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Directions: read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross

sentence clues or your prior knowledge. Then, explain what clues in the sentence
helped you determine the word meaning.
1. Detest: Everyone else at the party wanted garbage pizza but Tim because
he detested vegetables.

To strongly dislike

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Tim doesn't want the garbage pizza because he doesn't like vegetables.

2. Alter: Grandpa didn't know that Suzie was coming along on the fishing trip, and
now he had to alter his plans.
Definition: Change
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Grandpa has to adjust to Suzie on the fishing trip.

3. Melodramatic: When Kiki got a tiny cut on her pinky finger, she got
all melodramatic and began sobbing and demanding a doctor.
Definition: With exaggerated emotion
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

She is requesting a doctor for a tiny cut on her pinky.

4. Remorse: As Tommy walked home with the money from the church he had stolen
in his pocket, powerful feelings of remorse bubbled in his stomach.
Definition: Guilt or regret
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Stealing from the church makes his stomach bubble.

5. Inquiry: When the other moms heard about how Charlene had won the baking
contest, her email box was flooded with inquiries for her award winning muffin
Definition: Seeking information or asking questions
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

People are interested in learning her muffin recipe.

6. Perch: The children were perched on the edge of the sofa arms, waiting to hop
off and land on the next unlucky passerby.
Definition: To wait at a position off of the ground
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

The children are waiting to attack from the sofa.

7. Earnest: Jeremiah joked around so much that when he told the others about the
accident that had occurred, they didn't believe that he was being earnest.
Definition: Serious; not joking
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

He jokes around so much that people can't tell when he's being serious.

8. Jovial: Unlike Bob, who treated others rudely and kept to himself, Bobby
was jovial, friendly, and outgoing.
Definition: One who enjoys company; cheerful
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Bob is rude and Bobby is the opposite of Bob as the sentence structure implies.

9. Demeanor: My grandma's demeanor was such that people often thought she was
being rude when she was just being honest.
Definition: nonverbal behaviors; body language; how she carries herself
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

People react in unexpected ways to her words.

10. Beckoned: The lady decided that it was tea time and so, by jingling a tiny silver
bell, she beckoned her servants to attend.
Definition: Call
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

She uses the bell to summon her servants.

11. Dismal: With the field torn up by the players' cleats, and the cold rain falling in
waves, conditions on the playing field were dismal.

Definition: Gloomy; rainy

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

It is muddy and rainy on the baseball field.

12. Immense: Lula would have attempted the walk home, had it not been for
the immense mountain that stood between her and her destination.
Definition: Very large
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

The mountain prevents her from walking home.

Directions: read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross sentence
clues or your prior knowledge. Then, explain what clues in the sentence helped you determine
the word meaning.
1. Degrade: Suzie's mother taught her to never let anyone degrade her, so now she demands
respect in all of her relationships.
Definition: To lower someone's value or social position
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

This is the opposite of respecting someone.

2. Frivolous: My mom wanted to get the red napkins for the party and my dad wanted the blue
napkins, but I'm not even concerned about such frivolous things.
Definition: Unimportant
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

The speaker does not care about the color of the napkins.
3. Discontent: If we use the red napkins, my mom will be happy but my dad will
be discontent.
Definition: Upset; not happy
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

The speaker's dad dislikes the red napkins.

4. Morsel: The dogs were so hungry that they would have killed one another for a morsel of
Definition: A small piece
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

The sentence implies that the dogs would be willing to fight over a small amount of food.
5. Fretful: My mom always worries about my grades and the colleges that I'll be able to attend,
but if she were a little less fretful she'd be a lot more fun.
Definition: Unable to relax; restless and worried
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Worrying about grades is no fun.

6. Appall: John had seen horror movies before, but when he saw Bloodcore 6, he was
so appalled by the bloodshed that he wrote the newspapers warning parents not to allow their
children to see this movie.
Definition: Shocked by something unpleasant
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

John does not like the movie because it is violent.

7. Wither:

Alice finally threw the withering roses away when a dead petal fell into her cereal

Definition: To shrivel, droop, or dry up

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

The roses are losing their leaves.

8. Simultaneous: Few were impressed by Kirstin's presentation, How to Walk and Chew
Gum at the Same Time, even though Kirstin was able to simultaneously walk and chew gum.
Definition: Two or more acts or events occurring at the same time
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Kristin can walk and chew gum at the same time.

9. Reluctant: As Kevin remembered the promise he made earlier, he reluctantly agreed to help
Jennie move her stuff into her new apartment.
Definition: To do something against one's own wishes; hesitatingly
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Kevin doesn't want to help Jennie move.

10. Reproach: Miss Annie reproached Johnny for the missing chocolate chip cookies, even
though Johnny is allergic to chocolate.
Definition: To scold or criticize
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Miss Annie thinks that Johnny ate the cookie.

11. Penitent: It is difficult to forgive someone who has hurt you, even if that person
is penitent and expresses regret for their decisions.
Definition: Feeling pain or sorrow on account of one's actions; guilt.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

The sentence states that a penitent person expresses regret.

12. Sustain: It is difficult to sustain a smile when your whole world is falling apart.
Definition: To hold or maintain something that would otherwise fall out of existence
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

It is hard to smile when things are going badly.

Bonus: Define each of the words on a separate sheet of paper to check your answers. Attach
your sheet.

Directions: read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross
sentence clues or your prior knowledge. Then, explain what clues in the sentence
helped you determine the word meaning.
1. moderate: Jamie wants to keep the house spotless all of the time and Shannon is a
total slob, but I am a bit more moderate about cleanliness.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

moderate: average in amount or intensity; not excessive or extreme

Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that the speaker is somewhere in the middle with her cleaning

2. uncivil: Ladies, please stop the name calling. There is no reason to

act uncivil. Let's discuss the problem.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

uncivil: impolite, distasteful, or showing poor manners
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that the ladies were behaving rudely or unmannerly.

3. audible: A dog whistle makes a high-pitched sound that is only audible to

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

audible: able to be heard
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that dog whistles can heard by dogs.

4. solemn: The mood in the church became very solemn when the bride began to
walk down the aisle.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

solemn: formal, serious, or dignified
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that everybody got really serious when the bride started walking
down the aisle.

5. disdain: She gives me this look of disdain ever since I shot up her dolls with my
BB gun.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

disdain: to look at or treat someone with hatred, contempt, or scorn; the feeling that
another is unworthy of respect
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that she hates the speaker for ruining her dolls.

6. constitute: The eight golden triangles that Link must

collect constitute the Triforce, which can grant wishes when it is assembled.

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

constitute: being part of a whole; when smaller parts combine to make something
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that the Triforce is assembled from the small golden triangles.

7. vex: John felt bad about hitting his little sister, but he was so vexed when he saw
her playing with his only Lance Power action figure that he lost his temper.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

vex: to make someone angry or annoyed
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that John was angry when he saw his sister playing with his
special action doll.

8. incredulous: I wanted to give the new kid a chance, but when he started telling me
that he could ride his skateboard on top of the telephone wires, all I could do was stare
at him with an increduloussmirk.

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

incredulous: unable or unwilling to believe someone; showing doubt or a lack of
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that the speaker does not believe that the new student can ride
his skateboard on top of telephone wires.

9. feign: Jane got it into her mind that she could get out of studying for any test just
by feigning illness the night before the exam.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

feign: to pretend to be affected by something
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that Jane pretends like she is sick to get out of testing.

10. symmetrical : Gordon wasn't sure that he cut out the shapes properly. He was
afraid that he might have made them uneven, but his teacher assured him that his
shapes were perfectly symmetrical.

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

symmetrical: when two halves of something show evenness and balance; when both
sides of something are the same, but in reverse.
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that Gordon is trying to cut his shapes evenly.

11. gratified: Janine was gratified when the teacher used Janine's project as an
example for other classes.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

gratified: to feel pleasure or happiness
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that Janine was happy that the teacher liked her project so

12. discordant: The music teacher had difficulty tolerating the discordant noises
produced by her kindergarten class.

What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

discordant: harsh, jarring, unharmonious sounds
1. amass: By making his lunches and saving his lunch money, Alex was able
to amass enough to pay for his first semester of college.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

amass: to gather or accumulate something valuable over a long period of time
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that Alex saved a lot of money.

2. contemplate: I am disappointed, but I have nothing more to say. I will leave you
to contemplate how your mother will react to this news.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

contemplate: to think about something, usually for a long time
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that somebody is in big trouble.

3. audacious: Kirstin was so audacious as to take the pen out of the businessman's
pocket and begin writing the check for him.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

audacious: bold; disrespectful
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that Kirstin is not afraid to make a bold move, but perhaps a bit

4. immunity: Though all of the other children had either a cold, a flu, or both, Robert
had developed an immunity to these illnesses and his play was unaffected
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

immunity: to be protected from something harmful; the ability to resist an illness or

Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that Robert is not sick.

5. shun: Brian thought that parties were a waste of time, money, and energy, so
he shunned these social events.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

shun: to persistently avoid or stay away from
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that Brian is not the life of the party.

6. contradict: Benjamin felt conflicted because the things he learned in science

class contradicted what his momma had taught him on the swamp.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

contradict: to go against or to be in conflict with something
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that Benjamin is being exposed to cultural experiences different
from those he encountered during his upbringing

7. suppressed: No matter how much Jerome felt like telling off the cranky lady, he
knew he needed to keep this job so he suppressed the urge.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

suppressed: prevent the expression or development of something
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that Jerome cannot tell the woman how he really feels or he will
lose his job.

8. interval: The period between when I graduated from a college and found
employment is an interval that I do not remember so fondly.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

interval: a period of time intervening between two more important events
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that the speaker was unemployed for a short period of time after

9. omission: Bobby told Suzy that he went to the party, but not that he went to the
party with Brenda. Suzy is upset about this omission.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

omission: leaving out or excluding something
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that Bobby did not tell Suzy the whole story.

10. conspicuous: The teacher doesn't mind if you chew gum or have a small snack, so
long as you are not conspicuous with your consumption. If you put a bag of chips on
your desk and start sharing them with everyone, he's going to take your chips.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

conspicuous: to do something in a way that attracts a lot of attention or is highly
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that you shouldn't pop your gum in that teacher's class.

11. adoration: The movie star enjoyed the adoration of his millions of fans, but he
also missed the days when he could just go to a neighborhood spot and get a burger
without being encircled by a mob.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

adoration: love, respect, devotion
Answer Explanation
Readers can conclude that the movie star is deeply loved by many people whom he
doesn't even know.

12. guile: The sly fox showed his guile when he tricked the sparrow into drinking
from the birdbath and then smashed him with a giant log.
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

guile: cunning; skillful trickery and deceit

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