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1. An acoustical phenomenon wherein the sound continues to persist after the cause of sound has
stopped resulting in repeated reflections is called
a. Echo
b. reverberation
c. reflection
d. diffraction
2. A group of filters has 1/3 octave of spacing. If the initial frequency is 25 Hz, what is the next
frequency available for the filter?
a. 50 Hz
b. 12.5 Hz
c. 75 Hz
d. 31.5 Hz
3. A type of microphone that uses the principle of a capacitor as a means of transduction. It uses a
polarizing voltage of between 9 and 48 V of DC supply applied to its diaphragm by an external
power supply.
a. Dynamic
b. condenser
c. ribbon
d. carbon
4. Determine the sound power in Watts produced by the banks alarm if a by-stander heard the
alarm at a sound pressure level of 100 dB-SPL. The by-stander is 100 ft away from the bank.
a. 56.85 w
b. 55.68w
c. 58.56 w
d. 58.65w
5. A loudspeaker produces an SPL of 85dB-SPL at 1 meter distance and input electrical power of 1
W. How loud is the SPL at distance of 20 meters if this speaker is driven to 10 W of electrical
a. 82 dB SPL
b. 69 dB SPL
c. 65 dB SPL
d. 79 dB SPL
6. A number from 0 to 1 representing the ability of a surface material to absorb sound energy is
known as
a. Sound absorption b. reflection coefficient c. absorption coefficient d. room constant
7. The difference in dB between the loudest level of sound and the softest passage of sound is
known as _
a. Headroom
b. S/N
c. gain
d. dynamic range
8. How many octaves is the frequency range 1 to 8MHz?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3

d. 8

How much acoustic power must a public address system be able to put out in order to create an SPL
of 100 dB for a musical show in the 10,000 cubic meter auditorium?
a. 30 mW
b. 200 W
c. 33 W
d. 80W

10. For a music lover concert A is 440 Hz. If a musical note one octave higher were played, it would
______ that frequency.
a. One-half
b. One-fourth
c. Double
d. Triple
11. In a 220 Hz synthesizer signal, if a note were played one octave below it would be _______.
a. 22 Hz
b. 27.5 Hz
c. 440 Hz
d. 110 Hz
12. Designates the sensation of low or high in the sense of the base and treble.
a. SPL
b. Pitch
c. Frequency
d. Intensity
13. Sound intensity is given as:
a. df / dP
b. dP / dA

c. dE / dP

d. dA / dP

14. A method of expressing the amplitude of complex non-periodic signals such as speech.
a. volume
b. frequency
c. pitch
d. wavelength

15. A large speaker having a large diameter (15 cm and above).

a. tweeter
b. triaxial speaker
c. coaxial speaker

d. woofer

16. What do you call of a sound transducer that uses a polarizing potential and depends upon
capacitance variation for generation of a corresponding potential difference?
a. electrostatic b. electroacoustic
c. electrodynamic
d. electromagnetic
17. A special type of electrostatic microphone which holds polarization indefinitely without continued
application of a polarizing potential.
a. condenser
b. capacitive microphone
c. electret
d. all of the above
18. Sound transducer whose output potential is generated through the flexing of crystalline
elements as it is acted by sound waves.
a. piezoelectric b. electroacoustic
c. electrodynamic
d. electromagnetic
19. An electroacoustic transducer that radiates acoustic power into the air. The acoustic
waveform is equivalent to the electrical input wavefrom.
a. electrets
b. diaphragm
c. piezoelectric
d. loudspeaker
20. A dome over a stadium has a diameter of 100 m and an area of 104 m2. If the average intensity
of sound passing outward of through this surface is 10-3 W/m2, the total power is about
a. 20W
b. 10W
c. 30W
d. 40W
21. Sound intensity level is given by: in dB:
a. 10 log I/Iref
b. 20 log I/Iref

c. 10 log Pref/Iref

d. 20 log Iref/Pref

22. The reference intensity for sound in air is:

a. 10 10 W/m2
b. 10 12 W/m2

c. 10 16 W/m2

d. 10 13 W/m2

23. The intensity of sound which is 10-3 W/m2 in dB

a. 90
b. 80
c. 70

d. 60

24. Sound pressure level in dB is:

a. 20 log P/Pref b. 10 log P/Pref c. 10 log P/ref/P d. 10 log I/Iref
25. Pressure amplitude reference level of sound in air:
a. 20 millipascalb. 20 micropascal
c. 30 micropascal

d. 40 micropascal

26. A sound pressure amplitude level of 0.4 Pa corresponds to a sound pressure level in dB equal to:
a. 26
b. 40
c. 86
d. 56
27. An SPL of 58 dB means:
a. 0.15 Pa
b. 0.016 Pa

c. 1.8 Pa

28. The lowest frequency produced by an instrument.

a. Harmonic
b. Fundamental c. Midrange
29. _____ is the range of quietness to loudness.
a. Static Range
b. Dynamic Range

d. 2 Pa
d. 0 Hz

c. Flat Response

d. Active Response

30. How many dB can a moderately vigorous speaking voice of Luciano Pavarrotti, produce acoustic
power of 0.100 microwatts with a room volume of 100 cubic meters, with reverberation time of 1.2
a. 75dB
b. 60dB
c. 25dB
d. 100dB

31. It is brought about by a series of reflections between two parallel surfaces resulting to
prolongation of sound.
a. Echo
b. Reverberation
c. Interference
d. flutter
32. One hundred twenty microbars of pressure variation is equal to
a. 41.58 dB SPL
b. 57.78 dB SPL
c. 120 dB SPL

d. 115.56 dB SPL

33. Find the speed of sound if the temperature is 45 degrees C.

a. 356 m/sec
b. 363 m/sec
c. 385 m/sec

d. 405 m/sec

34. Proximity effect is the microphone characteristic that results to a boost in ____ frequencies.
a. Bass
b. Midrange
c. Upper Midrange
d. Treble
35. As the temperature increases, the velocity of sound _______.
a. Increases
b. Decreases c. Remains the same

d. Cannot be determined

36. A car horn outdoors produces a sound intensity level of 90 dB at 10 ft. away. At this distance,
what is the sound power in watts?
a. 0.12
b. 0.012
c. 12
d. 1.2
37. The ______ of a sound depends upon the energy of motion imparted to the vibrating molecules of
the medium transmitting the sound.
a. Pitch
b. Loudness
c. Timbre
d. Intensity
38. The term that describes the highness and lowness of a sound in the study of acoustics is called
a. Volume
b. Base
c. Tempo
d. Pitch
39. What is the equivalent sound intensity level of 2 x 10exp-12 w/
a. 43 dB
b. 86 dB
c. 3 dB

d. 6 dB

40. The reverberation time of 200 cu. Ft. auditorium is 0.45 sec. Find the total absorption of the
material in sabines.
a. 72
b. 52
c. 42
d. 22
41. Which of the following is the hearing range of a human ear?
a. 1 to 4 Hz
b. 10 to 100 Hz
c. 10 to 100 Hz

d. 1 to 4 kHz

42. One sq. ft of open window is equivalent to absorption coefficient of

a. Unity
b. Zero
c. 4.7

d. 3.0

43. The absorption coefficient of a person

a. Unity
b. Zero

d. 3.0

c. 4.7

44. A transducer that uses a polarizing potential and depends upon capacitive variation of a
corresponding potential difference.
a. Electrodynamic
b. Electoacoustic
c. Electromagnetic
d. Electrostatic
45. What is the typical value of the impedance of a high impedance microphone?
a. Greater than 500 ohms b. Below 1000 ohms c. Greater than 1000 ohms d. Below 500 ohms
46. It is used to prevent the sound waves from the rear of the loudspeaker from interfering with the
sound waves in front of the speaker.
a. Labyrinth
b. Acoustic driver
c. Baffle
d. Phasing Device
47. A type of microphone which uses the principle of variable resistance
a. Ceramic
b. Crystal
c. Dynamic

d. Carbon

48. This value refers to the threshold of hearing.

a. 0 dB
b. 65 dB

c. 120 dB

d. 200 dB

49. 40 sones are equivalent to how many phons?

a. 40

c. 73.2

d. 80

50. The term used for the deafness of higher frequencies due to old age.
a. Ear deafness
b. Presbycusis c. Cortial deafness
d. Tinnitus
51. The higher the density of the object, the _____ the velocity of sound.
a. Lower
b. Higher
c. No effect
d. Cannot be determined
52. Sound is considered as _____ wave because it travels in parallel with the medium.
a. Transverse
b. Longitudinal
c. Electromagnetic
d. Light
53. The person who pioneered the study of room acoustics.
a. Stephens
b. Norris
c. Sabine

d. Bate

54. What is the sound intensity for an RMS pressure of 200 Pascal?
a. 90 W/m2
b. 98 W/m2
c. 108 W/m2

d. 88 W/m2

55. A circuit that divides the frequency components into separate bands in order to have individual
feeds to the different drivers.
a. Suspension system b. Dividing network
c. Magnet assembly
d. Panel board

56.Which best describe the sound wave?

a. It may be longitudinal
b. It is always longitudinal

c. It is always transverse
d. All of the above

57.Which of the following can not travel through a vacuum?

a. Electromagnetic wave b. Radio wave
c. Soundwave
Light wave


58.Through which medium does sound travel fastest?

a. Air
b. Water
c. Steel

d. Mercury

59.Speed that is faster than that of sound.

a. Ultrasonic
b. Supersonic

d. Transonic

c. Subsonic

60.What is the speed of sound in air at 20C?

a. 1087 ft/s
b. 1100 ft/s
c. 1126 ft/s

d. 200 ft/s

61.Calculate a half wavelength sound for sound of 16000 Hz.

a. 35 ft
b. 10 ft
c. 0.035 ft

d. 100

62.The lowest frequency that a human ear can hear is
a. 5 Hz
b. 20 Hz
c. 30 Hz
d. 20 Hz
63.Sound that vibrates at frequency too high for the human ear to hear (over 20
a. Subsonic
b. Ultrasonic
c. Transonic
d. Stereo

64.The frequency interval between two sounds whose frequency ratio is 10

a. Octave
b. Half octave
c. Third-octave
65.A 16 KHz sound is how many octaves higher than a 500 Hz sound
a. 2
b. 5
c. 4
d. 8
66.Sound waves composed of but one frequency is a/an
a. Infra sound
b. Pure tone
c. Structure borne d. Residual
67.Sound wave has two main characteristics which are
a. Highness and loudness
c. Tone and loudness
c. Pitch and loudness
d. Rarefactions and
68.When waves bend away from straight lines of travel, it is called
a. Reflection
b. Diffraction
c. Rarefaction
d. Refraction
69.The amplitude of sound waves, the maximum displacement of each air
particle, is the property which perceive as _____ of a sound
a. Pitch
b. Intensity
c. Loudness
70.It is the weakest sound that average human hearing can detect.
a. SPL = 0 dB
b. Threshold of hearing c. Reference pressure = 2 x 105N/m2
d. A, b, c
71.What is a device that is used to measure the hearing sensitivity of a person?
a. Audiometer
c. SLM
d. Spectrum
72.What is the device used in measuring sound pressure levels incorporating a
microphone, amplification, filtering and a display.
a. Audiometer
c. SLM
d. Spectrum
73.What weighted scale in a sound level meter gives a reading that is most
closely to the response of the human ear?
a. Weighted scale A
b. Weighted scale B
c. Weighted scale C
d. Weighted scale D
74.For aircraft noise measurements, the weighting scale that is used is _____.
a. Weighted scale A
b. Weighted scale B
c. Weighted scale C
d. Weighted scale D
75.It is the device used to calibrate an SLM?

a. Microphone

b. Pistonphone

c. Telephone


76._____ is the sound power measured over the area upon which is received.
a. Sound pressure b. Sound energy
c. Sound intensity d. Sound pressure
77.A measure of the intensity of sound in comparison to another sound intensity
a. Phon
b. Decibel
c. Pascal
d. Watts
78.Calculate the sound intensity level in dB of a sound whose intensity is 0.007
a. 95 dB
b. 91 dB
c. 98 dB
d. 101
79.What is the sound pressure level for a given sound whose RMS pressure is
a. 200 dB
b. 20 dB
c. 140 dB
d. 14 dB
80.What is the sound intensity for an RMS pressure of 200 Pascal?
a. 90 W/m2
b. 98 W/m2
c. 108 W/m2

d. 88 W/m2

81.The sound pressure level is increased by _____ dB if the pressure is doubled.

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
82.The sound pressure level is increased by _____ dB if the intensity is doubled.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
83.If four identical sounds are added what is the increase in level in dB?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
84.The transmission of sound from one room to an adjacent room, via common
walls, floors or ceilings.
a. Flanking transmission b. Reflection c. Refraction
d. Reverberation
85._____ is the continuing presence of an audible sound after the sound source
has stopped.
a. Flutter echo
b. Sound concentration c. Sound shadow d.
86.Required time for any sound to decay to 60 dB
a. Echo time
b. Reverberation time
c. Delay time
Transient time
87.A room containing relatively little sound absorption
a. Dead room
b. Anechoic room c. Live room


d. Free-field

88.A room in which the walls offer essentially 100% absorption, therefore
simulating free field conditions.

a. Dead room

b. Anechoic room

c. Live room

d. Closed

89.Calculate the reverberation time of the room, which has a volume of 8700 ft3
and total sound absorption 140 sabins.
a. 0.3 sec
b. 3.5 sec
c. 3 sec
d. 0.53 sec
90.It is an audio transducer that converts acoustic pressure in air into its
equivalent electrical impulses
a. Loudspeaker
b. Amplifier
c. Baffle


91._____ is a pressure type microphone with permanent coil as a transducing

a. Dynamic
b. Condenser
c. Magnetic
d. Carbon
92.A microphone which has an internal impedance of 25 k is _____ type.
a. High impedance b. Low impedance c. Dynamic
d. Magnetic
93.A microphone that uses the piezoelectric effect
a. Dynamic
b. Condenser
c. Crystal

d. Carbon

94._____ is a type of loudspeaker driver with an effective diameter of 5 inches

used at midrange audio frequency.
a. Tweeter
b. Woofer
c. Mid-range
d. A or C
95.A loudspeaker radiates an acoustic power of 1 mW if the electrical input is 10
W. What is its rated efficiency?
a. -10 dB
b. -20 dB
c. -30 dB
d. -40 dB
96.An amplifier can deliver 100 W to a loudspeaker. If the rated efficiency of the
loudspeaker is -60 dB. What is the maximum intensity 300 ft from it?
a. 10 dB
b. 20 dB
c. 30 dB
d. 40
97.The impedance of most drivers is about _____ ohms at their resonant
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
98.It is an enclosure used to prevent front and back wave cancellation.
a. Loudspeaker
b. Driver
c. Baffle
d. Frame
99.A unit of noisiness related to the perceived noise level.
a. Noy
b. dB
c. Sone

d. Phon

100. What is the loudness level of a 1KHz tone if its intensity is

1 x 105W/cm2?
a. 100 phons
b. 105 phons
c. 110 phons
d. 100 phons

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