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Elena Constantin

Anul I, Scenografie
Dear Shakespeare,
Im not a good writer (my job is drawing), but I woult try to express as good as I can what I
have to say to you.
Did you know that in my days womens had their place on the scene, as actrices?
Maybe this thing contrariated you, or surprised you, or seems to you normaly.
Probably, you saw from wherever you are that the world has changed a lot from your time.
Thats normaly in a curse of evolution.
My domain of work is scenography, in this moment as a student at UNATC in Romania.
Probably you didnt heard about this country .yet! :)).
This faculty requires a lot of time to spend on projects, and dedicate yourself to them. I say
that from experience. In the last 2 weeks befor vacation we stay and worked all day long, even in
the night (me and all of my colleagues).
Its an extraordinary thing that you can know so many people, so many perosnalities to learn
from something directly or indirectly, in any domain, not only in my line of work, scenography.
Here, i have learned what a scenographer has to do in his job: to comunicate with the
directors and to observe closly the actors, to state theyr details and gestures, because he have to give
life and form to the characters from his drawings trough atitude and costume.You can not dress two
persons with same clothes, because it wont fit.
I am courious how was for you to do so many things in the same time: to be a writer, a
director, a scenographer, a theatrolog.
In our times the theater evolved to the point when a text is put on the scene whit work of
many people.
I have to say that you remains a great personality in our days. There are so many people who
try to understand you, or to reache at you.
Oh, and also, Hamlet is admirated and adorated by all of them. And someones says that his
gay. Thats true?? Hamlet is gay? Please respons me at this questain because evrybody had this isue.
As P.S., I was happy that I can write to you. Is like you write to Santa Claus.(do you give
presents to??).

Whit love and admiration, Elena from sceno.

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