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Kundli Milan through Ashtakvarga

How to do Kundli Milan (all in D1) :

1. If the Rashi in which the Boys Moon is placed is the same as Girls Lagna- good
2. If the 7th House Rashi in Boys Horoscope is the same as Girls Lagna- good
3. If the exaltation or debilitation Rashi of 7L in Boys Horoscope is the same as
Girls Lagna- good match
4. Starting from the Rashi in which Venus is placed in Boys horoscope, identify the
Kendra and Trikon Rashis (i.e. make Rashi where Venus placed as Lg, identify the
K/T). If any of these Rashis is the Girls Lagna- good match
5. In Boys D-1, identify the 3H/11H Rashis; if it is the same as Girls Lagna- good
6. See BAV of Boys moon and identify the Rashi with max points (bali). If this is the
same as is the same as Girls Lagna- good match. (Note: If many Rashis share
the same high points, look for bali rashi from trikon shodhan, if again a tie, look for
bali rashi from ekadhipathi shodhan, if again tie then Rashi where one planet or
more planets are placed is winner.) If this Rashi is the Girls Lagna- good match
7. See SAV of Boy and see points in Rashi where moon is placed; compare with
SAV of girl for the same Rashi (shows strength of the house). Now for the same
Rashi compare the Moon BAV for boy with girl. Say if Boy has 4pt in BAV and Girl
has 5pt, then girl agrees with boys views in 62.5% cases (5 of max 8).
8. Next see SAV of Girl and see points in Rashi where her moon is placed; compare
with SAV of boy for the same Rashi (shows strength of the house). Now for the
same Rashi compare the Moon BAV for girl with boy Say if girl has 5pt in Moon
BAV in Pisces and boy has 4 pt in Moon BAV in Pisces, then boys agreement with
girl in views in 50% cases (4 of max 8).

Muhurat fixing through Astakvarg.

Step 1:

Look for the Rashi where moon is placed for Boy (say Scorpio) and for Girl
(say Pisces).

Step 2:

Turn to page 22 of Panchang, note down suitable dates for Scorpio for Boy
and separately for Girl for Pisces. Next, identify common dates.

Step 3:

Go to page 16 and discard dates with more dosh. Minimum 6/10 benefic
vertical lines needed. Discard dates with more S sign indicating more dosh.

Step 4:

Turn to page 68 of Panchang, from identified dates in step 3 note the Uday
Lagan and time for each date. Look at Moon BAV in both Boy and Girls
table and note points against each Rashi corresponding to Uday Lagan.
Ideal choice of date is when both boy and girl have high points. (On this date
and for this sign, we know that moon is now strong. But ideally all three sun,
moon and Jupiter needs to be strong. Now see in which Rashi Sun and
Jupiter are placed for the month of marriage, in Boys Sun BAV and Girls
BAV the points are noted corresponding to that Rashi. If it is less then
appropriate shudhi puja needs to be done.)

Step 5:

Now, say we have identified 24 Jan 2015 for marriage. The next step is to
identify the muhurat on this date. For this go to page 16/17 find which
Rashis are strong- say Tula, Vrishchit and Makara. Next go to page 102 to
find the time in which the rashis will rise- Tula (23:57 to 2:19) etc. To note,
ending times are given, therefore calculate from end of previous Rashi to
find the time of Rashi under consideration. Marriage is performed in this

Step 6:

For calculating Kaksha. Now, go to page 68. For 24 Jan 2014, Moon at 5:30
IST is at 10S 27* 43. As moon moves at 1 degree every 2 hrs, (at 23:57
minus 5:30) is approx 9 degrees movement add to 10 S 27* 43, it is 12S 7*
43. Each sign of 30 degrees divided by 8 is 3* 20 is one Kaksha. This is
third Kaksha which is Mars. Go to Moon BAV in both Boy and Girl and see if
in 12 sign there is bindu or not. If yes in both, it is good. Next see where the
planet, here Mars is placed in Horoscope and whether Lord is Benefic or
Malefic. Ideally on that day, in that Kaksh, both must have points and the
lord in horoscope must be benefic.


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