Morrissey Strength Training

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Freshman Soccer

Strength Training

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Contact Coach Morrissey at

Table of Contents
Diagram of Muscle Groups....3
Introductory Information...4
Source: Rose Baker, Strength & Conditioning Coach, Washington University
Nutritional Guidelines...................6
Source: Danville (IL) High School Girls Soccer Program
Chest Exercises.....8
Shoulder Exercises.......................10
Back Exercises.............12
Quad and Glute Exercises...14
Calf Exercises....................16
Hamstring Exercises.17
Bicep Exercises......18
Tricep Exercises.....20
Exercises, descriptions, and images on pages 8-20 from
Abdominal Exercises...........22
Progress Log............24




Injury Prevention

Proper training and techniques can significantly reduce the incidence and severity of common
injuries and the weaknesses and imbalances that affect them.

Performance Enhancement

A structured and progressive program builds strength and power (the foundations for speed) and
enables better recovery and resiliency


Soccer players need aerobic fitness AND strength, speed, and power.
Soccer is a contact sport. Athletes must be able to take hits and hold off opponents on the field.
Soccer players need great single leg strength and balance for performance AND injury prevention


Movements Utilized in Soccer

Sprinting, running, change of direction, jumping, kicking, dribbling, shooting, defending, heading,
holding off opponents, tackling

Muscles to be Trained

Posterior Chain: hamstrings, glutes, lower back, calves
Anterior hip/thigh: quadriceps, hip flexors/rotators
Core: Abdominals
Upper Body: chest, shoulders, back


ACL tears
Other knee ligament/cartilage injuries
o MCL, meniscus
Ankle and foot sprains
Muscle pulls and tears
o Hamstring, quadriceps, hip flexors, groin
Lower leg syndromes
o Shin splints, compartment syndrome


1. Must focus on lower body strength and power (HAMSTRINGS)

Olympic/explosive lifts, Posterior chain exercises, squats
2. Must train for strength, mobility, AND stability in the lower body
Full range of motion, unilateral exercises, single-leg squats
3. Must include upper body strength
Pushing and pulling exercises
4. Must connect strong limbs with a strong core
Total body movements, core training, abdominal exercises
5. Should include some balance and stability work for injury prevention and muscle coordination
Unstable surfaces, single leg work, stabilizer muscle strengthening


Keys to In-Season Strength Training

Use volumes and intensities that will elicit desired training effect without excessive
soreness/muscle depletion that would affect match performance. Find a balance.
Time is scarce and valuable. So major on the majors, minor on the minors.


1 day = make it a full-body workout

o 45-60 minutes
2 days = one day upper body, one day lower body OR
one day majors, one day minors OR
two days of smaller full-body workouts
o 45 minutes each
3 days = one full-body workout, then split the other two days
o 30-45 minutes each


Freshmen: Progress to dumbbell and barbell work only once techniques and mechanics are properly
Body weight before adding weight
Sophomores: If they have a full year of regular training completed, most are ready for DB/BB work
Continue to focus on technique and range of motion before getting aggressive with weight
Avoid maximal lifts. Use repetition max (5-12 reps) to estimate what your max would be
Juniors/Seniors: Can begin to train with heavier weights as long as technique is not sacrificed


Getting in peak physical condition goes beyond the gym and into the kitchen! Soccer players must pay
special attention to their diet. Eating healthy will allow your body to (1) fuel athletic performance, (2)
improve bone and muscle health, (3) maintain energy, and (4) recover faster. Here are some tips on how
to eat healthy:

Drink lots of water and juices

Eat fruits, vegetables, salads, pasta, cereal, and bread
Eat chicken, turkey, and fish
Eat healthy snacks
o Fruit, granola bars, pretzels, crackers, graham crackers, pudding, bagels with peanut butter,
animal crackers
Eat regularly
o Eat at least THREE meals daily and snacks as needed between meals. Skipping meals should
Eat balanced meals
o Include one food from at least three different food groups at each meal. (see graphic below)
Consider a multi-vitamin with iron supplement EVERY DAY.
Calcium is very important for bone health and milk is a good source of it. Drink plenty of milk!
Achieve your ideal weight (see page 5):
o Achieving and maintaining an ideal weight is very important for all athletes. It also sets
healthy eating patterns for the rest of your lives. Athletic activity consumes many calories,
so if you are underweight, you need to increase your calorie intake. Eating regular meals
and adding frequent between-meal snacks are good ways to gain weight. If you feel you are
overweight, you may want to gradually lose weight by decreasing your intake of some snack
foods like candy, potato chips, and soda.






4 10

91 to 118 lbs.

119 to 142 lbs.

143 to 186 lbs.

4 11

94 to 123 lbs.

124 to 147 lbs.

148 to 193 lbs.

5' 0

97 to 127 lbs.

128 to 152 lbs.

153 to 199 lbs.

5' 1"

100 to 131 lbs.

132 to 157 lbs.

158 to 206 lbs.

5' 2"

104 to 135 lbs.

136 to 163 lbs.

164 to 213 lbs.

5' 3"

107 to 140 lbs.

141 to 168 lbs.

169 to 220 lbs.

5' 4"

110 to 144 lbs.

145 to 173 lbs.

174 to 227 lbs.

5' 5"

114 to 149 lbs.

150 to 179 lbs.

180 to 234 lbs.

5' 6"

118 to 154 lbs.

155 to 185 lbs.

186 to 241 lbs.

5' 7"

121 to 158 lbs.

159 to 190 lbs.

191 to 249 lbs.

5' 8"

125 to 163 lbs.

164 to 196 lbs.

197 to 256 lbs.

5' 9"

128 to 168 lbs.

169 to 202 lbs.

203 to 263 lbs.

5' 10"

132 to 173 lbs.

174 to 208 lbs.

209 to 271 lbs.

5' 11"

136 to 178 lbs.

179 to 214 lbs.

215 to 279 lbs.

6' 0

140 to 183 lbs.

184 to 220 lbs.

221 to 287 lbs.

6' 1"

144 to 188 lbs.

189 to 226 lbs.

227 to 295 lbs.

6' 2"

148 to 193 lbs.

194 to 232 lbs.

233 to 303 lbs.

6' 3"

152 to 199 lbs.

200 to 239 lbs.

240 to 311 lbs.

Source: Rush University Medical Center & the National Institute of Health


Bench press

1.) Position yourself with your back down on a flat bench
placing the hands up on the bar using an underhand grip
slightly wider than shoulder width apart.

2.) After taking a deep breath in, extend the elbows and lift
the bar up off the rack until elbows are extended but not
locked. Pause for a brief movement as you fully extend your

3.) Lower the weight directly down to the chest as you breath
inwards, keeping the movement pattern slow and steady.

4.) Once just above the chest, pause, and then press directly up again, exhaling your breath.

VARIATIONS: Incline bench press, Decline bench press


Dumbbell Press

1.) Lie on a flat bench holding a dumbbell in each hand
with an overhand grip.

2.) Start by holding the dumbbells slightly wider than
shoulder width apart above your shoulders. Your
palms should be facing forward.

3.) Slowly bend your elbows until they are at a 90
degree angle and your upper arms are parallel to the

4.) Push the weights up by straightening your arms.

5.) As you push the weights up, move your arms in an arc to bring the dumbbells together, until they meet
over the center of your chest. Hold for a count of one.

6.) Lower the dumbbells by slowly bending your elbows back to 90 degrees.

7.) Continue lowering your arms until they are a little lower than parallel to the floor. (Your elbows should be
pointing slightly towards the floor and you should feel a stretch in your chest muscles and shoulders.)

VARIATIONS: Incline dumbbell press, Decline dumbbell press

Dumbbell Fly

1.) Holding a pair of dumbbells, sit on a flat bench and
slowly lower yourself back.

2.) Keep a tight core as you push the dumbbells above
your chest. The dumbbells will be facing one another
and held together.

3.) With a slight bend in the elbow, open up your chest
and slowly lower the dumbbells to the sides.

4.) When the dumbbells are parallel with the ground,
pause, and return to the starting position.



1.) Get into position by placing your hands flat on the
floor, directly below your shoulders.

2.) Extend your legs out behind you, with only your
toes and balls of your feet touching the floor.

3.) Hold your body up and keep your back straight by
tightening your abdominal muscles.

4.) Your neck and head should be bent slightly back.

5.) Lower your chest towards the ground by bending
your elbows until your chest is just above the ground or you feel a stretching of your chest and shoulders. Hold
for a count of one.

6.) Press upwards from your chest and shoulders, straightening your arms as you return to the starting
position. Hold for a count of one.

7.) Repeat.

VARIATIONS: Wide-grip pushup, narrow-grip pushup (targets triceps), single-leg pushups, feet-elevated
pushups, pushup with arm reach, one-arm pushup, clap push-up


Barbell Clean and Press (Overhead Press)

1.) Shoulder-width stance. Tight core and flat back.
Bend at the knees and hips. Lower yourself. Arms fully
extended. Chest up and gaze straight ahead.

2.) Bring knees in and shoulders up. Drive hips forward.
Keep the bar close to your body. Forcefully exhale and
perform a full extension of the knees and hips.

3.) Use the momentum to bring elbows high. Rotate
your elbows around and under the bar. Rack the bar
across the front of your shoulders.

4.) Press the barbell above your head. Lower the bar.


Barbbell Shoulder Press (Overhead Press)

1.) Place a bench with a back support inside a squat
rack and set up a barbell at a height that is just above
your head.

2.) Grip the barbell with an overhand grip.

3.) Space your hands out so that your elbows are bent
at 90 degrees.

4.) Lift the bar to around shoulder level by extending
your arms. This is the start position.

Inhaling, lower the bar to your shoulders slowly.

5.) Hold for a count of one while squeezing your shoulder muscles.

6.) Push the barbell back to the start position as you exhaling as you do so.

7.) Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Note: This exercise can also be performed standing.


Dumbbell Lateral Raises

1.) Stand with your back straight, feet shoulder width
apart, while holding a dumbbell in each hand with a
neutral grip.

2.) Hold your arms fully extended by your side, with
your palms facing in to your body.

3.) Keep your elbows close to your sides. This is the
start position.

4.) Keeping your arms fully extended and your torso
stationary, lift the dumbbells out to your sides and up
until they are at shoulder level. Exhale as you do so.

5.) Hold for a count of one while squeezing your shoulder muscles.

6.) Return to the start position in a smooth controlled movement inhaling as you do so.


Dumbbell Overhead Shoulder Press

1.) Sit on a military press bench or bench that has a back
support, holding a dumbbell in each hand with an
overhand grip.

2.) Place the dumbbells on top of your thighs with your
palms facing down.

3.) Raise the dumbbells to your shoulders.

4.) Rotate your wrists so that the palms of your hands
are facing away from you. This is the start position.

5.) As you exhale, push the dumbbells up and over your
head by extending your arms until the dumbbells touch at the top of the movement.

5.) Pause for a count of one.

6.) Slowly return to the start position inhaling as you do so.

7.) Repeat.


Barbell Deadlift

Warning: This exercise can be very dangerous if
performed incorrectly. If you are a novice, only perform
this exercise with an experienced trainers supervision.

1.) Place a barbell in a clear space on the floor. (Make
sure there are no obstructions in your way.

2.) Stand facing the barbell with your legs about 4-6
inches from the bar.

3.) Place your feet shoulder width apart. Your feet can be pointed straight ahead or turned outwards slightly.

4.) Squat down, keeping your back straight and grip the bar with an overhand grip at shoulder width.

5.) Keep your arms fully extended and stand up with the barbell.

6.) As you lift the barbell, your hips and shoulders should rise together and your back should be straight.

7.) As you reach the top of the lift and are standing straight, rotate your shoulders back slightly until you feel a
slight stretch in them.

8.) Lower the barbell back to the floor in the same squatting motion you used to lift it.


1.) Standing under a pull up bar, reach up and hold
onto the bar with an overhand grip. Make sure your
hands are about twice your shoulder width apart.

2.) Keep your arms straight and hang from the bar so
that your arms are taking all of your weight.

3.) Keeping your body straight and not swinging your
weight, pull your body up towards the bar by pulling
your elbows down towards your torso at an angle.

4.) Continue lifting until your chest is nearly touching the bar. You should feel a squeeze at the base of your
lats (about midway down your back and to the side) as they contract.

5.) Once your lats have completely contracted at the top of the movement, slowly lower your body to the
starting position.

Bent Over Barbell Rows

Warning: If you suffer from lower back problems, this
exercise is not recommended.
Always keep your back straight throughout this

1.) Set up a barbell on the floor and stand facing it
with your legs slightly wider than shoulder width
apart and your knees slightly bent.

2.)Bend forward at your waist and grip the barbell with an overhand grip.

3.) Keep your back straight and nearly parallel to the floor.

4.) Keep your head and neck straight. This is the start position.

5.) Without moving your torso, exhale and lift the barbell up towards you.

6.) Keep your elbows close in to your body and use your forearms to support the weight. Hold for a count of

7.) Return to the start position inhaling as you do so.

Note: This exercise can be performed using an underhand grip to engage the triceps also.

Seated Rows

1.) Sit down at the station and place your feet on the
foot pads or crossbar provided, while keeping your knees
slightly bent.

2.) Lean forward, keeping your back straight and grip the
bar handles with both hands.

3.) Keeping your arms fully extended pull back until your
torso is at a 90-degree angle from your legs.

4.) Your back should be slightly arched, with your chest should be pushed out. This is the start position.

5.) Keeping your torso stationary, pull the handles back towards you while squeezing your back muscles.

6.) Keep your arms close to your sides until your hands reach your abdomen. Exhale as you perform this
movement. Hold for a count of one.

7.) Inhale as you return to the start position in a smooth movement.


Barbell Squats

1.) Set up the barbell on the squat rack so that it is at
the same height as your upper chest.

2) Position your body under the bar, with knees bent
so that the bar is resting high on the back of your

3.) Grip the bar with your hands comfortably wider
than your shoulders.

4.) Slowly straighten your legs to push upwards, lifting the barbell from the rack and take one step forward.

5.) Stand with your legs shoulder width apart.

6.) Bend your knees forward and allow your hips to bend back as if sitting down.

7.) Continue this movement down until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly more, making sure your
knees are pointing in the same direction as your feet. Hold for a count of one.

8.) Push up through your heels while straightening your hips and knees, until you are standing in the start

Notes: Do not rest the bar on your neck. Keep your head facing forward at all times. Keep your back straight
throughout the entire movement.

Leg Press

1.) Sit down on a leg press machine and place your legs
on the platform directly in front of you at shoulder

2.) Lower the safety bars holding the weighted
platform and press the platform all the way up until your
legs are fully extended in front of you but do NOT lock
your knees. Your torso and legs should be at a 90degree
angle to each other. This is the start position.

3.) Inhaling, slowly lower the platform until your upper and lower legs form a 90-degree angle. Pause for a
count of one.

4.) Return to the starting position by pushing through the heels of your feet, engaging your quadriceps. Exhale
as you do so.

Dumbbell Lunge

1.) Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet
shoulder width apart.

2.) Keep your shoulders back. And your back straight.

3.) Take a long stride forward with your right leg. Your right
foot should be in a position, that when you bend your right
knee, your upper and lower leg form a 90 degree angle.

4.) Slowly bend both your knees, to lower your hips until your
left (rear) knee is just above the floor. Hold for a count of one.

5.) Return to the start position by slowly straightening your legs and raising your body back to a standing

6.) Complete all the repetitions for one set full set, then switch legs, or you can alternate between legs for
each rep.

Note: Do not let your knee travel past your toes in the down position as this can cause instability and injury.


Wall Sits

1.) Stand tall against a wall with your head and back
touching the wall.

2.) Position your feet so that they are shoulder-width
apart and a few inches away from the wall.
3.) Rest your arms at your sides.

4.) Bend your knees and lower into a squat position
until your thighs are parallel to the floor and hold the

5.) Return to starting position by straightening your
knees and standing tall again.



Standing Dumbbell Calf Raises

1.) Place an exercise step or something similar on the
floor in front of you. It should be two or three inches

2.) Holding a dumbbell in each hand, place your toes
and the balls of your feet on the step. Make sure the
arches of your feet are not on the step and your heels
are on the floor.

3.) Raise your heels as high as possible by pushing
through the balls of your feet and toes while extending your ankles. Hold for a count of one.

4.) Return to the starting position by bending your ankles until you feel a stretch in your calves.


Jump Roping

1.) Hold one rope end in each hand out to your sides
with the middle of the rope behind you.

2.) Keep the rope ends even with your hips.

3.) Rotate your wrists to swing the rope up over your

4.) As the rope swings down in front of and towards
you, jump over the rope with both feet.

5.) Continue rotating your wrists to swing the rope
behind you, back up over your head to repeat.

Note: You can vary the speed, use one leg, alternating legs and even the direction you swing the rope in to
increase your stamina and coordination.



Lying Leg Curls

Warning: Dont use so much weight for this exercise
that you need to swing or jerk the weight up. Doing
so can cause injury to your lower back and / or
hamstrings. Start with a lower weight until your
strength increases.

1.) Lie face down on a leg curl machine and lock your
heels under the foot pad. Make sure your legs are
fully extended and the foot pads are resting on the
back of your ankles.

2.) If the machine is equipped with handles, grip them. If not, grip the front of the pad you are lying on.

3.) Remaining flat on the bench, with no arching of your spine, curl your legs up in a smooth arcing motion by
bending your knees until your hamstrings are fully contracted. Hold for a count of one.

4.) Slowly lower your legs to the starting position in a smooth arcing motion.

5.) Repeat


Standing Hamstring Curls

1.) Begin with a light weight and stand facing the
machine. Position one leg for the lift by hooking it
under the weight pad.

2.) Make sure the pads are in a comfortable position
around your ankle in order to involve the heel in the
movement. Dont position the pads too high on the

3.) Grab hold of the support handles.

4.) Flex your knee and lift the pad upwards as far as you can towards your buttocks as you exhale.

5.) Lower the leg to the starting position.



Barbell Curls

1.) Stand straight holding a barbell with an underhand
grip, your hands shoulder width apart and your arms
fully extended towards the floor.

2.) Keep your elbows close to your sides. Your palms
should be facing away from you. This is the start

3.) Keeping your upper arms stationary, curl the
barbell forward and up in a smooth arcing motion
while exhaling. Only your forearms should move.

4.) Continue upwards until the bar is at shoulder level with your biceps fully contracted. Hold for a count of
one while squeezing your biceps.

5.) Inhale as you return to the starting position.


Seated Alternating Incline Bench Dumbbell Curls

1.) Set up an incline bench at 45 degrees.

2.) Holding a dumbbell in each hand, sit on the bench,
keeping your shoulders and back firmly against the
back rest.

3.) Put your arms down by your side with your palms
facing in to your body.

4.) Slowly curl your arms up, rotating your wrist
outwards (thumbs pointing away from your body) until
the dumbbell is level with your shoulders. (Your palms
should be facing your shoulders)

5.) Flex or squeeze your bicep at the top of the movement and hold for a count of one.

6.) Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the start position, turning your palms back in to your body. Repeat.

Note: You can also perform this exercise using one arm at a time or by alternating your arms (Left, right, left,

Standing Bicep Cable Curls

1.) Set up a cable station with a straight bar
attachment connected to the low pulley.

2.) Stand close to the station, feet shoulder width apart
either side of the pulley.

3.) Grip the bar with a shoulder width underhand grip.

4.) Keep your elbows close to your sides.

5.) Curls your arms upward from the elbows in a smooth arc.

6.) Continue until your forearms are vertical with your palms facing your shoulders. Hold for a count of one
while flexing your biceps.

7.) Lower the bar back to the starting position in a smooth motion.

Concentration Curls

1.) Sit on a flat bench with your legs spread, knees bent
and your feet flat on the floor with a dumbbell
between your feet.

2.) Use either arm to pick the dumbbell up and hold it
with an underhand grip.

3.) Place the back of that upper arm on the top of your
inner thigh on the same side. Your palm should be
facing away from your thigh.

4.) Keep your arm fully extended downwards without letting the dumbbell rest on the floor. This is the start

5.) Curl the dumbbell forward and up in a smooth arc, contracting your biceps and exhaling.

6.) Continue curling the dumbbell upward until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbell is at
shoulder level. Hold for a count of one while squeezing your biceps.

7.) Return to the start position in a controlled, smooth arc inhaling as you do so. Do not swing the dumbbell

Notes: Throughout this exercise, only your forearms should move.



Tricep Dips

1.) Standing between the bars of a dip station, grip the
bars with an overhand grip, keeping your elbows tucked
in close to your body.

2.) Allow your body weigh to hang so it is being
supported by your arms and shoulders. Keep your hips

3.) Push down through your palms with your arms, lifting
your body up until your arms are almost straight. (Do not
lock your elbows)

4.) Lower your body by slowly bending your elbows and continue down until you feel a slight stretch in your

5.) Pause, then push yourself back to the starting position.

Note: By keeping your back straight and not leaning forward, you will work your triceps harder.If you wish to
work on your chest leaning forward puts more emphasis on your pecs.
As your strength increases, you can add weight by using a dip belt.


Tricep Cable Pulldowns

1.) Set up a cable station with a straight bar on attached
to the top pulley.

2.) Grip the bar with an overhand grip,with your hands
slightly less than shoulder width apart.

3.) Position your feet shoulder width apart,with knees
slightly bent for stability.

4.) Pull the bar down until your forearms are parallel to the floor with your elbows close to your body and your
wrists locked in a straight position. This is your staring point.

5.) Moving only your forearms, push the bar down towards the floor until your arms are fully extended and
you feel a stretch in your triceps. Hold for a count of one and squeeze your triceps.

6.) Return to the start position moving your forearms only. Hold for a count of one then repeat.

Tricep Dumbbell Kickbacks

1.) Start by standing to the right of a flat bench with a
dumbbell on the floor to your right.

2.) Place your left knee on the bench with your left
hand palm down n the bench in front of it. In this
position, keep your back straight.

3.) Pick up the dumbbell with your right hand using an
overhand grip.

4.) Raise your arm until it is in line with your body, keeping your elbow tucked into your side and bent to a 90
degree angle. Your forearm should be pointing straight down to the floor.

5.) Extend your arm using your triceps to lift the weight until it is level with your shoulder.

6.) Hold for a count of one while squeezing your tricep.

7.) Lower to the starting position by bending your elbow to 90 degrees. Hold and repeat.

8.) Complete the set for your right arm before changing stance to work your left arm.

Notes: Only your forearm should move during this exercise. Keep your elbow in line with your shoulders at all
times throughout the movement.

Seated Tricep Press

1.) Sit on a bench with back support.

2.) Grip a dumbbell at one end using both hands. Your
palms should be facing inward.

3.) Hold the dumbbell overhead with your arms fully
extended. This is the the start position.

4.) Keep your upper arms close to your head (biceps
roughly level with your temples) and near to 90degrees
to the floor.

5.) Moving only your forearms, lower the dumbbell in a smooth arc behind your head until your forearms and
biceps touch. Hold for a count of one.

6.) Return to the start position by using the triceps to extend your arm and raise the dumbbell. Exhale as you
do this.


1.) Triangle Crunches: Lie flat on your back, knees bent, and both feet on the floor. Cross
your right ankle over your left knee, making a triangle between your legs. Your left hand
goes behind you head, elbow extended. Your right hand can either rest extended at your
right side, or cross your abs and rest on your left side so that you can feel your obliques
work. Use your abs to raise and cross your left shoulder toward your right knee. Lower
your body back to the starting position until your shoulder blades lightly touch the floor.
Repeat the movement to the other side.

2.) Jackknives: Lay flat on your back, legs outstretched and arms above your head. Using
your core, raise your right leg straight up, while crunching your arms to the outside of the
knee. Bring both your leg and your arms down at the same time and return to starting
position. Repeat to opposite side. (Advanced: hold medicine ball in hands when doing
core exercise)

3.) Toe Touches: Lie on your back, legs extended up perpendicular to the floor and arms
extended straight up. Use your upper abs to raise your hands toward your toes. Then
lower your torso back to the starting position.

4.) Reverse Crunches: Lie flat on your back with legs extended straight up, perpendicular to
the ground. Place your hands at your sides, palms down, and keep your neck long and your
head aligned with your spine. Use your lower abs to raise your hips off the floor, bringing
your hops slightly toward your rib cage. Lower your hips back to the starting position until
they lightly touch the floor. Repeat.

5.) Seated Knee Raises: Sit on the edge of a bench holding onto the side of the bench for
support, knees bent, heels just up off the floor, and upper body upright. Use the muscles
of your lower abs to slowly raise your knees to your chest. Then lower in a controlled
motion, keeping a bend in your knees. Let your heels lightly brush the floor and repeat
motion. Keep your upper body as stable as possible, focusing on using your lower abs to
raise and lower knees.

6.) Leg Raises: Lie flat on your back, legs extended above your hips, hands at your sides,
spine neutral, and neck lengthened. Use lower abs to lower your legs only to the distance
that will enable you to maintain a neutral spine. Then raise your legs in a controlled
motion. Repeat.


7.) Hanging Knee Raises: Hang from a bar or high chair, legs fully extended toward the
ground. Use the muscles of your lower abs to raise your knees to your chest, letting your
hips move forward as your knees pass the 90-degree angle. Your feet need to hang down
below your knees. Then lower them in a controlled motion back to the starting position.

8.) Hanging Alternate Knee Raises: Same starting position as hanging knee raises. Using
the muscles of your lower abs, bring your right knee up to your chest, and then lower it.
Repeat with left knee.

9.) Corkscrews: Lie flat on your back, legs straight and perpendicular to your body (knees
unlocked). Place your hands down, palms down, at your sides for support. Raise and twist
your hips off the floor in a corkscrew motion to the left. Lower your hips back to the floor
in starting position. Then, raise and twist your hips off the floor in a corkscrew motion to
the right.

10.) V-Sits: Lay on your back, knees bent and hands behind your head. Raise your knees
and shoulders off the ground (body should form a V), kick your feet out straight, bring them
back in to form V again and return back to starting position.

11.) Perfect Sit-Ups: Lay on your back with knees bent and fingers on your forehead. Keep
your feet on the ground and hands on your head, perform a full sit-up and return to
starting position.

12.) V: Make your body form a V (back off the ground and feet off the floor), touch a soccer
ball (or medicine ball) to each side of your hips, keeping your core tight. Repeat for a set
time or set number.

13.) 6 Inches: Lay flat on the ground with legs outstretched and arms to your side (not
underneath you). Bring feet up 6 inches and hold there for set time. Make sure your back
is flat and your hands are at your sides.

14.) Plank: Place forearms on the ground and put the rest of your body in the push-up
position. Hold your body up for set time, making sure your butt is down and you are not
collapsing your back. Keep your core even and straight throughout the exercise.







Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

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