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Name: Ayu Hudzaifah



: A33212074

Class : Reading-3
The phrase Islamic arts refers to the arts practiced by the vast populations of the Middle
East and elsewhere that adopted the Islamic faith from the 7th century onward. In this summary,
the subject includes the arts created in pre-Islamic times by Arabs and other peoples in Asia
Minor and North Africa who eventually adopted the Islamic faith. It focuses largely on literature,
calligraphy, and architecture. Thus, the centre of the Islamic artistic tradition lies in calligraphy,
a distinguishing feature of this culture.
The typical expression of Muslim art is the arabesque , a style of decoration characterized
by intertwining plants and abstract curvilinear motifs. At first connected with the mosques and
later independent of them are schools, mausoleums, rooms for the students, and cells for the
religious masters. The poetry of the Arabs consisted in the beginning of praise,Goethes
statement that the stories of The Thousand and One Nights have no goal in themselves shows his
understanding of the character of Arabic belles lettres. The Mortar of Islamic Culture
understanding the importance of the Arabic language in Islamic culture is central to
understanding both in its literature and its visual arts. And the other also about Arabic Language
and Arabic Calligraphy that consist of Islamic Arts .
Furthermore, for the last explanation from my summary here is all about Islamic Arts
with the language, calligraphy and others in Arabquese. It is also told us about the poem or petry
in Arabs, the famous story like The Thousand and One Nights and also about the Drama. That
are already told us includes the arts created in pre-Islamic times by Arabs and other peoples in
Asia Minor and North Africa.

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