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Central High School

306 S Bellevue Blvd

Memphis, TN 38104
Room: A05
Planning: D7
Course Description:

Course: Latin 2 Honors


Latin 2 Honors will build off of the material learning in Latin 1. The focus will move away from the Classical period of Roman
history, culture, and language and into the Medieval, Rennaissance, and Modern periods of the Latin language. The remainder of
Latin grammar and syntax will be covered in this course. There will also be a unit on Ancient Art and Architecture.
Curriculum Overview:
1st Quarter
Uses of the ablative
Subjunctive mood of all verbs
Translating the subjunctive
Various passage translations

Indirect commands
Indirect questions
purpose clauses
Various passage translations
History of the Roman Empire

3rd Quarter
Superlative and comparative adjective
Temporal, concessive, and causal clauses
Roman legal system
4th Quarter
Ancient Art and Architecture
Irregular verbs
ablative absolutes
result clauses

Materials/Supplies Needed:
Something to take notes in

Classroom Expectations:
Students should follow all Central High School policy in the classroom. No cell phones. I expect students to always be on time for
class. My door will shut at the bell and students will not be allowed in without an admit. Bathroom breaks will be reserved for
emergencies only. No food is allowed in the classroom. Come prepared and with a great attitude.
1st offense: warning
2nd offense: conference with teacher
3rd offense: call to parents
4th offense: office referral
Central High School disciplinary guidlines and procedures will be followed in this classroom.

Tuesdays from 2:15-3:15, or by appointment.
10% Homework
20% Participation
20% Classwork
50% Assessments

If you are absent, you will be responsible for learning the

missed material and working on the missed assignments
during tutoring or on your own time. All missed assessments
must be taken. Missed assessments are a zero until taken.

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