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School name: _________________________________________

City: ____________________________
School contact person: _____________________________________________________________________
Designation: ________________________________________________________________________________
Email address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________
Mobile: _____________________________________
Assessed by (Ambassadors name) : ________________________________________________________


School Demographics
a. School profile:
b. Total # of students: _________
c. Total # of teachers: _________

Elementary ______
Elementary ______

High School ______

High School ______


Vision and Mission of School related to ICT

Pls share the schools objectives related to teaching & learning with technology. How do you
envision your teachers & students with their technology practice 2 years from now?


Technology Assessment
a. Is the school under the DepEd Computerization Program? ___________________________
b. Total # of computers ___________
c. # of units provided by DepEd ________
# of computers provided by donors ________
d. # of units the school intends to procure _______________________________________________
e. Is the school on windows 8? _____ If not, what version are they on? ___________________
f. Is the school on Office 2013? _____ If not, what version are they on? _________________
g. Does your school have internet connection? ___ None
___Others: _____________________


Teacher skills development

a. How often do you conduct technology-related trainings for teachers?
___ 1X a year
___ 2X a year
___every quarter
___Others: _____________________

Teachers are confident in using technology when computing grades.

Teachers incorporate technology in teaching
Teachers use social media for teaching.
Teachers are interested to know how they can integrate technology in
the classroom.




Kindly rate where your school belongs in the following criteria.




b. What kind of technology trainings have been conducted for the teachers in the last 12
months? ____________________________________________________________________________________

d. How would you rate the current ICT skills level of your teachers?
___Very low ___Low to basic


Technology initiative
a. What kind of technology applications/software do your teachers use for teaching?
__ Word
__ Excel __ PowerPoint
__ One Note
__ Google Docs __ Blackboard __ Moodle
__ Others: ________________________________________________________________________

b. Does your school have any initiatives in promoting teaching with technology? (ex. Contests,
campaigns, etc.) ____Yes ___ No

If yes, please specify: _________________________________________________________________________

c. Is your school in partnership with any NGO or private company on any ICT initiatives?


If yes, pls. specify name/s of partners: ________________________________________________________

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