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Why you will most probably fail in achieving your goals

Most people claim to understand the importance of setting goals in their

lives be it going to Mars, taking the staircase instead of the elevator by
arriving five minutes earlier to the office, getting divorced from your once
soulmate or becoming the worlds best big wave surfer. A goal is an
ambition or an aim to do or to be what you desire both in the long run and
short run. There are four types of goals; wealth, health, relationships and
self-fulfilment. According to Forbes which most astoundingly discovered
that 84% of people have not their goals which indicates only 16% of
people have a notion about this most vital part in life. Nonetheless out of
this 16%, 70% fail to achieve their goals.
This rather unfortunate situation occurs principally due to the lack of
vision about your own life. Within this global village everybody exists in a
daze of morning coffee, traffic jams, work, criticism, competition,
backstabbing and dissatisfaction. Nonetheless you have to wake up and
find your way back. You alone got to do it by yourself because it is
assured that no Prince Charming would gallop his way back to you in order
kiss away the curse of a busy lifestyle. Thus it is essential for you to see
all the sun shine and sparkles in life by breaking free from this trance. Yet
there are several pitfalls and traps that would still prevent from achieving
the goals you want in your life.
The first and foremost reason is although most of us want to achieve
goals, we fail in achieving it or rather we fail at even recognizing what are
the goals that should be accomplished. Hence it is crucial to find your
greatest fascination or desire in life. Be it becoming an architect or a pole
dancer, you have to be passionate about what you do. In order to find
your passion, as Steve Job says If you havent found it (passion) keep
looking. Dont settle. You should not settle for just interests, you have to
be curious as a child and explore while also understanding your talents
and potential. Consequently when you come to the point where you
apprehend your true love you are ardent, you should indulge and immerse
in it completely. For an example no matter how many times you hear and
recite to yourself that If you want to have a great career, you have to
pursue your passion, if you decide not to do so you will never ever realize
the goals you have set.
Not fulfilling the goals even after you have identified them, occurs when
you are not wholeheartedly committed to them. This is one of the main
reasons the majority does not attain their goals. Thomas Edison who was
called too stupid to learn anything by his school teachers, made 1,000
unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. However all those

unsuccessful attempts finally resulted in the design that worked. Orville

and Wilbur Wright brothers battled depression and family illness before
starting the bicycle shop that led them experiment with flight. After
numerous attempts at creating flying machines, several years of hard
work, and tons of failed prototypes, the brothers finally created a plane
that could get airborne and stay there which was a magnificent
breakthrough which majority claimed to be impossible. However both
Thomas Edison and Wright brothers set higher goals and made it a
personal responsibility by committing themselves to achieve through hard
work without quitting. If Edison thought to stop working at 999th failed
attempt or had the Wright Brothers quitted with the public ridicule, you
can question yourself what would happen to the evolution of human
beings. Wright brothers failed so many times in front of journalists, their
machine which was claimed to be flying just hopped few yards and
stopped. If they were ashamed of this failed exposure to the public and
got scared by the repeated failures, they would have to quit from their
passion. Yet they did not. Failure is how you can learn, adapt and toughen
up so you can get to the point where you can succeed. Therefore you
must not fear the apprehension of failure but adjust yourself for the
discomfort rather than comfy cosy bubble you live in without
Another reason you most definitely will not achieve the goals is having too
many goals. For an example its like aiming to hit three darts in dartboard
with one arrow which is neither realistic nor possible. Therefore, determine
the one goal you are focused on and move forward with that one goal
only. Eliminate other goals that are secondary. This is not to say that you
should never have more than one goal. Rather, you need to realize that
you have only finite time and energy. Therefore, choose the goal that will
give you the highest ROE (return on effort) and focus on that one goal
first. Once complete, you can then focus on other goals in sequence.
Setting SMART goals is decisive. However even after setting those smart
goals people tend to abandon them due to lack of self-confidence.
Therefore its important to appreciate yourself and believe in the
potentiality to become successful. Who can imagine a man who does even
know to write in this much integrated world become one of the business
magnate? Yet H. K. Dharmadasa commonly known as Nawaloka Mudalali
in Sri Lanka became the chairman of the Nawaloka Group of Companies
with 21 constituent companies. When you set the goals and act to fulfil
them, you must evaluate the progress you have made and concentrate on
to improve more and learn from the past mistakes avoiding repetition.

Goal achievement is not an elusive target. You really can be whom you
want and do what you want. By balancing your goals into the four
categories mentioned and exploring and discovering your true solid
passion and you potentiality, overcoming fear of failure, lack of selfconfidence and procrastination as well as working in a relentless
determination will lead you to the path where you achieve any goal you
set for yourself and reach new levels of personal and professional success.

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