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Teaching Philosophy

Leigh Miller

My teaching philosophy is that each and every student can learn and
it is the responsibility of society to ensure that they do. As a
teacher, it is my responsibility to determine how best students learn
and to have the skills and knowledge to meet the students needs.
My philosophy includes supporting positive and lifelong learning,
preparing students for their next step in life, and being an advocate
for students. Todays students are constantly changing. Their needs
and how prepared they are when entering the education world are
diff erent than what they were ten years ago and some even last
year. Some students come to us very prepared to be successful and
continue to develop their learning. Others are not prepared and
have no idea on what this new world involves. Regardless of how
they come to us, we need to start on their level and continue to
guide, teach, and prepare them for positive learning experiences and
their next stage in life.
Teachers must continue to improve their craft, not just in preparing
lessons, but also in how we teach these lessons and who we are
teaching them too. The world of education is changing and must
continue to change. Teachers need to stay up with these changes
and promote new changes by being lifelong learners. Teachers are
on the front lines and work with students every day, see and
experience that nothing works for all and only by continuing to learn
can they show students the importance of never stop learning, but
also by gaining new knowledge and strategies to help students be
Being a teacher is more than just presenting lessons each day.
Teachers are always thinking about how to prepare students for the
next stage, whether it is the next grade or life after graduation. It is
one of the many unwritten joys of being a teaching. In doing this, it
is important to form relationships with students and their families.
Teachers must an advocate for students and their needs.

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