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EE5120: Applied Linear Algebra I for EE

(Assignment - 1, Submission: 8 August 2016)

Reference: Appendix C of Text

1. Show that the set F = {0, 1, 2} with the operations of addition and multiplication
defined by the equations
x + y = (x +R y) mod 3
x.y = (x .R y) mod 3
is a field (where +R and .R are the usual addition and multiplication in the real field).
2. Show that neither the set of positive integers nor the set of integers with the usual
definitions of addition and multiplication is a field.
3. For arbitrary elements a, b and c in a field F , show that if a.b = c.b and if b 6= 0, then
a = c.
4. For arbitrary elements a, b in a field F , show that (a).(b) = a.b

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