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Basic course:
Introduction to ARM7 and Arduino Platform and related Companies and its opportunities.
Comparison of Arduino with different platforms and ARM7
Benefits of Arduino and ARM7
C programming Basics, C programming loops, if, for, do while () etc
Getting started with PCB design Environment
PCB Layout design:

Library Development, Logic Import, Routing, Building a multi-sheet schematic, Editing


Design rules - Hierarchy structure, rules interface, Default rules and extended
rules option, Clearance, Routing and High Speed rule categories, Conditional
rules and printing rule reports

Board layer preparation - number of layers, naming, routing and plane types,
assigning nets to planes, routing direction, increasing and decreasing layers and
documenting physical board make-up.

Designing a Schematic and 3D imaging of design

Module 1: Arduino /ARM7 Programming
Basics of Arduino /ARM7 programming
Downloading programs into the IC
Simple basic programs LED blinking, Switch, Buzzer, Relay interfacing
Module 2: ARM7 /Arduino Interfacing
LCD interfacing, DC motor interfacing, Driver IC interfacing (L293D),
Servo motor interfacing Stepper motor interfacing, Seven Segment Display interfacing

Module 3: Serial Communication

Programming using serial communication.,

Device control: Led, Buzzer, D.C. motor, LCD Interfacing.
Module 4: Sensors and Modules
Sensor interfacing
IR Sensor, PIR sensor, TSOP Sensor, Temperature Sensor (LM35), Ultrasonic Sensor,
Proximity Sensor
Module5 :
GSM, RFID, Bluetooth, SD Card, RTC
Main course:
Understanding & Introduction to Raspberry Pi (ARM11)
Preparing SD Card for OS Installation using Wheezy software
First Time Configuration using Fedora
Network Setup, GPIO Setup
Pi Using Secure Shell (SSH)
Pi Over VNC (Virtual Network Connector)
Linux shell scripting
Python programming
Making Raspberry Pi a Web Server
Web Development: HTML
Web Development: CSS & Javascript, Wordpress
Interfacing Electronic Components with Raspberry Pi
Virtual simulation of live projects of the company on PCB design CAD software and
there hardware implementation
Every student is responsible to design unique designs different from others based on the
learning gain

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