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Acceptable to God

What qualifies us to be sure that when we his God accepted into
God's heaven? I know that all we say grace! But how does this
grace? Do not you sometimes fear that it might as God's judgment
is different from ours?
Let's try to slide this topic!
1. Say no when others say yes!
Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter
the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who
is in heaven." Matthew 7:22 "Many will say to Me in that day: 'Lord,
Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? I cast out demons in
Your name? And I done many wonders in Your name? "Matthew
7:23" Then I will declare to them: 'I never knew you; depart from
Me, you who practice lawlessness.' "
It's a pretty serious warning. Prophesying the removal of devils,
working miracles, these are all great things, but nothing is greater
than you Controlo you, nothing is more important than let yourself
be conquered and built by God's Spirit.
Joseph. A know how to say no to temptation when others said yes.
Knowing how to say no sin is the greatest victory because it is the
victory over you. Joseph was in a foreign country that he chose not
bitterness of betrayal by his brothers and with the prospect of living
well on account of Potiphar. Potiphar already have well and not only
have to be good and Mrs. Potiphar and his future was assured. The
devil comes to us horned, hoofed and truck JV hand to tell you: you
reserve boiler No. 4. He comes amid disappointment by peers,
friends, and the alienation amid a cunning thoughts, hotshot who
push you to sin. How Joseph struggled with this temptation? What
power you have to overcome? How does the grace of God? Genesis
39: 9 "He is older than me in this house and not stopped me
anything except you, because you are his wife. How could I make
myself a great wickedness, and sin against God ? "" what FPAT
Joseph says here is this man dealt well with me. I can not mock him,
I can not act like an ungrateful. I can not Facu this to the man who
made me well, I can not do this to God. Not out of fear because fear
has not repented one, but the love is grateful.
Seek to understand:
a. Joseph offers to take food to his brothers in Shechem. It was not a
servile work son. But he wants to make them a joy. He not found in
Shechem but continued to walk until I found them in Dothan. Love
gives strength to do one more step toward those you love, longer
took a sacrifice to wait a while ...! But they have ntmpint with hate
and took counsel to kill him: cast him into a pit: Genesis 37:20
"Come now, let us kill him and throw him into one of the pits; we say

that a wild beast devoured and we shall see what will become of his
dreams. "" he that loveth Often the pit dug to reach those whom he
loves. Can anyone say amen? Can anyone guarantee this morning
that sooner or later will get into this pit. That is why we must say no
when others say yes sin: comes a day when thrown into the pit can
not stay any light than from above, from God. When the doctor
shrugs when husband no longer has eyes for you, when your
children do not I'll give you good day, then you will understand that
only God is your help and that day you'll wish you could look into
the sky without remorse, without fear without conscience condemn
you. Many fall and not rise again not for the fact that God can not,
or will not, but because we ate sin faith that can lead us to God.
That is why sin must say no when others say yes.
b. Joseph has dreams. First dreamed sheaves and sheaves standing
around jumping to his feet. Then dreams as the sun and the moon
and 11 stars bowed before him. There are many differences
between man and animal is but one man dreaming. Animals do not
have dreams. Many people collapsed because they have nothing
going forward. No longer have any target, they have become
cynical. Many young people have grown old, but not outside, but
inwardly. The devil is an expert in turning dreams into nightmares.
Many receive from God promises He puts in our hearts a dream that
sin destroys. God has ordained destiny, God has placed in us a
dream to be kept saying yes when others say no sin. Because God
does not want your dream to be a cold ashes, but a consuming fire.
Illustration: when I turned to God, my parents who were
Orthodox cut me any means of livelihood. Through girl I
married, Mina I found God. I could not sit idly by and I am
committed to survive. We ate fries because we could afford
both. I am committed goalkeeper court and worked 12
hours. I was a law student in the first year of my colleagues
came to service their fathers who were judges, prosecutors,
lawyers and eyes gave me when I asked what I was doing
there? My parents were wealthy but when I repented were
upset and left me penniless. Must of fellow rdeu me or
pitied them, some thought I lost my mind, but I had a dream
in my heart and I knew it worthwhile to fight for it. After one
year of service as a goalkeeper I decided to go for an
interview at a company search and junior lawyers who offer
a very high salary. I left with great confidence because I was
faithful. When I arrived at the company was 10 candidates.
All were children one name: attorney, inspector, director ... I
was coming as goalkeeper. I got a little deflated. I was the
9th interview. They put two questions: one in civil law
obigaiilor and second dinntr a discipline that I did not hear
her again. I have the perfect answer to the second question
first and I keep kneading what to do. I decided to answer as
a lawyer, I talk fast, hard chira if no sense. But I
remembered that they repented and decided to say no when

others say yes. And I said, I know not to answer and I never
heard about this legal expression. I knew that I had the job
but they smiled and said they were committed. I wanted to
run out of fear that will change their minds, but I stayed and
I asked them why they hired me if I knew not to question.
They told me that it's not just a Checking interview on the
cunotinelor but also cararcterului: the second question
they invented it and all my dinanintea responded to it.
Conclusion: you can live as repentant, when you can live hotrti to
say no when others say yes sin.
2. Say yes when others say no!
Matthew 10:32 "Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him
will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven;"
You can not stay with a lifetime foot on the brake and do as engine.
You have to accelerate if you want to live. Many have the car in the
garage of his fear that the price falls. But God is different: the more
you have the more you crossed kilometers honored. Great men of
God have always said I will not stop running. Hebrew 12: 1 "And we
also, seeing we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, let us
lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles, and let
us run with patience the race that is set before us." We have sin to
say no when others say yes but must also say yes when others say
no service. It's not faith when we isolate the walls of the church.
Faith is not to run away from people in a cave to be holy. God does
not want to be a bat, but to go in daylight to run to Him.
a. Abraham heard God's voice that called to serve. There primt
service plan. A walk with God every day. He stopped when He said
sit and walk when he said go. A deserted house, city, relatives for a
promise: you will be born of a people. 2,000 years have passed.
Abraham knows someone today? God keeps His promise? It's worth
it serve?
b. Caleb. It was one of the 12 spies of Canaan. He brought news ,, as
her heart 'the Bible says. He spoke about the fruits of Canaan large
grapes, milk and honey. The other 10 spies have not only seen the
giant Anak. So are we: we want to blessings and troubles house as
Gamal needle. Always bring great blessings after you Anak giants.
Caleb urged him to fight. They decided to kill him. He escaped
because God intervened. Calen is the man that hath the spirit
unaltfel ,, '', a different heart. It's the heart that goes before serving
even if left alone. 45 spots meet him at the age of 85 years. Talks to
Joshua who was governor of the new country. Joshua gives a fruitful
place, a plain with water Izvir but Caleb wants Hrebonului mountain.
Joshua is stunned. Why do you mount Hrebronului? It's just rock. You
can not cultivate. But the old Caleb says, 45 years ago I said yes to
God when others have said no. I urged people to fight but were
afraid and today are dust and powder. They all died. I said yes to
God and 85 years as a rock. Joshua 2:10 p.m. "Now behold, the Lord
kept me alive, as he said. I am forty-five years since the Lord spoke

to Moses, when Israel wandered in the wilderness and now, behold

today are aged eighty-five years. "Joshua 2:11 p.m." And today, are
just as strong as the day Moses sent me as much power as I had
then, for war, either to go to your forehead. "Some tried to be
vegetarians. Good for them. Some run, others use vitamin.
Everything is good. But the real power comes from service. When
you serve God is old, but soldiers. Caleb says: give me Hebron that
there remained three giants of Anak. I'm going to finish what had to
be done 45 years ago, going to the faithful of Philadelphia to hear
me you have to say yes when others say no service.
3. Silent when others speak nothing
John 19: 9 "He entered into the judgment hall again and said to
Jesus:" Where are you from? "But Jesus gave him no answer." John
7:10 p.m. "Pilate said," I do not talk? Do not you know I have power
to crucify thee, and have power to release you! ""
There comes a time in life when faith teaches you to be silent. Often
we are faced with injustice. People not rebuke. Many of us have
heard our speaking evil. Scoffer before Herod, Jesus said nothing.
Herod wanted to see how Jesus work a miracle. He wanted the show.
Jesus was silent. Do not let people make circus of your life. In the
face of such reactions it is better to shut up. Many things are not as
they should: work hard and you do not recognized the merits of
good intentions but people misinterpret them. And sometimes it
comes to shout, to fight them, to tell them the words they deserve.
But for the example of Jesus who was silent. Why did Jesus silent?
Why shut up when others speak for nothing?
a. Because you have to leave yesterday to speak. Too many words
when we argue should be the main argument yesterday. Christ was
silent because his whole life was a testament to who he is. Building
deed, not in word. No need for words yesterday when you lived it
beautiful. Sooner or later people will understand. The blind, the
lame, the deaf, the lepers were the unspoken words of Jesus. Souls
that were raised from the mud were the main words of Jesus.
Sometimes justify ourselves, we complain, we talk a lot because
yesterday is not really any good deed.
b. Because I have to leave tomorrow to speak. Christ went to the
cross. He knew where it came from and where it will lead. He knew
that his mission is to sacrifice for the lost. No need, felt no need to
explain what a priority for his life. Sometimes we talk a lot because
we lack the courage. We lack the determination to do the right
thing. And hide behind words. There is a Romanian proverb: ,, just
shut up and do ''. Today in front of Pilate, shut up. And be decided in
tomorrow to go ahead, that fulfill the destiny that God has called
Illustration: a photo story. George has not experienced
parents. He was an unwanted package, sitting on the steps

of an orphanage. Came to Life and Light of the child. He

grew up near us. When he became a teenager and then
couple have a saying ,, yes, sir '! If someone needed to
mature: Yes, sir! If needed someone to give it snow: Yes, sir.
Irina came to us as a family drama. A child silent. Rarely
spoke. Very shy, respectful and hardworking. When I named
she almost whispered. George when he was in baptism was
beating heart that I could feel.
One day they knocked on the office door. They sat George
and Irene. They said they want to marry. How fast ,, '' they
said. I asked them how they want to do wedding: with many
guests have told me. We have many friends from the
orphanage where I was. I asked if they know how much a
menu. They became silent. I asked if they suit wedding
dress and groom. They became silent. I asked if they have a
place to live after the wedding. They became silent. I asked
them if they work. Only then George said softly wear caring
God. I left without reply. I am a pastor. With these words my
mouth shut. It's what I always tell people: Do not worry, do
not fret, do not lose your temper ... God will take care.
They left. I stayed ... 100 turmoil. I called the church and I
arranged for all staff to serve free. I called friends and I got
a wedding dress and suit. I got money for menus. I called all
my friends. Someone called me and asked me if you know a
young man who is diligent without fuss and work. One to say
so, sir? I asked. So I gsut job for George. A family of friends
have asked me to find a babysitter. A young man who is
respectful and discreet. I asked if he Irina. Told me in tears
that small dream of this. A week before the wedding a friend
from Australia asked me if you know a young couple faithful
poor because he has a studio in Bucharest, the center that
wants to give it for free to dwell there. Wedding day I gave
key studio apartment.
When I got to the wedding cake, George and Irene came to
the table where I was and eyes sparkling with joy George
told me: ,, sir! Did not I tell you that God cares?

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