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Graphic Organizer
To organize needs & for Intervention Purposes

Disability Category: Physical Impairment Cerebral Palsy

Possibly / Common Strengths: Highly courageous and has a lot of perseverance. Enjoys
and understands history really well!
Common Disability Characteristics

Instructional or Behavioral Strategies

student may be taught to use for school success

A) Short attention span.

B) Requires extra help in the classroom that

requires extra practice.

A-1 Giving students a choice on their activities they

use for learning allows them to choose things they
are good at which means they will focus and better
and longer on assignments.
A-2 Educational games engage students in a fun way
and helps them be able to focus for longer amounts
of time, especially if the game is fun for the particular
B-1 Classwide Peer Tutoring allows students to be
engaged and talking to their peers getting help
instead of having the student pulled off by
themselves to get help from an adult.
B-2 PALS allows students to talk and get assistance
from their peers in a safe manner.

Social / School (Skills)

A) Difficulty making friends.

B) Low self-confidence.

A-1 PALS allows students to get to know others in

their class, which is a great way to make new friends.
A-2 Cooperative Learning Groups allow students to
meet everyone in class in small groups which makes it
easier to talk to people and make friends. Coop
groups are also an easy way for social skills to be
taught because students have to talk to one another
in order to complete the task at hand
B-1 Positive Self-Talk helps students believe they can
achieve anything they set their mind too.
B-2 Team Building allows for better communication
among peers and creates a sense of community and a
safe space to share ideas with others.

Behavior / Organization
A) Learned helplessness.

B) Engage in conflicts with peers

A-1 Goal setting allows students to accomplish

smaller tasks, which can motivate them to do
activities on their own instead of relying on others.
A-2 Teach how to ask for help and how to decline
help because students do not always need help when
offered but they may not know how to say they do
not need help.
B-1 Peer mediation allows for a long-term life lesson
which allows students to be able to resolve

differences on their own.

B-2 Journaling Between Peers will create a bond
between students and help them better understand
one another. Creating these bonds will help students
understand one another causing fewer conflicts
between peers.

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