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Managing and Evaluating Distance Education

Dr. Khadija Bakrim
Texas Tech University



The Nevis Island Department of Distance Education partners with Texas Technical University
located in Charlestown, Lubbock in four academic colleges: Arts and Science, Human Science,
Median & Communication & Business. In response to growing student demand, the partnership
aims to increase educational opportunities to underserved distance learners on the island of Nevis
and to provide an advancement of higher education on the island. Incorporated in 2012, the
intent of this joint endeavor is to offer courses in high demand and to increase distance education
opportunities in a rapidly changing educational market.

The Nevis Island Department of Distance Education (NIDDE) center is located on site at Texas
Technical University, Charlestown, Texas. Facilities include staff offices, two tele/video
conference rooms, a library, a computer lab, three classrooms and a conference room. With an
enrollment of 200 students in the distance education program, the program offers courses for
undergraduate and graduate students. Courses are available online and via interactive video.

I am the Instructional Design Administrator responsible for facilitating, integrating and

supporting faculty in the implementation of learning technologies and the development of
instructional content. I assess the instructional needs of faculty and staff and seek applicable
solutions to enhance learning in an e-learning environment. My duties also include delivering
professional and technical training on current technology, trends, future advances and research in
the area of instructional technology through online seminars, self-paced training and tutorials.


Among other responsibilities, I collaborate with the IT staff and with other departments to share
experiences related to emerging instructional innovations.

Nevis Island Department of Distance Education Policies and Procedures

The policy and procedures outlines below will address the following subsystems: regulatory,
course, student, logistical and accessibility.

Regulatory Subsystem
1. The NIDDE will use its human, technological and financial resources to partner with
local governing authority, accredited academic institutions and stakeholders to create
policies and procedures governing the effective delivery of distance education.
2. All internal control systems will be evaluated and assessed for validity and effectiveness.
The result of such systems will be used for a more enhanced e-learning environment for
both instructor and student.
3. Governance rules will establish and implement written policy for faculty, staff, distance
education administrators as well as students. These policies will specify the manner in
which ideas are shared and created to create an appropriate policy for planning.
4. The partnership will ensure that faculty will meet appropriate standards set forth by the
Texas Distance Commission on Higher education in the instruction and delivery of online


Course Subsystem
1. The NIDDE will ensure that students and faculty maintain the highest standard of
academic for all course work offered at a distance. All instructional activities will offer
an equivalent learning experienced to that of a traditional face to face class. The
Governing and Review Board will review all courses and programs over a 15-month

NIDDE will ensure that all courses will be developed using the Blackboard Learning
Management System to engage, and interact with content and curriculum regardless of
geographical location.

3. The NIDDE will provide a companion website for students to interact with other
students and faculty through messaging.
4. The NIDDE will certify courses ensuring quality and compliance with site requirements
of Texas Technological requirements.

Student Subsystem
1. NIDDE will ensure that distance learners must meet the same admission requirements
and follow the same application procedures for traditional face to face classes.
2. NIDDE will ensure that students will be provided with technical support related to
software, hardware issues, as well as internet access requirements. The NIDDE will
ensure that such information is given to student ahead of time. (THECB, 2012).
3. NIDDE will advise distant learners on guidelines protecting intellectual property to
ensure that course materials are for class purposes only and cannot be distributed without


violating intellectual property rights of owners of materials whether those provided by the
instructor or students taking the same course.
4. NIDDE will ensure that course content will provide authentic and valuable learning
experiences to match the needs of its learners.
5. NIDDE will ensure that distant learners enrolled in distance learning will have access to
learning resources including, information resources, library resources and other
information sources.
6. NIDDE will ensure that students enrolled in distance education will have adequate access
to academic advising, financial aid, career placement and course registration among

Logistical and Accessibility Subsystem

1. NIDDE will ensure that technical assistance is available on a 24/7 basis while courses are
in session as set forth by university academic calendar.
2. NIDDE will collaborate with IT staff in ensuring a contingency plan for back and
recovery in the event of technological failures. (Simonson et al., 2011).
3. NIDDE will provide professional opportunities for its staff consistent with the
institutional needs and to meet teacher and learner needs.
4. NIDD will regularly assess and update employment records to ensure equity and diversity
in the treatment of faculty, staff and students.
5. NIDD will ensure that all course program, content, resources and other materials are
adequately accessible and made available to students with disabilities.



Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright., M & Zvacek, S. ( 2011). Teaching and Learning at a
Distance: Foundations of Distance Education (5th ed). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board [THECB]. (2012). The principles of good practice
in electronically based courses.

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