Classroom Participation Policy

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Classroom Participation Policy

With this policy, your grade can be helped or hurt each and every day. You will not only need to
complete your classwork daily, but be attentive, responsible, and have a desire to succeed.
Participation will be tracked using Class Dojo see your teacher for the class code to join.
You will start off each week with a 100 (A)

You can hurt your participation grade in the following ways:

o Late to class without a pass
- 10 points (each day)
o Refusal to do assigned work
- 10 points (each day)
o Using a cell phone or music device
- 5 points (each time asked)
o Using the Internet inappropriately
- 5 points (each time asked)
o Having to be told to follow the rules
- 5 points (each time asked)
(i.e.: profanity, stop talking, roughhousing, lining up before the bell, not cleaning
area, etc)

You can improve your participation grade in the following ways:

o SWAG points (Students Who Assist Generously)
1 5 Points (variable)

At the end of each week, I will add up each plus and minus and give you a participation
grade which will count as a CLASS PARTICIPATION GRADE.
o Remember, this grade is worth 20% of your grade in this class!!!


This means that if you show up to class on time, follow the rules, and pay attention, then a
percentage of your grade will be an A! If you cannot put forth the effort to be a responsible
student, then a portion of your grade will suffer.
Your class participation grade is your own. Dont worry about other people talking or texting if
you are caught it is going to hurt YOUR grade. If you do your best, I guarantee that your grade
will reflect your effort!

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