Irregularverbspastparticiple PDF

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Name: ____________________________

Irregular Past Participle Verbs

To form the past tense form of most verbs, you simply
add -ed to the end of the word.
Present tense:
Past tense:
Past participle:

We walk to the restaurant.

We walked to the restaurant.
We had walked to the restaurant.

Irregular verbs are a bit more difficult because you don't

add -ed to make them past tense. The whole word
changes depending on its tense.
Present tense:
Past tense:
Past participle:

I eat a slice of pizza.

I ate a slice of pizza.
I have eaten a slice of pizza.

Choose the past participle of the verb for each sentence and write it on the line.

She has never ____________________ a speed boat before.

(driven, drove)


Ella had ____________________ all of the vegetables on her plate.

(ate, eaten)


We have ____________________ each other since we were very young.

(knew, known)


Peter has ____________________ a letter to his favorite author.

(written, wrote)


While on a camping trip, Kara was ____________________ by mosquitoes.

(bitten, bit)


Thomas has ____________________ the most delicious tomatoes in town.

(grown, grew)


Have you ____________________ on a horse without a saddle before?

(rode, ridden)


The thief had ____________________ all of the expensive jewelry.

(took, taken)
Super Teacher Worksheets -

Irregular Past Participle Verbs
To form the past tense form of most verbs, you simply
add -ed to the end of the word.
Present tense:
Past tense:
Past participle:

We walk to the restaurant.

We walked to the restaurant.
We had walked to the restaurant.

Irregular verbs are a bit more difficult because you don't

add -ed to make them past tense. The whole word
changes depending on its tense.
Present tense:
Past tense:
Past participle:

I eat a slice of pizza.

I ate a slice of pizza.
I have eaten a slice of pizza.

Choose the past participle of the verb for each sentence and write it on the line.

She has never driven a speed boat before.


Ella had eaten all of the vegetables on her plate. (ate, eaten)


We have known each other since we were very young. (knew, known)


Peter has written a letter to his favorite author. (written, wrote)


While on a camping trip, Kara was bitten by mosquitoes. (bitten, bit)


Thomas has grown the most delicious tomatoes in town. (grown, grew)


Have you ever ridden on a horse without a saddle before? (rode, ridden)


The thief had taken all of the expensive jewelry. (took, taken)

(driven, drove)

Super Teacher Worksheets -

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