effects on customer service delivery in

police force with special reference to Calicut city, Kerala

*Varsha Suresh * Baby Abraham

Hence, he was put under suspension for the

alleged act. This incident shows that the
intensity level of stress related problems
associated with police force.

In this study the researchers has been

compiled to provide information about work
related stress in police force with special
reference to police officers in Calicut city,
Kerala and how it effects on service delivery
towards customers. Police job need to give
much more importance to health than any
other job. Physical fitness has a major role
among police officers. Hence, if officers are
stressed they may lose their efficiency to
work and minimize productivity. Correlation
analysis is carried out and a relationship is
established between the effect of stress and
causes for the same. A few suggestions and
recommendations are provided here for
managing those stresses among police
officers. This information could be helpful
for people who want to learn how to manage
stress in a more constructive, proactive way
in law enforcement organizations.
Key Words: Stress Management, Service
Delivery, Correlation Analysis.
In a shocking incident at Calicut, a 41-yearold police officer has allegedly committed
suicide after being put on suspension over
circulating pictures on WhatsApp. The
officer had earlier explained to authorities
that he sent the obscene picture accidentally,
but the seniors felt that he should have been
more careful as he himself was an officer.

MBA Student , Vedavyasa Institute of Technology, Malappuram 673632
Assistant Professor,Farook Institute of Management Studies,Calicut,673632

INTRODUCTION: Today, workplace

stress is becoming a major issue of
increasing concern to employees and
organizations. It has become a part of life
for employees, as life today has become so
complex at home as well as outside that it is
impossible to avoid stress. Experts opine
that stress is the main cause for all the
problems of the modern world and that it
affects both the individual and the
organization health. Stress has been defined
by many in different ways, as it takes
different forms depending on the situation.
According to Douglas (1980), stress is any
action or situation that places special
physical or psychological demands upon a
person. According to Van Fleet (1988),
stress is caused when a person is subjected
to unusual situations or demands that are
difficult to handle or extreme expectations
or pressures. Occupational stress can be
defined as the experience of unpleasant,
negative emotions such as tensions, anxiety,
frustration, anger and depression resulting
from aspects of work. A stressful body
becomes burdensome to the employee and
he becomes useless to the organization.
They are always restless and become angry
on the slightest pressure at work .When they
develop sleeplessness and become
worrisome; their working capacities are
reduced significantly.

excessive pollution, living in unsafe places,

and transportation hazards. The organization
should take appropriate measures to solve all
the problems which lead to organizational
stress. It should also have a well defined
stress management policy and strategy to
manage work place stress effectively.
The direct impact of stress is on the mind.
People feel unhappy and are dissatisfied.
Mental disorders lead to body
disequilibrium. The indirect cost of stress in
the organization is reduced productivity, low
morale, less innovation, lower customer
service, increased number of errors, high
staff turnover, etc. Hence, stress
management is an essential and important
tool for achieving bottom line growth. The
employer or top level management must
organize stress management programs at
workplace which deal with employees
physical and mental wellbeing.
Management of stress is very essential in
police force, because not only does it affect
the individual and the organization but also
the society at large. It is well known that no
Police Service can operate efficiently
without the confidence and the respect of the
general public. It is also common belief that
much of the success of a Police Service
depends mostly on the degree of cooperation which exists between the law abiding public and their Police. The police
belong to the people and the people belong
to the police- Todor Zhivkov

Organizational stress occurs mainly due to

work place problems, such as excessive
demands and pressure, role conflict, over
time, team conflict etc. Individual and
family problems also contribute to
organizational stress. All employees should
balance their time between work and home
in an effective manner. Especially, women
employees are facing a lot of difficulties in
balancing their work and home.
Organizational stress is also caused by
individual problems such as financial
problems, health problems, allergies due to


as well as general public. The study is

concentrated among the police stations of
Town circle, Kasaba circle and Nadkkavu
circle. These stations were selected for the
study because they are the heavy stations
under the Calicut city police which play a
major part in dealing with criminal justice
system and the law enforcement. These
police stations are in forefront of community
policing and students police cadets training.

To find the reasons of stress among

police force.

To determine how stress affects an

employee and his/her customer
service delivery in police force.

To analyze the importance of stress

management in police force.

To identify the effects of stress on

job satisfaction.


To know the superior subordinate

relationship in police force.

The literature review in this study is a

description of the literature relevant to the
importance of problems related to stress in
police personnel and other organizations. It
gives an overview of what has been said,
what are the prevailing facts related to it.
This gives a background idea of concepts
relating to problems of police personnels
and factors related to it.


The police personnel have got a tough task
to deal with criminal justice system and law
enforcement. In terms of law enforcement,
the police officer has got a great
responsibility and work to be done. This
keeps an abrupt situation for them in their
official duties and it contributes constraints
to their psycho-social wellbeing. Due to this
situation, the police personnels undergo a
large amount of stress in their personal and
professional life. And it may also affect the
service delivery towards public from those
personnels. Some officers who cannot cope
with stress turn to alcohol and other vices
that can lead to family conflict; some may
not concentrate on their duty itself.
Therefore a study on stress management in
police force and its after effects on
customers service delivery is found

A Literature review on Examining the

effects of coping and social support on
work and life stress among police officers,
Prepared by; George T Patterson (1997):
This study examined the effects of coping
and social support on psychological distress
in response to stressful work and life events
among police officers. As part of a larger
study investigating stress and coping, a
sample of 233 police officers employed
within a mid-sized northeastern law
enforcement organization volunteered for
this study. The results of hierarchical
multiple regression analysis showed that the
main effect of life events was related to
higher distress. Problem-focused coping
resulted in a reverse buffering effect; the
relationship between work events and
distress was associated with higher distress.
Seeking social support buffered the
relationship between work events and
distress, and emotion-focused coping

Here, the researchers try to examine the

types of job stress police officers perceive
and how it affects on the police organization

buffered the relationship between life events

and distress. The implications for
developing and implementing stress
management programs for police officers
are discussed.
A Literature Review on workplace stress in
nursing, Prepared by; Andrew McVicar
BSc PhD (1997).
Workload, leadership/management style,
professional conflict and emotional cost of
caring have been the main sources of
distress for nurses for many years, but there
is disagreement as to the magnitude of their
impact. Lack of reward and shift working
may also now be displacing some of the
other issues in order of ranking.
Organizational interventions are targeted at
most but not all of these sources and their
effectiveness is likely to be limited, at least
in the short to medium term. Individuals
must be supported better, but this is hindered
by lack of understanding of how sources of
stress vary between different practice areas,
lack of predictive power of assessment tools,
and a lack of understanding of how personal
and workplace factors interact Stress
intervention measures should focus on stress
prevention for individuals as well as tackling
organizational issues. Achieving this will
require further comparative studies, and new
tools to evaluate the intensity of individual

A Literature Review on Occupational stress

management: Prepared by; Murphy,
Lawrence R (2008).
Reviews published and unpublished studies
evaluating the merits of occupational stress
management. Worksite stress management
studies are compared along dimensions of
type of work group, program orientation and
format, nonspecific effects, and long-term
maintenance of skills and benefits. Methods
used in these studies include muscle
relaxation, biofeedback, meditation, and
cognitive restructuring/behavioral skills
training. Findings indicate that these
programs offer promise for helping workers
cope with stress and exert greater control
over physiological and psychological
systems that are reactive to stressors.
Specific benefits have included reductions in
tension, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and
somatic complaints. Advantages and
potential disadvantages of worksite stress
management programs are described.

burnout among COs are discussed. It is

concluded that particularly the latter (i.e.,
improving human resources management,
professionalization of the CO's job, and
improvement of the social work
environment) seems to be a promising
avenue for reducing job stress and burnout
in correctional institutions.
A Research Design is the arrangement of
conditions for collection and analysis of data
in a manner that aims to combine relevance
to the research purpose with economy in
The design of the present study is
Descriptive Research Design. In descriptive
research, researcher must be able to define
clearly what he wants to measure and must
find adequate methods for measuring it
along with clear cut definition of population.
It may direct towards discovering what is
happening and what can be done about, as
the study mainly consist of studying the
reasons of stress, importance of stress
management and its effects on customer
service delivery with special reference to
Calicut City, Kerala.

Literatures review on job stress and

burnout among correctional officers,
Prepared by, Wilmar B. Schaufeli, Maria
C. W. Peeters (2000):
This literature review presents an overview
of occupational stress and burnout in
correctional institutions, based on 43
investigations from 9 countries. First, the
prevalence of various stresses reactions
among correctional officers (COs) is
discussed: turnover and absenteeism rates,
psychosomatic diseases, and levels of job
dissatisfaction and burnout. Next, empirical
evidence is summarized for the existence of
10 specific stressors in the CO's job. It
appears that the most notable stressors for
COs are role problems, work overload,
demanding social contacts (with prisoners,
colleagues, and supervisors), and poor social
status. Finally, based on 21 articles,
individual-oriented and organizationoriented approaches to reduce job stress and


Primary Data are measurements observed
and recorded as part a study to collect
original data i.e., to conduct first hand
investigation. Here the primary data is
collected by using Questionnaire contains
the questions related to reasons of stress,
symptoms of stress and its after effects. The
questionnaire is in the form that the
respondents given a limited number of
alternative responses from which his/her
opinion or attitude.

When an investigator uses the data which

has already been collected by others such
data is called Secondary Data. Secondary
data is needed for the proper interpretation
of primary data. The sources of secondary
data are from organization website,
magazines, booklets and other journals.
Here the secondary data is collected through
organization websites, records available
with the personnel departments, various
magazines, journals and Internet.


The statistical tools used for analyzing the
data are MS Excel, percentage analysis, bar
charts, pie diagrams, correlation and SPSS
Involvement of Work Stress

Primary Variable (Independent
1. Employee Stress
Secondary Variable (Dependent
1. Customer service delivery
2. Super vision and pressure
3. Work life balance
4. Insecure duty environment
5. Job satisfaction

The Sampling Technique used in this

study is Non-probability random
sampling, because the population
size is well defined.

Sampling Area of study is police

stations in Calicut city area.

Samples size is the number of items

to be selected from the population to
constitute the sample for the
research. For this research Sample
size is taken as 50.

Inference: From the above analysis it can

be inferred that majority of the respondents
(around 74%) suffering high and very high

Non Co-operation from Public

Hard to Relax at Home

Inference: The above analysis shows that

Public cooperation is not an important
reason of generating stress among
respondents. Around 58 % of respondents
are opposing it.

Inference: Most of the respondents agree

that they cant get relax at home. Here 60%
are agreeing with the statement.

Fear of Superiors and Others

Obey Superiors Even Though Their
Decisions are wrong

Inference: The above analysis shows that

most of the respondents are very much fear
of their superiors and others. Here 60%are
support the statement and10% is strongly
agrees with it.

Inference: From the above analysis, 42%

agree that obeying blindly the wrong
decisions from superiors is stress factor.

Showing Anger on Public

Physical Harassments towards Public

Inference: Among the 50 respondents 52%

agree that employees showing anger on
public if they are in stress.

Inference: The above analysis indicates

that, most of the respondents showing
tendency to harass public when they are in

A recent police study found that you're

much more likely to get shot by a cop if you
-Dennis Miller


Inference: The above analysis reveals that

there is a relationship between enjoyment of
job and obeying wrong decisions. And the
rate of co-efficient of correlation is .708.
Then the null hypothesis is accepted and the
alternative hypothesis is rejected.

Relationships between Following Wrong
Orders and Job Satisfaction

Relationships between Stress and

Showing Anger on Public

H0: There is a relationship between

following wrong orders and job satisfaction
Ha: There is no relationship between
following wrong orders and job satisfaction

H0: There is a relationship between stress

and showing anger on public
Ha: There is no relationship between stress
and showing anger on public


Majority of the respondents (66%)

supported that lack of support from
superiors and peer group is a reason of

Inference: The above analysis reveals that

there is a relationship between stress and
anger on public. And the rate of co-efficient
of correlation is .708. Then the null
hypothesis is accepted and the alternative
hypothesis is rejected.

Majority if the respondents (58%) opined

that non-cooperation from public is not a
cause of stress.
Majority if the respondents (64%) agreed
that insecure duty environment is a cause of
Majority of the respondents (72%) denied
that lack of training is not a cause of stress.
They are not interested in further training
such as for knowledge updating, new
technology and equipment etc.


Personal profile
Majority of the respondents (66%) are

Assessment of symptoms of Stress

Majority of the respondents (78%)
answered that they are not enjoying the job.

Majority of the respondents (50%) have

the designation of Constables (CPO).

Majority of the respondents (50%)

answered that they are using alcohol, drugs,
and smoke to relax.

Majority of the respondents (52%) come

from the age group of below 40 years.

Majority of the respondents (74%)

answered that they cant relax even at home
also. It indicates that the work life balance
of respondents is very poor.

Majority of the respondents (58%)

having the experience between 1-10 years.
Majority of the respondents (36%) are

Majority of the respondents (66%)

answered that they frequently think to quit
job and searching another job.

Assessment of reasons of occupational


Majority of the respondents (70%)

answered that they are very much fear of
their superiors and others.

Majority of the respondents (74%)

answered that their work involve large
amount of stress.

Majority of the respondents (72%)

answered that they have got tendency to
waste or misuse govt. assets while stressed.

Majority of the respondents (70%)

supported that supervision and pressure
from superiors is reason of stress.

Majority of the respondents (58%)

answered that they are not enjoying their
family life.

Majority of the respondents (82%)

respond that political pressure is not cause
of stress.

Majority of the respondents (68%)

answered that they are obeying the
superiors orders and instructions even the
decision is wrong.

Give proper awareness to the public

regarding information about the service, and
duties of police officers.
Take adequate steps to redesign jobs,
which are taxing to employees abilities and

Assessment of the effects of stress on


Adequate role clarification to be made

whenever necessary to eliminate role

Majority of the respondents (74%)

answered that they are showing less
concentration on customers needs, if they
are stressed.

Encourage open channel of

communication to deal work related stress.

Majority of the respondents (72%)

answered that they are having tendency to
show anger on public.

Undertake stress audit at all levels in the

organization to identify stress area
improving conditions of job and alleviating
job stress.

Majority of the respondents (66%)

answered that they are having tendency to
blame innocents.

A better practice of human resource

management should be initiated and
encouraged in police force in its planning,
implementation and follow up process.

Majority of the respondents (58%)

answered that they are having tendency to
imposing unnecessary fines.


Majority of the respondents (72%)

answered that they are having tendency to
harass people.

The study concentrated on the stress

management in police force and this
research identified superior level pressure,
communication gap between personnel,
insecure duty environment, lack of time for
family are the primary causes of stress
among police personnel. Further, it
empirically investigates that stress among
police officers effect the public negatively.
The study suggests conducting regular
training, promoting best communication
network, counseling and yoga classes for
stress management of police personnel. This
research will bring in need of attention
towards stress management and coping
mechanisms to police force.

Stress is inevitable in Police department
because of their job profile and nature of
work. It is very difficult to make a police
department stress free, but few steps can be
taken to reduce stress among the employees
of police department.
Clear expectations, having a regular and
consistent reward and recognition program,
emphasizing on training and employees
development, creating a transparent and
open work culture with clear channels of
communication adds up in creating a work
environment that is secure and minimizes
stress in employees.

I'm not against the police; I'm just afraid

of them.-Alfred Hitchcock


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