Letter From NCM Leing Re: Replace Trump Request

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From: George Leing <gl@georgeleing.

Date: Sunday, August 7, 2016 at 4:59 PM
To: "marilynrmarks@earthlink.net" <MarilynRMarks@earthlink.net>
Subject: Open Letter

Dear Marilyn,
Thank you for your letter. [link to letter here, added by M.Marks.] Please be assured that
I took your sincere and heartfelt concern, as well as your arguments, with great
consideration. However, I must advise you that I am not able to act as you request. The
Republican National Committee is very different than a traditional corporate board of
directors with respect to a Presidential nominee. A corporate board has the power to
hire and fire a CEO; but the RNCs function is to administer the process whereby
candidates are vetted through the primary and caucus processes in the 50 states and
territories of the United States. Ultimately, one candidate is formally nominated by
delegates at the national convention which just occurred for Mr. Trump last month. The
rules of the party simply dont provide for a process for the committee to remove a
nominee, with the only closely relevant rule being for the filling of vacancies under Rule
9. Under Rule 9, a vacancy is only "by reason of death, declination or otherwise" and if
a dispute would be raised over whether his policies or tactics would be interpreted as
causing a vacancy under the "otherwise" provision, that would likely invite a litigation
that would not be resolved until well after November.
We have a large number of important races throughout Colorado this year. I hope you
will support our entire ticket, but if you feel you cannot, there are many other important
races, including the US Senate and House, and the State Senate and House races,
county and local elections, as well as a significant proposal to defeat in Amendment 69.
Your energy and experience would be very helpful in all of these elections and I hope
you will be able to lend your support to these efforts.
George Leing
RNC National Committeeman -- Colorado

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