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// Command line: -heapsize 786432 -novid -threads 4

// -heapsize: Memory in KB to allocate to the TF2 heap (Never use a value in ex

cess of 50% of your total RAM -- For what it's worth, I have 3 GB)
// -novid: Prevent the Valve logo video from loading on game startup
// Note: I have no idea if -threads 4 does anything. From my experience, it do
es not seem to affect my fps at all, but I'm too lazy to take it out of my comma
nd line. Only mat_queue_mode 2 seems to increase my fps by using more processor
threads, BUT at a price! (See below)
// ===============
// ===============
// =======
// =======

-------JumpDuck -- One key does regular jump or a jump+duck, depending on whether it

toggled on or off
-------Note: Off by default (and every time you reload the config)

alias "+jumpduck" "+jump"

alias "-jumpduck" "-jump"
alias "+do_jumpduck" "+jump; +duck"
alias "-do_jumpduck" "-duck; -jump"
alias "toggle_jumpduck" "jumpduck_on"
alias "jumpduck_on" "alias +jumpduck +do_jumpduck; alias -jumpduck -do_jumpduck;
alias toggle_jumpduck jumpduck_off"
alias "jumpduck_off" "alias +jumpduck +jump; alias -jumpduck -jump; alias toggle
_jumpduck jumpduck_on"
bind "F3" "toggle_jumpduck"
o toggle JumpDuck on/off
bind "SHIFT" "+jumpduck"
o jump
// -----------// WeaponSwitch -- One key, 2
ponswitch key go back to your
// -----------// Note: You'll usually need
right after you spawn to make
// -----------alias

// Key you want to use t

// Key you want to use t

weapons. Switching to melee weapon makes your wea

previous weapon.
to hit the weaponswitch button two or three times
sure everything is reset.

"weaponswitch" "primary"
"switch_history" "secondary"
"primary" "slot1; alias weaponswitch secondary; alias switch_history secon
"secondary" "slot2; alias weaponswitch primary; alias switch_history prima
"lastweapon" "lastinv; alias weaponswitch switch_history"

bind "MOUSE5" "weaponswitch"

// Key you want to use f
or WeaponSwitch
bind "MOUSE3" "slot3; alias weaponswitch lastweapon"
// Key you want to use f
or your melee weapon
bind "4" "slot4; alias weaponswitch lastweapon"
// Fixes issue with Engi
neer's Build menu and lastweapon switch -- mostly due to the Engineer wielding a
wrench after building something. This should really be in engineer.cfg, but I
know better than to hit the "4" button if I don't need to. :P
// ---------// QuickMelee -- Switch to melee weapon and start attacking by pressing a single
key. When you let go of the key, it switches back to whatever weapon you were
just wielding and stops auto-attacking.
// ---------// Note: Disabled because of the delay between pressing the button and actually
attacking due to requiring a weapons switch.
// ---------//alias "+melee" "slot3; +attack"
//alias "-melee" "-attack; lastinv"
//bind "MOUSE3" "+melee"
or QuickMelee

// Key you want to use f

// ================
// ================
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
// "4" is bound to "slot4; alias weaponswitch lastweapon" in WeaponSwitch alias.
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
// "8" is bound to "dropitem" (Drop Intelligence) in MISCELLANEOUS
bind "9" "slot9"
//bind "MOUSE5" "lastinv"
// last weapon -- Created Weapon
Switch alias to use instead.
// =================
// =================
bind "MOUSE2" "+forward"
bind "z" "+back"
bind "CTRL" "+moveleft"
bind "ALT" "+moveright"
// bind "SHIFT" "+jump" // JumpDuck alias binds SHIFT to "+jumpduck"
bind "x" "+duck"
// ===============
// ===============

bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"

bind "MOUSE4" "+attack2"
bind "MWHEELUP" "+reload"
// ======================
// ======================


"voicemenu 0 0"
"voicemenu 1 1"
"voicemenu 0 6"
"voicemenu 0 7"
"say_team I am ready;voicemenu 0 2"



// ======================
// ======================
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "TAB" "changeclass"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
bind "F1" "+showscores"
bind "F2" "changeteam"
//bind "F11" "screenshot"
bind "F12" "jpeg"
bind "8" "dropitem"

// Bring up console
// Bring up class selection menu

Bring up scoreboard
Bring up team selection menu
Take .tga screenshot
Take .jpg screenshot
Drop intelligence

// ====================
// ====================
cl_forcepreload "1"
// This will preload all the game conten
t at once, instead of loading it on an as-need basis which can cause stuttering
or slow downs.
mem_max_heapsize "768"
// Maximum amount of memory (in mb) to be allocated to the system heap.
// Note: Do _NOT_ alter the "datacache" cvar if you use -heapsize or mem_max_he
apsize > 128mb
// ===========================================
// ===========================================
//mat_queue_mode "2"
// The queue/thread mode the material system should use: -1=default, 0=synchrono
us single thread, 1=queued single thread, 2=queued multithreaded
// Note: I stopped using this because it caused me to crash to desktop about on
ce every 60 minutes, even though it _INCREASED_ my fps by 75-100 on my Q6600 pro
r_threaded_renderables "1"

// default 0 -- Use multicore to render

r_threaded_particles "1"
snd_mix_async "1"
in parallel with the renderer.
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager "1"
shadows (I think)
cl_threaded_bone_setup "1"

// default 1 -- Use multicore to render

// Use multicore to run the sound engine
// default 0 -- Use multicore to render
// Enable parallel processing of C_BaseA

// cl_threaded_client_leaf_system "1"
// Default 0 -- Use multicore to do something that I don't understand.
// Note: Disabled because it was periodically flooding my console with red "mes
h missing" error messages.
// ================
// ================
cl_cmdrate "101"
// Max number of command packets sent to
server per second // Most leagues cap this at 100
cl_updaterate "101"
// Most leagues cap this at 100
rate "30000"
// Most leagues cap this at 30000
// Note: Basic rule of thumb: If you have good cable, use the values above unl
ess it gives you an increase in choke. If that occurs, start lowering them.
// Note to self: Great page on the math behind what values you should use for y
our network cvars:
cl_interp "0.01"
//cl_interp_ratio "0.01"
// Most leagues have a min ratio of 1, a
nd a max ratio of either 1 or 2. It's based off of other network settings thoug
h, so I doubt actually setting this manually even does anything; thus, I've disa
bled it.
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "0"
// Whether a comparison of player indexe
s is made to check for position errors
cl_lagcompensation "1"
// Client-side lag compensation. Enable
d by default.
cl_smooth "0"
// If set to 1, it attempts to smooth ou
t prediction errors in player positions (cl_smoothtime determines the amount of
seconds that prediction errors must occur before smoothing is enabled). Screw t
hat. I don't want it to "smooth" out the corrections, I want it to fix it right
away, even if it does make the players' movement look a little jerky.
cl_predictweapons "1"
// Determines how weapon trails, sounds
and animation are displayed. 1=clientside, 0=serverside (only controls the appe
arance and timing on your screen -- it has no effect on server-recognized accura
cy. After disabling this for a short time, I eventually just put it back to the
default enabled because it was playing my weapon fire sound twice)
cl_allowupload "0"
// Client uploads customization files (i
.e., sprays). Sprays are for sissies.
// _Set Rate Bindings_
// _adjusts rate values depending on server_
// alias "hitbox" "h1"

// alias "h1" "cl_cmdrate 33.6; cl_updaterate 33.6; cl_interp 0.0298 ;echo ** Ti

ck Rate 33 **;alias hitbox h2"
// alias "h2" "cl_cmdrate 66.6; cl_updaterate 66.6; cl_interp 0.0152 ;echo ** Ti
ck Rate 66 **;alias hitbox h3"
// alias "h3" "cl_cmdrate 100.0; cl_updaterate 100.0; cl_interp 0.0100 ;echo **
Tick Rate 100 **;alias hitbox h1"
// bind "BACKSPACE" "hitbox"
// Note: I get the theory behind this, but I'm not sure if it actually works.
I got it from some site and never tested it out, but I'm keeping it in here to p
ossibly fool around with someday.
// ======================
// ======================
cl_showfps "2"
// Draw smoothed fps value and map name
in upper right hand corner (supposedly eats a couple of CPU cycles, but oh well)
hud_fastswitch "1"
// Fast weapon switching
cl_playerspraydisable "1"
// Disable those stupid sprays
fov "90"
// Field of View
fov_desired "90"
// Field of View
jpeg_quality "100"
// Quality (%) of .jpg screenshots (I th
ink it's 85 or 90 by default)
showhitlocation "1"
// I think this is probably only for CS:
S, but for some reason the cvar is still changeable in TF2, so I turned it on fo
r the heck of it.
// ======================
// ======================
cl_gunlowerangle "0"
// No idea what this does, but I like se
tting stuff to "0"
cl_gunlowerspeed "99999"
// No idea what this does either, but fa
ster is always better, right?
cl_wpn_sway_scale "0"
// Supposedly stops the "sway" when you
move your mouse around while aiming. I haven't really noticed a difference, but
it's not listed as a cheat like the cl_bob* commands, so I might as well mess a
round with it.
cl_new_impact_effects "1"
// I have no clue what this does, and I
can't find any sites that even have it listed as a cvar, so it's probably someth
ing added in the December 22nd patch. It's set to 0 by default, and I haven't n
oticed any difference with it set to 1.
cl_hud_minmode "1"
// Smaller HUD
cl_dynamiccrosshair "0"
// I keep forgetting to see if this actu
ally does anything in TF2. I know my crosshair doesn't turn red when I get shot
even if it's turned on, so who knows.
//net_graph "3"
cl_scalecrosshair "0.5"
// Make my crosshair smaller (?)
cl_ejectbrass "0"
g weapons
cl_show_splashes "0"
wn or not
r_drawmodeldecals "0"
models (e.g., players/sentries/etc. -hown on walls/floors/ceilings)

// Whether shells are ejected from firin

// Whether splashes in the water are sho
// Whether marks and/or blood show up on
this does not affect whether marks are s

r_3dsky "0"
// Toggles the rendering of 3d sky boxes
tf_playergib "0"
// Toggles whether player gibbing is all
owed (Disabling will probably grant you a couple fps, but I disable it mostly to
reduce distractions)
mat_motion_blur_enabled "0"
mat_motion_blur_falling_intensity "0" //
mat_motion_blur_falling_max "0"
mat_motion_blur_falling_min "0"
mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled "0"
mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max "0"
mat_motion_blur_rotation_intensity "0" //
mat_motion_blur_strength "0"

Motion blur
Fine tuning
Fine tuning
Fine tuning
Fine tuning




Fine tuning for motion blur

Fine tuning for motion blur

mat_disable_bloom "1"
// Bloom lighting effects
mat_hdr_level "0"
// 0=no HDR, 1=LDR+bloom on HDR maps, 2=
full HDR on HDR maps
mat_specular "1"
// Enable/Disable specularity
mat_bumpmap "1"
// Enable/Disable bump mapping (players
get shiny arms that make them look crappy if you turn this off, which also makes
it hard for me to tell which team they're on)
r_drawopaquestaticpropslast "1"
// Whether opaque static props are rende
red after non-npcs
cl_phys_props_enable "0"
// Disables rendering of cans/bottles/tr
ash (non-interaction objects)
cl_phys_props_max "0"
// Sets range at which props the client
can interact with show up
cl_phys_props_respawnrate "99999"
// Time, in seconds, between clientside
prop respawns
cl_phys_props_respawndist "99999"
// Minimum distance from the player that
a clientside prop must be before it respawns
r_propsmaxdist "0"
// Sets range at which non-interactive p
rops show up.
props_break_max_pieces "0"
// Maximum prop breakable piece count (1 = model default)
props_break_max_pieces_perframe "0"
// Maximum prop breakable piece count pe
r frame (-1 = model default)
r_drawdetailprops "0"
cl_detaildist "0"
longer visible (e.g. grass)
cl_detailfade "99999"
de in

// 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe

// Distance at which detail props are no
// Distance across which detail props fa

cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "1"
// Does not calculate the ragdoll physic
s of dead player models
cl_ragdoll_collide "0"
// Toggle collision detection between ra
gdoll models (pile of bodies).
cl_ragdoll_forcefade "0"
// Default 0. Setting it to 1 made the
ragdolls instantaneously disappear, which I thought I wanted until I started get
ting confused as to whether I'd actually killed someone or just blew them up in
the air without realizing it.
cl_ragdoll_fade_time "3"
// Time, in seconds, it takes for a ragd
oll to disappear (Default 15)
// cl_ragdoll_pronecheck_distance "0" // Default 64 -- Not sure what this does
, so I decided not to screw with it.
// ==============

// ==============
snd_musicvolume "0.000000"
voice_modenable "1"

// Turn off game music

// Allow voice communication

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