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151 Wabasha Drive

Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 554-6779
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July 29, 2016


Thelmy Cruz
Director of Student Work-Study
(312) 546- 5467

City College Adjusts Work-Study Hours

Chicago, Illinois- City College will begin cutting student work-study hours by 5 percent. Last
month, the federal government announced all college and university funds nationwide will be cut
by 5 percent. This will impact all students and staff employed by work-study. Due to new federal
government budgets school administrators will decide how their 5 percent cut will be applied.
City College administrators decided to adjust student hours instead of cutting any participants
from the program.

City College currently has approximately 15,000 students. About 20 percent of the student body
is employed part-time in the program. Dr. Doug Swanson, Chair of Student Affairs, promises to
commit his time to help students in the program cope with the recent changes. The colleges
administration hopes the budget cut is only temporary and the 5 percent will be returned.

City College work-study program expects to keep expanding. A large amount of students
depend on the program and City College will continue to assist students in need. After 60 years,
the urban college continues to help students grow intellectually and ethically.

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