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Escalation matrix - POM

There are always issues with projects and things are much easier if you know what your next option
is for moving things along. This matrix offers a process for resolving various types of project
problems and delays. This matrix covers the following types of isses and can be expanded to include
as many as you need:

operational (scheduling, instructions, information, materials, performance issues and service


logistical (product delivery, missing products, order cancellations and verifications)

technical (error messages, botched instructions, technical questions)

What will I get out of this?

Completing this matrix as a group allows you to establish a mutally agreed-upon

process for resolving all major project issues. That way you spend time resolving
problems rather than arguing about the process later on.

Chain of command- POM

In an organizational structure, chain of command refers to a company's hierarchy of reporting
relationships -- from the bottom to the top of an organization, who must answer to whom. The
chain of command not only establishes accountability, it lays out a companys lines of authority
and decision-making power. A proper chain of command ensures that every task, job position
and department has one person assuming responsibility for performance.

The command chain doesn't happen accidentally. Organizational designers lay it out
as the last step in creating an organizational structure. Planners first consider a
companys goals since organizational structure must support strategy. Designers
next determine the tasks needed to reach the goals. Departmentalization follows as
designers decide how to group the tasks. Grouping affects resource sharing and the
ease with which people communicate and coordinate work. After departmentalizing,

designers assign authority for tasks and areas. Once authority is assigned, planners
can finally lay out the relationships between positions, thereby creating a chain of

Organizational Chart
The reporting relationships established in the final step of organizational design are
easy to see on an organizational chart, which depicts a companys structure.
Starting at the bottom, each position is connected to one above it by a line.
Following the line vertically from position to position reveals the chain of command.
Each person is one link in the chain.

Span of Control
A manager may be linked to many or few subordinates. The number of people
reporting to a manager is called a managers span of control. Managers with wide
spans of control have many subordinates, and its not possible for a manager to
closely examine activity. Consequently, employees under such managers have more
authority to perform their jobs and even make decisions than do employees
reporting to managers with narrow spans of control.

Flat Organizations
When a manager has a wide span of control, the organizational chart takes on a
horizontal, flattened appearance. Fewer managers are needed in middle
management, so the company has less of a power hierarchy. These are
characteristics found in organic organizational structures. In organic structures, the
chain of commands importance is de-emphasized, since power is distributed
among employees. The chain may only consist of employees and the owner or
employees to a manager to the CEO, making for a very short chain of command.
Lacking bureaucracy, flat organizations can readily mobilize to meet market

Vertical Organizations
Managers closely supervising subordinates can only manage a few. These managers
have narrow spans of control. Narrow spans require more managers to make sure all
employees are properly supervised. These managers must also be managed closely,
given their involvement in details and decision-making. This results in tall
organizations with several layers of middle management. The chain of command is
important and is used to exert control from the top. Many rules govern activities.

Such structures are rigid and mechanistic, leaving little room for innovation and

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