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% 4 Project Ill / ~ By Ricky Ledesma AC-DC Trees Logo “AC-DC Trees" is a renewable energy system, inspired by trees, designed to harness and convert solar plus wind energy sources into electricity for homes and businesses. The Situation Energy plays an important role in humans lives. Energy helps us perform essential activities such as produce our food, transport us to work, power our computers, and provide hot water. A major source of our energy comes from the production of ol, but oil takes millions of years to develop. Plants and organic matter must be broken down deep beneath the earths crust and age for milion Of years before a single drop of cil can be produced. As the demand for energy increases and oil reserves become depleted, humans will have to utilize alternative resources of energy that can be used now. Two alternative forms of energy are wind and solar. They can provide a more long term energy source than that of ol Alternative energy sources such as wind and solar serves as a benefit for our planet because it decreases pollution, reduces greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide) emissions, eliminates energy price volatiity, and improves a countries’ economies. ‘The problem with readily available energy resources such as wind and solar is that they are hard to capture and utilize. Most energy technology such as solar panels are expensive and inefficient when converting light to electricity. Windmills are also expensive and must be placed in areas that con supply windy conditions. For this project, we propose an alternative way to capture both wind and solar energy that is Unique and inexpensive. Qur design is unique in that we combine solar and wind sources in urban, suburban, and rural environments, next to driveways or out in large open fields. For the prototype, we did not obtain the necessary piezoelectric sensors and artifical photosynthesis devices that was advertised in the Initial Product Proposal. Instead, to construct an illustrative prototype, we utilized a flexible force sensor to illustrate wind energy storage and a photo resistor to illustrate solar energy storage. Stakeholders Impacts of not using alternative energy sources: Burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and petroleum) is harmful to the environment because it creates an imbalance of carbon in the air, which results in temperatures rising faster than some living organisms can adapt to survive. Global economy and local communities: Investing in alternative energy sources creates awareness to innovate better alternative energy technologies, creates jobs, grows the economy, and improves energy security for developing countries that lack access to fossil fuel energy resources Suppliers: Our team will receive sustainable, bio-based materials to produce fewer greenhouse gases, require less energy, and produce fewer toxic pollutants aver the product's life-cycle. Utilizing bio-based materials also enables our product to be recycled or composted, rather than be thrown into a landfill or incinerator. End user: Provides a seamless product experience without wind turbines and large solar panels. It also enables the end user to become independent from energy grids. Initial Concept Design Initial Prototype Timeline and Action Steps Wht. Tree trunk circuit design, 20 drawing and 3D CAD design, Wk2. Meteral sourcing (bamboo fiberglass, wires et. WA. Tree branch circuit design, 20 drawing and 30 CAD design Wd, Mteral sourcing {piezoelectric sensors, etc) Pivots and Prototype Deliverables: Pic 1&2. The Cuff and joint concept was inspired by the human shoulder anatomy. 3D CAD Image Pic3,485. Sketches: Leaf and cuff+joint Pic6. Solidworks 3D CAD: Cuff+Joint Example Shoulder Anatomy P Initial Sketches "i Piezoelectric Effect Capturing Wind Energy with Vibration Sensors General idea: Leaves and branches on the tree will harness wind energy through piezoelectric sensors. Electromechanical Process: Piezoelectric effect converts mechanical strain into electric current or voltage. Branches will harness low seismic vibrations with piezoelectric sensors that are placed in key locations to capture maximum energy. For the prototype, we pivoted from purchasing piezoelectric sensors to using flex sensors for illustrative purposes. Artificial Photosynthesis Capturing Solar Energy with Chemical Processes General Idea: Leaves on the tree can also harness solar energy through artificial photosynthesis. Chemical Process: Artificial leaves will convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen. A photocatalytic water splitting process converts water into hydrogen ions and oxygen, which can then be used in a fuel cell to create electric current. Initial Prototype Timeline: WAS. Leaf chemical process/circuit design, 2D drawing and 3D CAD design. WK6. Material sourcing (fuel cells, etc.) Decided to pivot for these weeks because there was not enough time to research ‘nd create these pieces. Also, artificial photosynthesis technology is still in a R&D phase. Protosymnesis i t Plant /ONY sugar+0, | 60,+H,0 ‘Chemical mA Electronics + Software Wiring & Storage ~ Internal Body Overview Initial Prototype Proposal: The trunk ond bronches ofthe tree wil interncly house oleletrcal/cherical energy storage capacity, microprocessors, and wires. Energy flow wil flowing witing systems tothe home or business. This will help the product lok as realistic as possible. Prototype Electronics Bill of Materials: Photo resistor light sensor) Flexible force sensor (vibration sensor) Arduino Software Off On:Wind _On: Solar Arduino Uno board a x USB cable I Leo Wires Arduino Code 3D Printing Initial Proposal: Bio-based Materials ~ External Body Overview The leaves, trunk and branches of the tree will be made from bio-based materials such os bioplastics to make realistic-looking tree products. Initial Prototype Timeline and Action Steps W?, Residential & business layout with AC-DC Trels) in the landscape. WKB. 30 printed Tree, Leaves, and Branches out of PLA and ninjafex filaments (green & brown colors) Prototype Deliverable Create 30 prints of leaves, trees, and branches out of PLA and ninjflex filaments 30 Printed « PLA “ball joint” ster ofthe leaf) and “cuff” foranch) to simulate free movement of, the leo, Pict. 3D Printed Port in Pic2. Application: The Joint freely PLA material ‘swivels in the cuff to dynamically CufftJoint ‘adjust to wind direction, Initial Prototype Timeline and Action Steps: Wk9, Test model & capture data in different wind and solar scenarios. Data To capture data, voltage was measured across the LED and Current was measured through the Output Pin and the LED. The LED is acting as the storage device. A minimum and maximum value was used to find average power produced while each sensor was engaged. In conclusion, more iterations of the electronics components and circuitry can improve the Power Output results and lead to a decrease in sensors needed. Voltage IMaxv) min lava W) Force Sensor 1286] 7) a Light Sensor 0305 a 01525 ‘current Maxi) Iw lava Foree Sensor a a 032 Lght Sensor ‘0025 q 0325 [Sensors Needed to Comat with Power lava [Curent Renewable Energy Modets__|Power after Sensors added (W) Force Sensor 2866 100,600 2.856 Light Sensor 010010625) 106,000 000 78.063 Power Output Hous [Power Output awh) . Force Sensor 3 8544 7] Light Sensor 23 457500 Competition: NewWind R&D ‘The Tree Vent Description: Wind power is a 2.0 by NewWind power generation system in a tree whose leaves act like so many mini wind turbines. Toking advantage of the slightest air flow, it can operate all types of wind 360 °: laminar and turbulent, urban and ‘natural environment. This design of bio-mimetic inspiration allows seamless integration into all types of landscape, whether urban or rural, All the technology is invisible; no cables or apparent generators, everything is integrated in the branches and trunks. The silence of operation vertical axis cancels noise pollution of traditional wind turbines. By combining a large numberof micro- turbines in an organic form, the Tree Vent® is able to exploit the slightest kinetic energy and accumulate Watt by te simple multiple of the paper from the tree. The Tree Wind was designed to last over time (over 25 years) and withstand storms {wind class 3). After 3 years of R & D, New\vind has already formed an intellectual property portfolio to protect ts inventions lke to create as many barriers to entry. Installed power: 3 kilowatts Competitor: NewWind R&D Win See mt) ‘Sure "ew Wiper 3a ‘Source tice on "new Wind Videos 30 Printed Prototype Electronics + Software Prototype 7} mem (iui) Forward plan Yaar Month 24 ire additional team members “Year 1 Month 4-8. Begin (volunteers) Scientific studies and beta tests -$5k ‘Year 1 Month 8-10: ‘Analyze test data, product facilty (fe) Year 1 Month 1-2: Tum ‘basement into a R&D ‘Year 1 Month 10-12: quality, product efficiency, Beon a Kickstarter and test scenarios - $5k ‘campaign to raise $50k ‘but hope for much morel Year2 Month 16: Secure ‘sustainable supply chain, finale electronies, and begin training new workers ‘Year? Month 6-12: Begin ‘amp up of production, design and souree product packaging 1.3. Bogin R&D, testing, and production for Product Version 2.0. g Reflection Lessons learned: Keep updating your action steps every week because you don't want to lose sight of your project or fall behind on your project. Process Insights: The process can be very lengthy, but the more research and planning that is put into the project, the better output you'll have. External feedback from friends and family about grammar and other ideas is vital to your project's success. Don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance. Project Advice: Don't be afraid to spice up your project with components that you're not sure to add or components that are abstract. It may lead to a new project pivot that is better than previously intended.

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