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Activity 1

Create a maintenance schedule for computer equipment you use on a regular basis.


Maintenance frequency

Automatic run by program


Clean the computer screen



Backing up the files



Clean mouse and keyboard



Updating the computer





After three months


Inspecting the power cables
are working normally
Cleaning internal drivers and
writing heads

What items on the schedule can be handled in-house, and what tasks need to be outsourced? (25
75 words)
Cleaning the mouse ,keyboard and the screen are relatively easy procedures that requires no
technician and thus are performed in the house .However backing up the files can be complex and
thus outsourcing is advisable in order to make sure back up settings are done properly. Cleaning
the internal drivers also requires a technician as it is a delicate exercise.

Activity 2

Use the maintenance schedule you created for Activity 1 to organise and undertake maintenance
on a computer you can access.

Demonstrate your ability to follow the maintenance schedule.



Ability to

e frequency

follow the

Clean the



Backing up the files


Backed up

Clean mouse and





computer screen

Updating the
computer softwares

with help
of a

Inspecting the



power cables are

and called

working normally

to double

Cleaning internal

After three


drivers and writing


with help



How did you implement the schedule to cause the least disruption to users?

The implementation was carried very early in the morning


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there are no users and late in the evening when the number of users
are minimal.

What other strategies can you use to minimise impact from maintenance programs on users? (2575

To schedule the maintenance at specific times and make them

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aware of the ongoing tasks. In addition ,all the users are encouraged
to come with their personal laptops as resources centres are open
when performing partial maintenance

What precautions should you take if you have to move equipment to another location for
maintenance purposes? (2575 words)
The equipments should be carried in their original packaging that has safety covering inside them
while also carrying their purchase receipts is encouraged in case they are asked by authorities.

Activity 3

While cleaning the inside of a computer case you notice an abnormal dust build-up around the
power supply unit.
You remove the dust build-up, but the wiring underneath is discoloured and the insulation seems
brittleit cracked as you gently brushed the dust away. You believe the power supply to be
dangerous and likely to fail in the near future.

Prepare, and submit, a report for the appropriate person (your assessor) about the problem you
have encountered. (150250 words)


While performing maintenance on computer number five. There was
build dust on the power supply and all around. Using a soft piece of

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cotton the dust was removed. However as inspection proceeded

further around the casing. Something was strange and the wire
underneath was observed in brittle state. Further effort to clean the
dust was interrupted by the cracking of the wire. The power supply
needs attention or otherwise it is likely to fail in the near future. It
also appears dangerous and risks the health of the system.
Also overhaul of the entire system should be performed whereby all
the wires should be replaced.
This appears to be signs of the computer hardware being outdated
and thus it is moreover recommended whether in this case purchase
of another computer is considerable. This report also serves as a
reminder to perform the internal cleaning of all computers at the
arranged schedule. The implementation of this report is upon the
discretion of the person in charge.

Who might be an appropriate person to receive problem reports? (2575 words)

The most ideal person to receive problem reports should be the chief

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technician. Nevertheless, the manager of the department could

receive the report and issues

orders to the people responsible of

the same.

Who should be contacted if the item is under warranty? (1025 words)

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The right people to be contacted for warranty issues are the dealers
where the specified item was purchased. Normally there is always
contacts either emails or cell numbers to call.


Activity 4

Your assessor will set you a task so that your ability to assess an existing problem situation and
identify the main problem area can be assessed.

Activity 5

Demonstrate your ability to test suspected faulty equipment or software for possible failures or
performance degradation, utilising available technology. You will need to complete a task set by
your assessor.

Activity 6

Generate a comma separated values report using system information from within Windows
(rather than from the command line) and open the report using a spreadsheet application such
as Microsoft Office Excel.

Analyse the report and provide the following details:




OS Name




7 ultimate


Available Physical Memory

2gb ram


System speaker

Dobly digital


Primary IDE Channel



IP Address


IP Subnet



Default IP Gateway



DHCP Enabled



DHCP Server



Excel version



Excel build



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Why do you think it is important to compare test results to those recorded previously? (2575

This is important for comparison and monitoring on the performance of the computer. The
comparison can then be used to determine whether the computer is improving or deteriorating.
One can act based on the differences in the figures.
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Provide a list of the start-up programs, the command, user name, and location.



User Name


Name or Startup Item

Status Command or Data






!AVG Anti-Spyware












%FP%012-L2TP fts.exe
%FP%012-L2TP FWPortal.exe


AntiHook - the "ultimate Host Intrusion Prevention
System (HIPS) for protection against Malicious
DiamondCS ProcessGuard "is a powerful new type of
security system that secures Windows at the lowest
(kernel) level, allowing it to provide the maximum
possible security" stopping malware from being
executed silently in the background, as well as a
variety of other attacks. You will see one instance of
pgaccount.exe for every active account on your
system, and this is essential for PG to work properly
DiamondCS ProcessGuard "is a powerful new type of
security system that secures Windows at the lowest
(kernel) level, allowing it to provide the maximum
possible security" stopping malware from being
executed silently in the background, as well as a
variety of other attacks
System Tray access to and notifications for AVG Antiavgas.exe
Spyware 7.5. This has now been superseded by AVG
Anti-Virus which includes Anti-Spyware
System Tray access to and notifications for Ewido
Anti-Spyware 4.0. Ewido is now part of AVG
Technologies so this has been superseded by AVG
Anti-Virus which includes Anti-Spyware
WinRecon keystroke logger/monitoring program winrecon.exe
remove unless you installed it yourself!
Connection manager for the EnterNet ISP. You can
also use RASPPOE
Added by the RYKNOS.B TROJAN! Attempts to
utilize the Sony Rootkit A.K.A.
SecurityRisk.First4DRM security risk to hide itself on
the compromised computer
$sys$WeLoveMcCOL.exe Added by the WELOMOCH TROJAN!
Added by the RYKNOS TROJAN! Attempts to utilize
the Sony Rootkit A.K.A. SecurityRisk.First4DRM
security risk to hide itself on the compromised
$sys$WeLoveMcCOL.exe Added by the WELOMOCH TROJAN!
$sys$WeLoveMcCOL.exe Added by the WELOMOCH TROJAN!
Volumouse from Nirsoft. "Provides you a quick and
easy way to control the sound volume on your system
- simply by rolling the wheel of your wheel mouse"
Added by the RBOT-EZ WORM! Note - this is not the
legitimate Internet Explorer (iexplore.exe) which is
always located in %ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer
and should not normally figure in Msconfig/Startup!
This one is located in %System%
Possibly related to C-Media Mixer Control panel?
fts.exe Israeli ISP software front-end
FWPortal.exe Israeli ISP dial-up software

Activity 7

You are working for a medium-sized business in an IT support role.
A client contacts you because their system is going to be updated to Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design
Premium and they want you to provide a video card upgrade.










The steps in replacing a video card are:


Remove old video card.

1.1 Shut down PC.

1.2 Disconnect PC from mains supply.
1.3 Open PC case.
1.4 Unscrew retaining screws holding old video card to chassis.
1.5 Remove video card from AGP slot.
1.6 Disconnect power cable.

Order replacement video card.

2.1 Research options for video card replacement.

2.2 Make recommendation.
2.3 Order replacement video card.
2.4 Goods receipt of replacement video card.

Install new video card.

3.1 Connect power cable.

3.2 Insert video card in AGP slot.
3.3 Insert and tighten retaining screw in chassis.
3.4 Close PC case.
3.5 Connect to mains supply.
3.6 Start PC.
3.7 Install video card drivers from installation CD.
3.8 Reboot system.
Create a plan from the steps provided.

Plan summary of the listed steps include turning off the specified computer. Then proceed to open
the casing to access the expansion slots whereby the new video card should be inserted and the
computer booted to determine the performance.
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What contingencies should you allow for in your plan? (2575 words)

Sometimes there are incompatibility issues due to the drivers of the video card being outdated.
Also there are is performance issues where the computer hard wares are outdated and thus does
not complement the new hardware.
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What steps can you take to minimise disruption to the client? (2575 words)
One obvious way is to ensure one has plan that takes minimal time to install the new video.
Moreover, it is recommendable to advise the client to use an alternative pc during the exercise to
avoid disruptions. Also to avoid delays confirm compatibility before ordering.

Activity 8

This assessment requires a practical demonstration of the repair of a component or software

according to plan and health and safety requirements. Your assessor will provide details of the
assessment. You might be asked to provide a plan as per the assessors instructions.

Activity 9

. The example in the text can be used as a guide. Make sure the log has a place to record
configuration information.

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Use the system maintenance log you created to document the installation, testing, and
configuration of hardware in the previous assessment activities.

Activity 10

Review the maintenance logs you created and completed in previous assessment activities.

Are there any preventative measures you can implement to reduce the likelihood of the issue/s
recurring, or reduce the impact of the issues should they recur?

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Create a report based on the outcome/s of the review, including preventative measures that you
can present to an appropriate person (your assessor).

Question 1

What is a maintenance log? What information might a maintenance log contain? (5075 words)

Maintenance log is a document that contains the schedule that has been used on a particular computer. In
addition there is further information that is recorded such as the performance and the frequency that is used
to carry the same exercise. Moreover there is a specification on the parts and hardware or softwares that has
been repaired or replaced.

Question 2

What diagnostic methods can be used to maintain equipment and software in working order?
(5075 words)

The most ideal involves categorising the hardware and the software. After then one can decide on
the tools to use for the maintenance of the same however for the softwares the most
recommended method is automatic which involves updating the same. For hardware manual
inspection is the most recommended. This ensures both hardware and software are running at their

Question 3

What are the levels of support provided by a help desk? How are issues escalated? (5075 words)

Most of the levels range depending on how the company runs their operations. Help desk however
mainly involves the handling and recording of complaints that are easily handled when the matters
gets complex. Help desk then acts as the right body to refer the clients to the department that a
specific problem is normally addressed.

Question 4

Nominate a piece of equipment and explain its purpose and how it operates. (5075 words)

The piece nominated equipment in this case is mouse. There are different designs relating to the
same and this varies depending on the computer one uses. Most modern computers offer mouses
that has USB end. The main function of mouse is to move the cursor and click to command.

Question 5

Explain how to use system information, both from Windows and the command line. (5075

To obtain the system information from the windows one has to access the system part of the
computer and select on the information that is required. There are also options of printing the

viewed reports that are generated via different logs on the other hand. Command line one has to
enter the information with specific command line and execute.

Question 6

Why is it important to document maintenance outcomes? (5075 words)

This is extremely useful especially one has to do a healthy report analysis of how the system has
been performing for a given period of time. Only with this information one can then determine the
most suitable upgrades that suites a given computer. Technicians might require these files to be
able to fix a current problem.

Question 7

What responsibilities might be included in a service level agreement (SLA)? (5075 words)

This includes one to keep the maintenance files that contains all the
care that has been given to a specific computer. It is duty of the
client to ensure that he or she does not abandon his compute and thus
updated care is administered .This ensures the services legal does not
incur excessive costs on the careless clients who failed to meet their responsibilities.

Question 8

What are warranties? How should they be handled by an organisation? (5075 words)
Warranties are basically guarantees that are common for brand new products. It ensures since
brand new product has long durability. There is increased confidence by the customers and the
dealers assumes sole responsibility when the given item is damaged, Organizations should ensure
they follow warranty guidelines

Question 9

Explain the relationship between hardware and software. (5075 words)

Hardware are the physical components of a computer such as the printers and cpu, softwares are
the programs that are run on the hard wares systems when they booted .Hardwares therefore
independent of the softwares while the softwares are dependent on the hard wares to function. ,
both works together to complete a given system

Question 10

What health and safety issues relate to a computing environment? (5075 words)
There has been issues of eyes being impacted by the light from screen and thus causing some of
the people to experience eye damages while other suffer diseases due to sitting behind the desk
all day long and without no exercise at all. There is increased awareness for people to wear light
glasses when they are working

Project 1

You are required to create forms that can be used for an asset register, a software register, a
maintenance schedule and checklist, and a maintenance logthe tools you will need to
document the processes to maintain equipment and software in working order.

ctivity 1

What methods might be used by clients to log problems? List at least five methods.

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Create a pro-forma that might be used to log a clients IT problem. Submit the pro-forma for

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Why should you check previous logs for similar issues? (2575 words)

This is key factor to consider especially when determine the roots of common occurring problems
related to a particular computer. One can then decide on the best action to undertake

Activity 2

What is active listening? (2575 words)

Active listening is whereby a support listens to the clients and advises on their concerns
accordingly. This is interactive to ensure maximum efficiency,
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What are closed questions? (2575 words)

These are questions that leave a person to only follow the guidelines that are provided when one is
answering questions. It has no room for discussion.
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What are open questions? (2575 words)

These are the types of questions that allows a person to express his or her opinions and can even
deviate from the given topics and discuss on other related matters.
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A client telephones to tell you (their support person) they cannot print a Word document. Create a
script of a conversation you might have while investigating the issue. (75100 words)

Client: Hello there support i am calling you at this time because the support person whose
contacts are indicated is complicating some of the minor problems that are i am facing right now
Me; Thanks for contacting me your issues relates to what complaint?
Clients; am frustrated by as discovered one of your support is incapable of printing a word
document that relates to un followed complain that i had issued
Me; once again thank you and your complain has been dully noted will call you within an hour after

Activity 3

How do you decide the most suitable method to notify the client of the results from an
investigation? (5075 words)

This depends on the complexity of the problem; when the matter is intense and delicate it is
advisable for the client to visit the offices. This would create room for one on one conversation
that is very productive .Vice versa one can decide to call the person if the matter was light.
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What advice or support might be provided to the client depending on the investigation findings?
(5075 words)This depends on the matter at hand. Normally, when the fault is on the support side,
It is advisable for one to apologise on behalf of the company then offer solutions that will make
sure customer is retained and is satisfied with the manner the issue was handled. This restores
the clients faith

Activity 4

What is paraphrasing? (5075 words)
This is using a different language in terms of wording that communicates the idea of the customer
while at the same time communicating his or her ideas but in an ethical and professional manner

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Why is paraphrasing important when getting feedback? (5075 words)

This ensures that the support are able to convey the message to other professional using the flow that
allows technicians and people in the related industry understands the concepts and concerns that are
being presented.
Activity 5

Use system properties on a Windows computer to find out:

The operating system used.


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The operating system version.


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The processor used.

Duo core

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The amount of RAM is installed.


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The Microsoft Office Word version.


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The Network adaptor IP address.

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Use the properties for the systems hard drive(s) to find the capacity of the hard drive. How much
is used? How much is free?
250gb used and 250gb free

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Does the computer meet the minimum requirements for Windows 7 and Office 2010?
Yes since the graphics card qualifies for the set limit

Activity 6

What methods can be used in an investigation? Describe at least three investigative techniques.

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Summon to elaborate

What might be offered as a solution? List at least five common solutions to IT problems.

Repair, replacement, modification, New device, installing monitory

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What are macros and templates? Explain how they are a valuable tool for support purposes. (75
100 words)

Macro are support tools that allows clients to effectively

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communicate with support though interaction processes while

templates are formatted files with specific information that allows
the people to carry commands easily

What is the importance of documentation?
This allows future reference of the earlier problems that has occurred in the past

Activity 7

Explain the difference between implicit and explicit approval. (5075 words)

Implicit approval means it is sought by implying rather expressly stated while explicit is permission
guaranteed and is fully and clearly stated
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How can you obtain approval to implement a solution while working directly with a client? (5075

The ideal approach is to seek explicit approval from the manager and the client himself

Activity 8

What information should be documented about the need for technical support? (5075 words)

Effective technical involves giving the clients power to share their feedback

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openly. In addition there should be a digital suggestion platform that allows

the support to collect the various feedback .Further the analysed data should
be used to better the services offered to the consumers.

How can a support person investigate the level of support needed when contacted by telephone?

words This ensures having forums whereby the clients are able to share their

experience that is published in the support websites no matter the feedback that is being
placed. Either negative or positive this motivates the clients in viewing the honesty of the

Activity 9

You work in a department that provides support for a large organisation with offices in each
state including remote areas. Many clients are experiencing difficulties changing their login
password, which they are required to change every three months by the organisations IT policy.

Write a report on how you would provide advice to the clients in this situation. Explain your choice
of support delivery and how you would coordinate it with the client. (100150 words)

The support should also be day and night as there are clients who works late night when unforseen
incidences like this occurs. Damage that has impacted the computer should then be the basis upon
which the support determines whether the lost files could retrieve
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Demonstrate your ability to provide one-to-one support by explaining how to change a page layout
in the application of your choice from portrait to landscape. Research your advice to ensure it is
technically correct and make sure the advice is easy to follow and understand.
Advice can be provided using the method you prefer (fact sheet, one-to-one training, group
training or an electronic delivery method).

At the peak seasons when there is recorded high number of support assistance .The support should make sure
they offer ranging ways that minimises overloading of their systems or even for the customers having to
complain of the same problem over again and thus wasting precious time that would have been used to attend
on more troubling matters.

Activity 10

What is documentation? (2575 words)

This is the process through which the files are recorded and kept

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securely to ensure they are easily retrieved.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the various forms of help documentation used to
provide advice to clients? (2575 words)
Strength is that old issues that have re occurred could be discussed while weakness is there could
be omission leading to inaccurate support that is needed.

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Create a document to help a client complete a simple task. Use Print Preview to view and print
the document. Use the documentation that came with the program (including Help) to ensure your
document is technically correct.

Activity 11

Create a feedback form to gauge the effectiveness of the provision of advice to clients. Use
existing feedback forms to help if necessary.

Activity 12

When is it more beneficial to use a survey collected person-to-person than asking a client to fill
out a feedback form? Why? (2575 words)

This is because with person to person these are people whom you can

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ensure interested with the feedback while with the clients some
provide feedback for the sake of it

Review the feedback form you created in Activity 11.

Are there any sections or questions that need clarification?

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Does the form contain all the information the client needs to provide effective

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Modify the feedback form accordingly and resubmit it for assessment.

Activity 13

You are evaluating feedback from a training session used to provide advice to clients. The
summarised data is shown.

Which area(s) do you think require improvement? Why?
Participation of the attendees needs to be improved as evident in the
feedback form that has been provided

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What area(s) are doing well? Why?
The area whereby the trainer was able to offer concise answers and thus the attendees could
follow. It is best rated

Question 1

What are the differences between the levels of support within an IT setting? (75-100 words)
There are various levels in an IT` set up and this are dependent on the help the clients are seeking
from the given firm. Major difference is on the ways upon which the support is accessible to the
clients. There are instances when there is online support and one on one support that is mostly
recommended to the clients who are seeking more complex solutions .Higher levels ensures that
the support is able to reach particular group of people depending on their needs. There is also
the phone level that ensures that all support is reachable within a reasonable time.

Question 2

What should be considered when accessing Level 4 (vendor support)? (2575 words)
The client should make sure they are contacting the right vendor who sold them the given devices
and ensure they warranty if they were issued with one.

Question 3

How can clients establish the features of hardware currently used if they do not have the
original packaging or documentation? (2575 words)
Most of the hardware being used has the information of the specified hardware that should assist
them to establish it. Moreover expert support is advised.

Question 4

How can someone employed in support obtain information to provide advice to clients? (2575
He or she can use various channels but the most essential thing is to ensure they record all the
client concerns and act on them after analysing. Discussing with a colleague is also advantageous,

Question 5

Identify some of the functions and basic features of a Windows operating system. (2575 words)
The most basic features include service pack and the ability to run performance index that is
crucial for a computer performance .They hold the softwares that operates the computer system.

Question 6

What operating system and productivity software would you expect to find in a typical
organisation? (2575 words)

The most basic one is windows ranging from various versions that suit the needs of the
clients. Also the antivirus programs are popular in atypical companies.
Question 7

What are strong passwords? (2575 words.

Strong passwords are the one contains mixed characters such as words and letters that can either
be in caps and other special characters and thus making them hard to guess.

Question 8

How does Office 2007 differ from its predecessors and how can this impact on clients? (2575

This means it has its interface differing with most of its predecessors however there is ranging
features most of the features are universal. Also most of the referencing styles are arranged
differently. Some clients might find it easier to use compared to others.

Project 1

Providing advice to clients poses a challenge for support employees due to the technical nature
of advice about computer systems.
Write a 1,000 word report addressing the provision of advice to clients in a clear, concise and
coherent manner. The report should cover analysing client support issues, provision of advice and
obtaining feedback from the client. Tools and techniques used in a support environment must be
included in the report.


Client support issues are a major problem especially due to the evolving software
and hardware developments that are evolving .Therefore, most of the times there is lack of
customer satisfaction .This is due to various reasons such as outdated techniques and using
complex tools that are not easily fathomable by the clients. Customer issues should therefore
be resolved in a manner that ensures they experience and feel streamlined approaches that
solves their concerns. Effective approaches guarantees faster resolution and thus all the
concerned parties benefits from the services that are offered. Moreover it is common to find
insufficient personnels support in a firm and this means there will be overload in their
support online support techniques or even in the worst case scenario there is long queues in
their premises. There is also instances when the support are not equipped with enough
knowledge to handle the adverse problems which in most cases are complex and requires top
notch experts that are able to deal with the same(Mann, 2008). To avoid such nature of
setbacks it is advisable fort the firms to hire only the certified personnel from related
industry graduating schools.

In addition, they should check they have the latest tools that are needed to resolve
ranging matters that are presented. One of the most modern way to increase the support
effectiveness is for the manufacturing companies of various devices to ensure they have
support interface that are build with their gadgets. This ensures clients are able to click on the
offered links and the afore mentioned feature when accessing help. Especially at the peak
seasons when there is recorded high number of support assistance .The support should make
sure they offer ranging ways that minimises overloading of their systems or even for the
customers having to complain of the same problem over again and thus wasting precious
time that would have been used to attend on more troubling matters. Another interesting
solution that have recently been developed by majority of computer support centres is
creation of softwares that are able to monitor the health of the computer, while at the same
time been able to transmit the date to the resolution technician centres. This is a first class
tool and technique that would ensure the clients shares their problems virtually with the
technicians as if they are located in the same room. In addition, the technicians can adjust the
system by adjusting the recommended setting and if its a complex problem they could advise
the user to visit their support site. This method not only ensures there is time saved but it also
allows the technicians and support team to be able o arrange their work accordingly (Krutz &
Vines, 2010).
For the users that are conversant with the computers they are advised on how to tune
their computers and systems .This is effective compared to phone calling and most of the
times clients do not offer detailed report that support can work to offer the needed help. There
are cases when accidents occurs and mostly this is not part of the warranty hence the clients
are forced to take more time making follows on the limits of warranty related to their
devices. Therefore given this nature of problem is therefore recommendable for the support
companies that deal with computer related problems and other IT issues to offer techniques
and approaches that covers customer care that deal with accidents and there is damage to the
given computer. This should be separated with other departments that offer support. While
other clients are stressing on the halt of their productivity that is common, this complete care
would guarantee peace of mind to the clients as they would have not to worry when they
have purchased expensive computers .There are instances when liquid spills and power
surges among other minor problems. Departments that deal with these problems should be
labelled and specified though special numbers (Goldband et al, 2002).

The support should also be day and night as there are clients who works late night
when unforseen incidences like this occurs. Damage that has impacted the computer should
then be the basis upon which the support determines whether the lost files could retrieve .This
would increase the production of the clients as they can work more confidently. Furthermore,
there are clients who work in more endangered environment than others, some of the workers
share offices and in such cases there is increased risk of accidents and other nature of
potential risk occurring at any given time. Companies that deal with sensitive information
should enrol to support services that offer extra hard disk that has special features and are
more durable. They are built with technologies that make it possible for the support team
and technicians are able to recover files more easily in case there is any sort of eventuality
occurring to the victims (Cardinal & Aitken, 2010).
Effective involves giving the clients power to share their feedback openly. In
addition there should be a digital suggestion platform that allows the support to collect the
various feedback .Further the analysed data should be used to better the services offered to
the consumers. This ensures having forums whereby the clients are able to share their
experience that is published in the support websites no matter the feedback that is being
placed. Either negative or positive this motivates the clients in viewing the honesty of the
company a and this boots the level of trust, Again this should be upon the supports discretion
so as not to abuse the privacy of their clients. It is at this point the support should consider
offering client services that are comprehensive with all portfolios from clients being
addressed. This is a technique that should be integrated in software tools that allows that
assists the customers to fully recycle their infrastructure and thus increasing the durability of
the same. Furthermore this should act as a guidance feature to implement and work on their
maintenance in a much more organized manner. Support services should also consider
partnership with third parties that complement their service.

Cardinal, R. N., & Aitken, M. R. (2010). Whisker: a clientserver high-performance
multimedia research control system. Behavior research methods, 42(4), 1059-1071.
Goldband, S., Van Os, R., & Barth, J. (2002). U.S. Patent No. 6,434,532. Washington, DC:
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Krutz, R. L., & Vines, R. D. (2010). Cloud security: A comprehensive guide to secure cloud
computing. Wiley Publishing.
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