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Kirsten Anderson

Parent Letter

My name is Kirsten Anderson, and I am very excited to begin the new school
year. Here at Brandeis I have 2 roles, I am the Assistant Athletic Trainer for all
of Broncos Athletics, and a Health instructor. I received my Bachelor degree
from Texas State University in Exercise and Sports Science in 2012, and my
Master of Science in Athletic Training from Stephen F. Austin in 2015.
Professionally, I have a passion for womens athletics, specifically soccer,
because that was the sport I grew up playing. Now into early adulthood Ive
come to recognize the need for overall health, not limiting myself to
competitive environments, but enjoying all types of activity and focusing
more on eating healthier. I hope that my interest in living an active, healthy
life will have a positive influence over your students.

We will be utilizing many technology resources in my class, and I have

outlined certain policies below. Please read them and discuss them with your

Should you have the need to contact me during the semester, I will have
time available face-to-face before school 7:15a-8:30a (also my tutorial time)
or during my conference period (3rd period 10:45a-11:30a), or you can reach
me by phone 210-555-5555 or email

Technology Use will be utilized EVERYDAY. Please make sure your student
understands that it is their responsibility to come to class prepared
(technology charged, brains engaged) for learning. However, student
technology is only to be used with instruction and off-topic usage will not be
permitted. If a student is deemed, by the instructor, to be using their
technology in a way not pertaining to class, I will ask the student to
surrender their personal device. For the first offense, I will keep the device
until the end of the school day. The second offense will require the parent to
retrieve the device from the teacher at school. And a third offense will result
in my banning the student from using any technology in class. All of these
consequences could result in a negative impact on the students grade

Kirsten Anderson
because our class is structured around the appropriate use of technology for
academic purposes.
Assigning Homework our classroom will utilize Google Classroom, an online
platform for organization of assignments in correlation with classroom
instruction. All assignments (with syllabus, and course timeline) will be
available online, and NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED, unless the absence
is excused.
Plagiarism because our class operates with technology, it would be easy for
a student to make a mistake and plagiarize. This will not be tolerated and will
result in a phone call home and an office referral. If a student is absent from
class and misses lecture notes, that student may take their own notes from
the textbook, and approach the instructor during tutorial times to obtain
extra information the student may not copy notes from a classmate.

I look forward to working with your student! Coach Anderson

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