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Information technologies of this 21st century have given a great impact towards

Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) especially for the Royal Malaysian Army. These
information technologies include the analysis process, data collection, processing, display
and communications technologies. Advances in these technologies have result in an
enormous of near real time information being potentially available or organizations
anywhere at anytime. The intelligence level of systems is increasingly to the point where
decision making made easy for the individuals or commanders and leaders of an
organization. Even at this 21st century where the information age is implementing with
great effort from every organization and individuals. These have effect the battlefield
with improved quality and increased amounts of information.
Military Organizations or Malaysian Armed Forces especially are, by their very
nature, resistant to change. Due to the information technologies evolving in this 21 st
century the explosions of information technologies has set in motion a virtual tidal wave
to change that is in the process of profoundly affecting both organizations and individuals
of the Military Armed Forces in multiple dimensions. This will be affecting the 4
Dimensions of Military Armed Forces which is Land, Sea, Air and Cyber. This era also
shall be known as the transformation era and giving the Network Centric Operation a
great stage for the fully joint forces integration. This Network Centric Operation
Technology also giving great opportunity for the Malaysian Armed Forces in full
readiness to face the conflict in every spectrum.

Network Centric Operation or some country called as Network Centric Warfare is

one of the resolution of Military in this new era. This new military doctrine or theory was
pioneered by The United States of America Department of Defense. Where this
technologies of its land of operating seek to translate the information advantage and
enabling The Information Technology into a competitive advantage through the robust
networking of well informed geographically modern battlefield. The Australian defined
this Network Centric Operation or Network Centric Warfare as a way of organizing the
force by using modern information technology to link sensors, decision makers and
weapon system to help people work more effectively together to achieve the commanders
Military Organizations have traditionally provided information to forces in three
ways which is command thru directives and guidance, intelligence where information
abort the adversary and the environment and doctrine of how the soldiers are going to do
it. Each it these three ways in communicatory information about what is expected of
subordinate organizations and individuals has evolved over time to be martially
supportive of an overall command concept or approach watched to the nature of the
conflict and the capabilities of the forces. The Network Centric Operation (NCO) helped
the increase of success of military operations where its depends upon the ability to
coordinate activities to achieve synchronized effect. This Network Centric Operation give
a robustly networked force improves information sharing with this its enhance the
quality of information and shared situational awareness. These implementations
dramatically increase mission effectiveness.


Background Information.
The appropriate command concept for a robustly networked Malaysian Army and

an information rich battlefield have as yet, not been fully determined, or will they be for
some time to come. Where concerns have been raised regarding the potential adverse
effects of increased risibility into Malaysian Army Operating at all levels, including the
increased potential for information overload, second grassing, micro management,
stifling of initiatives, and distractions. There has been a tendency to focus on the
commander as the sole decision maker in both command and control analyses and on
developing requirements for command and control systems. This Network Centric
Operation (NCO) inherently involves decision taken across the battlefield in support of
command intent. Therefore, it is recognizing that there are many decision makers in the
battlefield that need to be explicitly considered in order to understand the behavior at the
force. Almost the accuracy of information is 99% for the commanders to make decision.
The concerns, involved the implication of this Network Centric Operation (NCO)
towards the Malaysian Army Organization. Where these technologies combined with
changes in technology, organization, process and people and may allow this definition of
operation may allow new forms and changes of Malaysian Army Organization.


This research conducted is to analyze the implication at Network Centric

Operation implementation in Malaysian Army Organization. This will show how the
transformation effect in the command and control of the army. Whether it is a great
transformation or information technology with the list of objective to achieve as follow:

To know the effect toward the infrastructure and equipment in Malaysian

Army to support the Network Centric Operation integration.


To analyze the Military personal knowledge of information technology

and training method.


To look for the effect of the Malaysian Army Organization and

information retrieve and collecting system with the implementation of Network

Centric Operation.

To see the evolution of the Malaysian Army doctrine from the effect of

Network Centric Operation.


The scope of the study is more towards the implication and effect of the

implementation of Network Centric Operation in Malaysian Army Organization of


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