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Many Vongse
Professor Simone Flannigan
ENGL 2010-403
31 July 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Trifun, Natasha M. "Residential Segregation After The Fair Housing Act." Human Rights 36.4
(2009): 14-19. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 July 2016.
Natasha M. Trifun gained her Juris Doctors degree from American University in 2009.
She is currently working at King & Spalding, which is an international law firm. The magazine,
Human Rights, is published by ABA (American Bar Association) publishing and produces
magazines every three months. Within this publication they like to cover topics that involve
human and civil rights.
This article gives a lot of information of the discrimination towards African Americans
when purchasing a home. Trifun also gives some background history on the Fair Housing Act
and how it was supposed to be used to help lessen racial discrimination. She then talks about the
poor infrastructure in African American communities and the problems segregated communities
To me this was an easy read and it made a lot of sense, I believe this is because Trifun
uses good citation which improves her credibility and backs up her claims. This article seemed to
be more factual and eye opener to current sources of discrimination. I could use this article to
give some facts and background knowledge in my research essay.

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Mencimer, Stephanie. "What If Everything You Knew About Poverty Was Wrong?." Mother
Jones 39.2 (2014): 42-61. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Mar. 2016.
Stephanie Mencimer has received a lot of positive feedback as a journalist since
graduating from the University of Oregon. Mencimer started as a reporter from 1993-1998 for
several different local papers in Washington. Mencimer then became an editor for Washington
Monthly and a fellow at the Alicia Patterson Foundation soon after. Mencimer is now a currently
a reporter for Mother Jones and has been since 2007. Mother Jones is a bimonthly print
magazine that reports on urgent issues of our day. That is from politics and climate change to
In this article Mencimer is interviewing Edin Hopkins (a sociologist at Johns Hopkins
University) and her research project in a run-down area of New Jersey. In the interview
Mencimer finds that through Hopkins three year research that the cause of poverty is not
necessarily due to the laziness of people.
I found the article to be an easy read, the language in the article is perfect for their
intended audience. In the article Mencimer tries to be informative and entertaining. It does not
seem like a bias article. I believe that I could use this article to show some insight of how it is
like to be inside of the colored community and how stereotypes arent actually true.

Johnson, Deborah, ed. Who is Poor? Institute for Research on Poverty: University of
Wisconsin, 2014. Web. 31 July 2016.
In this article there is no set author but I believe it be created by the IRP (Institute for
Research on Poverty) as whole. There three directors currently presiding over the research
institute, they are Lawrence Berger, Katherine Magnuson, and Jennifer Noyes. There are two

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editors, David Chancellor and Deborah Johnson. IRP is a nonprofit research institute based at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. They are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services.
This article gives facts about poverty and income based off of the Census Bureau. It
shows where different races and ethnicities when it comes to poverty rates. It gives lots of facts
on subject of poverty in general, from age to where you live and all those different percentages.
Since this piece is more of a summary of a compilation of data it makes it easier to
understand the graphs that come with it. It isnt difficult to read and it isnt bias in any way. This
article seems like it is completely factual and trustworthy since the IRP is sponsored by the
government. I think I could use some of the information to help back up some of the claims that I
will make in my paper.

Leonardo, Zeus. The War on Schools: NCLB, Nation Creation and the Educational
Construction of Whiteness. Race Ethnicity and Education 10.3 (2007): 261-278. Web.
31 July 2016.
Zeus Leonardo has graduated from the University of California in 1998 where he
received his Bachelors in English and his Ph.D. in Education. He is an author of numerous
articles and books on critical social thought. As of right now Leonardo is currently a professor at
the University of California Berkeley. The article was published by Routledge a multinational
British Publisher. They mainly publish academic journals and books that relate to the subjects of
Humanities and Social Science.
In this work Leonardo explains how we racialize things unconsciously because it is
almost institutionalized in our minds. Leonardo explains that the reason for people of color

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failing so badly isnt necessarily the fault of those people but the stereotypes we connect to
peoples race. Leonardo goes on to explain how there is this white ideology that everyone is a
part of no matter what.
Leonardos article is quite interesting but difficult to read. It is very dense type of
literature and I wouldnt advise just anybody to read it; unless they were a scholar. Though the
article does show some bias it will help me back up the claims on my side. I can actually use a
lot of his ideology to relate with mine.

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