Becoming A Rhino: Based On Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander

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Becoming a Rhino
Based on Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander
Presented by Phillip Mullis

Every person must decide whether they want the safety and security of the pasture or the risk and rewards
that come from charging full speed towards success. Mr. Mullis
Far into the deepest parts of the jungle, where few people venture, lies a rare and much sought after
animal called success. Few people even attempt to track it down because it is a risky and dangerous pursuit.
Even fewer actually capture it. Its a long hunt with a multitude of hardships along the way. The jungle is full
of biting bugs, poisonous snakes, crocodiles, and other ferocious animals that threaten your safety. During the
day, the sun will burn your skin. At night, the temperature falls so low that youll long for the hot sun that
once blistered you.
Youll be exhausted, weak, and even want to give up at times. You may even believe that success is
an imaginary animal, incapable of being captured. However, you cant give up. Youre too deep into the
jungle to turn back now. Youre too close to the prize you so desperately have to have. That prize is success!
Days, months, even years may go by without a sign of success. It is a clever and allusive animal that
eludes its capture, but you must continue the hunt. No other animal like success is so unique and challenging.
Youve just got to have it.
As rare as this animal is, rarer are the men and women who set up their own expedition in search of
success. You are part of that group who must have success. The rewards are great. You know that. You also
know that the hunt is difficult, at best. You know the odds may be against you. You know that many have
failed, and few will even attempt this expedition. Nevertheless, you know that youre up for the challenge.
However, success is hard to catch. But that doesnt mean you should shy away from the pursuit.
Recognize that this lifelong hunt requires great skill, patience, perseverance, desire, and quick thinking from
you the hunter.
This course of study will be a survival guide for your expedition---your greatest hunt ever. Listen,
read carefully, pay attention, and you will succeed beyond your wildest imagination. No matter what you set
out to accomplish this year, youll have the time of your life charging through the jungle in a constant pursuit
of success.
The Art Of Charging
The real secret to success for anyone is, of course, to figuratively become a rhino. You need to wake
up tomorrow morning as a romping, stomping, full-grown, six thousand pound rhinoceros. Can you imagine
the look on your familys faces when they see you coming into the kitchen for breakfast? It is so much fun
being a rhino that youll want to get up early every morning (weekends included), just so you can get a head
start on everyone else. The quicker you get up and get going, the sooner you can begin to achieve. When your
opportunity clock goes off at 7:30 am, get out of bed like a rhino. Take a shower, brush your rhino horns,
put on your school uniform and get ready for a wonderful day of charging.
Get Charging Mad
In order to start charging, you have to have something to charge at. These are called goals. They add
purpose to your life as a rhino. If you arent 100% completely satisfied with your life, then get mad and do
something about it. Charge!!! You should say to yourself, I will not be a lazy cow grazing in the pasture day
after day! I wont be one of those students who does nothing, sees nothing, accomplishes nothing and worse
off----settles for just doing O.K. I woke up this morning as a rhinoceros! I am going to sacrifice the security
and complacency of the pasture and live a rhinoceros life of excitement and adventure in the jungle
(Alexander, p.14). Everyone has from time to time unintentionally drifted into the cow pasture, so dont act
like youve never been there. Make a promise to never go back to the again. Leave your lazy cow buddies
behind. Meet some new rhino friends. Besides, when you get mad enough to change your life, who will be
foolish enough to argue with a irritated three-ton beast with a huge a horn on its head?
Always Charge Massively

If you always charge massively, it will result in massive success. How else would a rhino charge
anyway, but massively? Have you ever seen a rhino tiptoe? Never. Did Michael Phelps set a goal to just
make the U.S. swimming team? Did he dream about winning a bronze or silver medal? In his wildest
imagination, do you think he dreamed of winning one gold medal? No, no, and no. He charged massively
towards his goal of breaking every world record possible and winning a gold medal in every Olympic
swimming he entered. There is no reason you cant do the same when you set your mind to it and begin
charging. You face every challenge without the fear of failure clouding your vision. Negative thoughts lead to
negative actions. You put everything youve got into everything you do, (Alexander p.15). Full blast ahead!
Two-Inch Thick Skin
Fortunately, you have two-inch thick rhino skin. At times, people will fire a torpedo or two your way,
but dont worry. With your armor-like skin, youll hardly feel it. Even if your breath gets knocked out, youll
just get up, knock off the dust, and get ready to charge again! The adversity you face will only make you
stronger and better fit for other challenging opportunities. Be ready for it. A great wide receiver knows hes
going to get crushed by a huge linebacker as soon as he catches a pass in the middle of the field. If the receiver
is a rhino, hell catch the pass, be alert and ready for the hit, and might even lay a good hit on the tackler. The
more successful you become, the bigger the torpedoes are. Romney and Obama all endured a variety of
personal attacks in their run for the presidency, but their two-inch thick skin kept them giving up their quest.
Let the naysayers run out of torpedoes before you give up and choose the life of a complacent cow.
Charge With Singleness of Purpose
The reason why rhinos are so successful and even dangerous to some, is that once they set their mind
to something and start charging, they dont give up, and dont let anything distract them. They keep their eyes
on the prize. They have whats called singleness of purpose. This means they dont focus on too many goals
at once. If you do, you risk not reaching any of your goals. Try to take on just a few goals at a time. Once
you check one off your list, move on to another one.
You know how a magnifying glass can start a fire if you hold it long enough between the sun and a
combustible object? It takes intense focus, concentration, and patience. If you instead, move the magnifying
glass around too much, youll never get warmed up, much less start a raging fire. The glass is like your
spirit---keep at it and you never know when the fire might start. Once it does, move on to your next blaze.
Be Alert For Opportunities
You have to be alert in the jungle. Thats why you survive in the toughest conditions and why cows
and sheep could never make it in the jungle. Youve got something special. You see, hear, feel, and smell for
approaching opportunities. Once you see one---CHARGE!
Be Really Alert For Opportunities
Wait! What is that smell? Your great body grows tense, ready to spring into action. You slowly turn
your massive head toward the direction of the scent. Your eyes watch for any sign of a real opportunity. Your
ears pick up a rustling in the bushes! An unfamiliar scent drifts by your nostrils! You are ready to explode! Is
it an opportunity or a torpedo? Your eyes stare unblinking, straight ahead. Your head is spinning with
excitement and your leg muscles twitch with energy.
Suddenly, you see it! An opportunity! It sees you and like a shot, you are both off through the jungle.
Youre three tons of snorting rhinoceros charging full speed at that opportunity, mowing down all obstacles in
your way. Trees and vegetation poke at your skin, but you dont even feel it. Your opportunity is in sight now
and you are gaining on it. It is a good opportunity, and the chase is long and hard. You start to tire. Is it
getting away from you? Darn it! you scream. I am a rhinoceros!
Your second wind comes and your rhinoceros eyes turn fiery red as the breath from your nostrils turns
to steam against the cool morning, jungle air. Through jungle, river, and mountain, you pour it on, never
letting up for a second.
Then all of a sudden, youve got it! Your opportunity tired and you have run it down. You make the
kill and then rest a moment; your great lungs heaving, your legs ready to collapse, your skin torn, bruised and
bloodied and you bask in the thrill of your victory (Alexander, p.18-19).
Rhino Fuel

What separates a rhino spirit from that of a cow? What causes a rhino to be so motivated, day after
day? The answer is different for every rhino. It depends on you. If you truly want to make an A in Mr.
Mulliss class, then youll be driven to achieve it. If you want to be an electrical engineer after graduating
from college, then youll make the necessary sacrifices to achieve that dream. Still, why dont the cows
witness your success and decide to copy you and enjoy the good life? The answer is simple. You believe in
success. Cows and sheep are afraid to be successful because theres always a chance of failure. Therefore,
they rarely even try, and if they do, they may not put everything theyve got into everything they do.
Rhinos Believe In Success
Rhinos believe they will succeed every time or at least most of the time, so they go for it. They dont
believe in luck, they make their own luck. When a rhino is unhappy with some outcome in their life, they
dont immediately blame someone else. They look inward, make necessary changes, and try again. On the
other hand, cows are pessimistic and lazy. They believe theyll fail at difficult tasks---and they do. Cows
believe in wasting money on lottery tickets in order to be rich and successful. Therefore, cows dont even
attempt to charge. They believe that the lucky rhinos get all the lucky breaks. They just dont get it. Theyre
rationalizing their failure when they say, We cant change and theres no use trying.
Success Is Yours
Success is available for anyone who will get off his or her lazy bottom and charge it down. This much
is clear by now. Thats why you are rhino (or at least quickly becoming one). You believe that you actually
get something if you set your mind to it. You know if you believe in yourself, have a goal, set a course of
action---youll achieve anything and everything. Your belief runs your motor. It gives you enthusiasm to
charge. Your belief fuels your enthusiasm, and that causes you to get out of bed every morning with a smile on
your face. Its no wonder why rhinos are so much fun to hang around with. Theyre livewires. Others feed
off of you and love to have you as a friend.
Rhinos Are Naturally High
You will not find true rhinos with drug or alcohol problems. Altering your brain with illegal
substances only keeps you from reaching your full potential. Besides, being a rhino gives you the best and
most natural high known to mankind. Being successful (or the pursuit of success) makes your brain secrete a
substance called endorphins. This substance depresses pain and expands our awareness of pleasure.
Endorphins are basically natural anti-depressants. Jogging and other endurance sports bring about a rush of
endorphins. Its no wonder why rhinos are always happy.
Keep believing in yourself. Keep charging at opportunities. Imagine what life will be like once you
reach your goals. You can do this because youre a rhino in training right now. Just charge, charge, and
charge!!! If you start to give up and begin acting like a cow in the pasture, just remind yourself of your beliefs
and your armored two-inch skin. If you believe it, you can achieve it!
Rhinoceros Training
Now it is time to talk about the habits and exercises that are proven to help you maintain a great rhino
spirit. You may not have been born a rhino, so it might be hard to remain one in a cow and sheep world. You
dont want to be a rhino for just a day or two. You want to be a rhino for life!
The key element for all rhinos is their attitude. It is easier said than done, but its your attitude that
determines your altitude in life.
As you read this you should have already felt your skin growing thicker and tougher. Your ability to
focus has become keener. Do you imagine yourself with a horn protruding from your head? Has your breath
taken on a strong hot odor? Do you have a strong desire to charge at something full speed?
You are becoming a bundle of energy. All of your muscles are twitching as you think about the things
that you want to charge after. You know if you dont hurry up and start charging, you might explode from all
of this pent up energy, power, and enthusiasm.
You have built up energy equivalent to the water falling over Niagara Falls. With the power in your
body, you could easily light up downtown Winston-Salem. You are an atomic bomb waiting to be dropped.
Your biggest decision is what to drop it on. Dont waste your energy on trivial matters that can only distract
you from your goals. Dont let anybody or anything drain your energy either. Think big! Make sure you are
going after something worth your time. Rhinoceroses do not charge at jackrabbits. Atomic bombs are not
used for the Fourth of July, and Niagara Falls is not used for taking a shower. (Alexander, p.26)

Choose goals that are equal to your potential. Dont underestimate your own value and ability. Dr.
Robert Schuller has said, It is better to attempt something great and fail, than to attempt nothing and succeed.
Why not aim for the best? Do you want As or Bs in your classes this year? Do you want to just learn to play
an instrument, or master it? When you get older, do want to marry someone who is brilliant, beautiful,
energetic, fun, and good-hearted, or someone who is dull, unattractive, lazy, boring, and cruel? Do want a
career that is safe and unfulfilling, or one that is full of challenges and unbelievable rewards?
Writing Down Your Goals and Keeping Track of Your Progress
According to Dave Kohl, professor emeritus at Virginia Tech:
People who regularly write down their goals earn nine times as much over their lifetimes as people
who don't.
80% of Americans say they don't have goals.
16% do have goals but don't write them down.
Less than 4% write down their goals and fewer than 1% review them on an ongoing basis.
Pause for a moment and let this information sink in.
Neatly write the following statement on your first index card:
Now, on your second index card, write a sentence announcing the fact that you have reached one of the really
big goals that youve been charging after, and also write down the date it becomes a reality. Like this:
As you come up with your own sentence, make sure you state it as if it has already happened. Now, tape these
two cards near the head of your bed. Every night before you go to sleep, you must read your cards to yourself.
Every morning after you wake up, read them out loud again. Read them with gusto. Believe it. Mean it.
Make it a daily habit, even if you dont feel like it or somebody in your house laughs at you (little torpedoes).
Just do it! After reading your cards every morning and night for 21 straight days, you will be a rhino!
Taking Action
However, just saying youre a rhino is not enough. If youre going to talk the talk, youve got to walk
the walk. Put some action behind your words. Get in the practice of taking actions towards your goals,
aspirations, opportunities and life-long dreams.
Your homework for tonight is to read your rhino cards before going to bed, then again when you wake
up. And dont forget to LEAP out of bed ready to CHARGE!!!
Also, try to find some pictures of real or figurative rhinos to hang in your room. You may already
have some and not realize it. Look out Tabor, here comes some Rhinos down the 200 hallway.
Keep Your Head Up When Others Want to Knock You Down
You will soon notice that it is hard to maintain your positive outlook on life when others bombard you
with negativity. Dont let outside forces dampen your enthusiasm. You can control, to a large degree, what
you hear and see. Dont let the negative in! Just remember that you have two-inch thick skin and youre too
busy charging down opportunities to be sidelined or slowed down. Rhinos dont campout in front of the TV
for hours on end. Be productive with your time. Let the cows and sheep go brain dead from overexposure to
cable TV, video games, Facebook, Twitter, cell phones, etc. Instead, read books that are uplifting or about
successful people. Humans are basically the product of four things: whom we associate with, what we listen
to, what we watch, and what we choose to read.
To Whom You Associate, So You Become
Charge with the rhinoceroses, fly with the eagles, run with the cheetahs and eat with the lions. Dont
hang around with the cows or the sheep. They will pull you down. Youre a rhinoceros! Associate with the
doers, the achievers, the positive, the livewires and you will stay a fully charged rhinoceros. Associate with
sleeping cows, sloths or sheep and you will become a loser (Alexander, p.30).

You Are What You Read
If you are what you eat, then you naturally become what you feed your mind. If you read garbage,
then youll have a brain full of garbage and a spirit that reflects the same. If your reading consists primarily of
text messages about shopping at Hanes Mall, or who has a crush on the new kid, then slap yourself in the face
and immediately get out of the pasture! Sometimes, you have to ask yourself, will reading this help me reach
my goals, or will it sidetrack me? This doesnt mean you cant diversify your reading. Throw in a little Diary
of a Wimpy Kid for laughs, but dont let your reading diet consist entirely of light reading.
You should read positive rhino books that lift your spirit. There is no end to the number of books in
this school about rich and famous rhinos. Read their books and you can learn their secrets, or at least be
inspired by their stories. Lazy cows refuse to read rhino books. They watch fake reality shows and other
brain-numbing drivel. Is it any wonder they remain in the pasture?
Plan Now To Be A Prosperous Rhino
If you want to live the good life from this day forward, then youve got to start planning on being a
prosperous rhino. Theres no better way to start than to get a first class education at Mount Tabor! Youll be
setting yourself up for future success in college and beyond. Your teachers are here to help you attain your
goals. And please, dont fall into one of the biggest cow traps---viewing teachers as the enemy. Everyone can
remember peers who saw their teachers as their enemies. Because of their viewpoint, the students closed their
minds to learning. What a terrible loss. Tabor teachers want their students to be successful more than
anything else in the world, and not for completely unselfish reasons. Youll be the ones who lead the country
when were retired. We dont want cows and sheep in control. We want rhinos in positions of power and
influence for the betterment of our country and others.
Remember that if you plan for it, it is much more likely to be realized. If you plan for success, youll
be successful. If you plan for nothing then you will surely get a big stinking lump of nothing. So start
Dreams dont always come true. However, if you make a great plan to reach your dream, you stand a
better chance of making it come true. Dont wait for luck, the government, or your fairy godmother to make it
happen. You have to plan for it to happen. Wealth, happiness, and success dont happen by accident. Its not a
mystery. Rich people dont get rich because theyre lucky or get all the breaks. They plan on being rich, and
then they attack their plan. Theres no reason you cant do the same.

Fill out the Rhino Success Plan and turn back in. Be thoughtful and seriously think about your future goals.
Plans Do Change
Lets be honest---your plans will not always develop exactly like you plan. Dont worry. You are a
resourceful, patient, and intelligent rhino. Just modify your plans and keep your eyes on the prize. Dont give
up. Dont be dissuaded. Just keep charging ahead and remember your two-inch thick skin.
You Have To Give To Get
Some people mistakenly think that being a rhino is akin to Darwins theory about the survival of the
fittest, that getting ahead requires stepping on or hurting others. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In our society, you have to give in order to get. You reap what you sow. Its just that simple. If you
give love to your parents, youll get love back. If you give praise to your friends, youll get praise back. If
you volunteer for the sick, poor, or needy, then you know that somehow you will be rewarded for your good
deeds. Its because you chose to give.
There are two vital types of giving: effort and humanitarian (love). Without sufficient effort, youll
never get your desired results. Humanitarian giving is like volunteering at church or in your community. You
give selflessly of yourself (love) for the benefit of others.
Why are there so many cows in the world? The cows dont know that they have to give to get. They
are capable of doing a lot of getting, but fail to give effort or love. They dont realize that the more effort
and/or love you put into something, the more you will get out of it. Think for a minute about a time in your
life when you experienced great satisfaction and pride because you gave a whole lot of effort, time,
compassion, or love. Be prepared to share your story with the class.

Market Yourself
You may not know it, but you are your own product. Some people sell cars. Others sell insurance or
cell phones. Your job is to market and sell yourself. When you get into your 20s or 30s, to win over the
perfect guy or girl, to be your soul mate for life is going to require some masterful selling on your part, so get
used to selling yourself at a young age. Modesty and humbleness are very desirable traits, but dont let them
keep you from achieving your goals. Look people in the eyes when you meet them. Give them a strong
handshake. And when you announce your name, say it like you are a big V.I.P.
Take Care of Yourself
Just because you are a rhinoceros doesnt mean you have to smell like one. Who wants an odor like
that around? Make sure you take care of yourself. Your body is your business and you only have an inventory
of one. (Alexander, p.37-38) If you dont put cheap gas in your Rolls Royce, then dont put a bunch of junk
in your body. Eat healthy and exercise regularly. You will feel better, think faster, look better, live longer, and
be able to enjoy the good life as a rhino well into your golden years.
Discipline Yourself
Discipline makes great rhinos. Lack of discipline makes cows and sheep. Discipline is having to do
something you know you need to do, but would rather not do. Who really wants to do homework every night,
practice scales on their instrument, do chores at home, etc.? If you like doing your homework, then
AWESOME! You already have rhino blood coursing through your veins. One thing that separates rhinos from
cows is that rhinos can make themselves do things that they would otherwise not want to do. Cows take the
easy route and give up. Cows dont have the discipline to make the honor roll. That would mean doing work.
You see---discipline is good, and self-discipline is even better.
It is easy for someone to discipline others. Teachers do it to students. Parents do it to their children.
You might have to do it to a younger sibling. Exercising self-control in your life is much more difficult. Just
remember that cows remain cows because they cannot control the habits that make them cows. If they had
self-discipline, they would be on their way to where youre going---being a happy and successful rhino!
Do you know of any spoiled brats who get no discipline at home, but instead, get everything they
want? Dont be envious of them. They usually grow up to be unhappy cows that believe the world owes them
Once you have self-discipline working for you, you can develop new habits like charging, being
persistence, and having an audacious spirit. Make a list of any habits you have that are destructive, and then
begin eliminating them. Here are just a few examples: worrying, complaining, excessive TV, poor diet, lack of
regular exercise, dishonesty, laziness, lack of respect (for self and others).
You Are In Charge
If you are selling yourself to others, then you must be the president and CEO of YOU, INC. You
dont have to run a huge business; just your own six thousand pound rhino body. Take your mind and body
and create the absolute best you that you can create. Make the rest of the world stand up and take notice, for
it is YOU!!!! Get started. You have 24 hours a day to make it happen, and because you are a rhino and believe
in yourself, you can do it! Have high expectations for yourself. You are your own boss. Youre in control.
You run the show. Dont let yourself down.
Elephants Never Forget, and Rhinos Shouldnt Either
Now that you are well on your way to becoming a rhino, never forget who you are---a rhino. Dont
fall back in with the lazy cows that stand around eating grass, waiting to be taken to the slaughterhouse.
Whenever you are in a situation that requires work, risk, energy, and action, think like a rhino. The rest will
take care of itself. When you wake up in the morning, remind yourself that you will charge massively at
opportunities, associate with other rhinos, not worry about the jealously that will come your way.
How to Be the Worlds Happiest Rhino
Are you happy yet? Are you starting to feel better than you did when you started your rhino training?
If not, quickly re-read pages one though six. You cant afford to not get on board this train, because were
charging down the tracks towards a happier life. Be happy dog gone it. Be happy living an adventurous life.
Cows are happy just lying in front of a TV for three or more hours without doing anything productive. But
dont feel too sorry for the cows. Somebody has to take on the cow lifestyle. The sad truth is that not
everyone can be a rhino. Tabor teachers want to make sure you have a rhino spirit. It gives you something
extra. We do this because we care and only want whats best for you.

You Have a Choice to Be Happy
You have much more power in your brain than you realize. You can actually choose to be happy, just
like you can choose to be sad, angry, depressed, worried, fearful, envious, jealous, or vengeful.
Stephen Covey writes about a pause button that only humans have. The pause button lies between
when you first receive a stimulus, and when you respond to it. For example, if someone accidentally bumped
into you while walking down the hallway, your brain receives stimuli (you got bumped). The split second
before you respond is where your pause button lies. At this point, you can choose a negative response or a
positive one. If you call the person who bumped into you a big, goofy, stupid, blankety-blank, you might
end up in a fight. If, however, you use your pause button effectively, you can choose to be understanding,
kind, and gracious.
Do you see? You really can choose to be happy. Just simply love everyone and everything. Think
about what a better world we would live in if more people realized they had a built-in pause button and chose
to use it.
It Feels Good Being Happy
When you feel good about yourself, you will be happy. If you look in the mirror in the morning and
like what you see, then youll be a happy rhino going into your day. If getting a manicure for your horns make
you feel good about yourself. Get it. Treat yoself! If having a fresh haircut or new hairstyle improves your
self-image, go visit your barber/hairstylist. If losing a few pounds will make you feel better, then eat less and
exercise more. Decide right now to be a joyous, cheerful, exuberant, friendly, loving, smiling, charging
rhinoceros. The minute you decide to be, you are! CONGRATULATIONS (Alexander, p.47).
Expect a Couple of Rotten Days
Lets face it---youre going to have a bad day now and again. Some days you just wake up feeling
lower than worm poop. Dont worry about it. Expect it. But dont dwell on it. Immediately try to make some
lemonade out of lemons or ride out the storm the best you. Soon youll be back to your good old rhino ways in
a day or two.
Have a Sense of Humor
Learning to laugh at yourself can make the rotten days more bearable. Laugh at your simple mistakes
and goof ups. Laugh out loud, and then plan to do better next time.
Things Always Work Out For the Best
You have to believe that all things happen for a reason. Everything will work out for the best. As
someone once said, What does not kill me will only make me stronger. Dont get discouraged by adversity,
hardship, or misfortune. Every setback is only setup for comeback. Every rhino knows this to be true. The
worlds most well know rhino said, If you can believe, all things are possible to he who believes. It all comes
back to belief---the fuel that drives a rhino.
Be an Audacious Rhino
What separates you from the cows is your audacity. You are adventurous, daring, bold, and have
backbone. You are not afraid of success or failure. You have true grit (guts). You charge through the jungle
happily achieving. You laugh as cows and sheep try to knock you down.
Go For the Gold
In the Olympics, athletes receive a bronze medal for third place, a silver medal for second place, or a
gold medal for first place. Go for the gold. Dont settle for any other kind of medal. Just go for it! Dont be
afraid to fail. Short of dying (which happens to everyone eventually) you can bounce back from just about any
kind of adversity. Writer Jack London said it best when he wrote:
I would rather be ashes than dust. I would rather that my spark would burn
out in a brilliant blaze than be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb
meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
Audacity Is Essential
Remember how you have a choice to be happy? You can also choose to be audacious. Do things that
take risk and nerves of steel. Dont be an obnoxious pain-in-the-behind. No one likes that. Every goal, every
dream, every great project requires some audacity. If success were easy, if it did not involve some risk or the
danger of failing, there would be no unsuccessful cows, sheep or sloths. Success takes nerve. Rhinos have
that nerve. You are daring enough to charge down your dreams. Be aggressive! Not in a violent manner, but
be aggressive in your driving, forceful energy to get whatever you are after. Aggressive, audacious, charging
rhinoceroses succeed! No one is going to argue with you! Charge! (Alexander, p.57)

Dont Give Yourself Anymore Excuses
There is no excuse for not charging through life every day. Why sit on your butt and blame someone
else for your failure when you could be moving towards your goals? There is no good reason for not doing
what it takes to live a good rhino life. So what if youre too fat, too short, too tall, one skin color, or another.
It doesnt matter. Dont let petty excuses keep you from your goals. As I like to say, Dont sabotage your
own success. Repeat after me:
There is nothing keeping me from reaching my goals.
There is no reason why I cant make my dreams a reality.
The only person holding me back is me. I refuse to do this
any longer. I will not sabotage my own success. I am a
rhinoceros and I can do anything I choose to accomplish!
Use Your Time Wisely
There are 24 short precious hours in every day. You can use them or lose them. You definitely want
to get a good 8-10 hours of sleep every night, but no more. As you shower, dress, eat, and brush you horns in
the morning, think about what you want to accomplish during the remainder of the day.
Time is precious. Every second leads to a minute. Every minute leads to an hour. Before you know
it, the day is over and you have to assess what you accomplished during that day. Is it something youre proud
of? Those days turn into months. Months turn into years. Years turn into a lifetime. If you waste enough
minutes, it turns into a wasted lifetime. You dont want that. Every minute lived is a minute that cannot be
relived or repeated, so live every minute to the fullest!
Get Excited
Get excited about the rest of your life. Now that youre reading your two index cards every morning
and every night, you can see that its up to you to make the most out of life. Youre currently somewhere
between points A and B in your life. Everyone was born and everyone will die. Dont wait for some magical
point in your life to really begin living, excelling, and achieving. That moment should be right now, and from
this day forward.
Everyone secretly wants to be a rhino, even the cows. They just dont have the belief system you
have. It takes responsibility to be a rhino, but youll get used to it. Let everyone know that you are open for
business. You will not settle for anything less than the best. Charge!
Develop a Rhinos Persistence
Persistence means never giving up. You can also call it tenacity. It lives in every cell within your
body. Thats why you will not be denied success. You have a strong will to succeed at whatever you put your
mind to. Your persistence allows you to storm through the jungle. You either go under, above, around, or
through lifes obstacles. Giving up should be your absolute last option and should be weighed carefully.
Never Give Up - How to Be A Rhino In All Aspects Of Your Life
True rhinoceros success comes from being a rhino all the time. You have to be a full-time rhino. Not
just at school, or in athletic competition, but all the time! Its a 24/7 job. You cant go back and forth between
a cow and a rhino. It wont work. When opportunity knocks---open the door you audacious rhino! This wont
happen if youre taking on a cow posture. You can do it if you remember your rhino training. Tie a string
around your finger to remember if you have to.
There are seven areas of your life where you have to remain a rhino. They are family, work, social,
education, physical, financial, and spiritual. Lets look at them one at a time.
Your family should be the most important thing in your world. No one loves you more, or does more
for you than your family. Dont forget them. Keep your life balance. Too much of any one of these seven
areas can throw your life out of balance and cause you to neglect the other six. If you spend too much time
doing schoolwork, youll lose valuable time with your family, friends, and loved ones. Keep life balanced to
remain healthy. Do fun things with family members. Go on rhino vacations together. Play together. Enjoy
the uniqueness of one another. Youve only got one family---love them with all your heart. If your parents or
siblings are not rhinos, tell them why they should be. After this course, you will be able talk a cow into being a
rhino. When youre ready to marry and have kids, youll be considered a great catch. A lot of people will want
to marry you. You are a success. Just make sure the person you marry is a high quality rhino like yourself.

Luckily for you, you dont have full-time jobs and careers yet. First, you need to finish your high
caliber education all the way through college. When you get out of college, businesses will hunt you down and
offer you big bucks to work for them. Remember that youre in demand because youre a rhino. Once you are
hired, or better yet, once you start your own business, dont even consider what you are doing as work. Work
is boring, dull, uninteresting, and uninspiring. Who would want to do that? A cow would---of course. If you
dont love a job get one that you do love. Tabor teachers love teaching young people. We rise to the challenge
of helping you prepare for the exciting challenges and opportunities that await you.
You cant charge out of bed every morning if you dont love your work. Your work right now is your
education. Love it. Desire it. Thrive on it. Learning is fun. Getting smarter means you are getting closer to
your goals. Rome wasnt built in a day and you wont become a super successful adult overnight, without first
getting the most out of your free public education. If cow and sheep students call you stupid for caring about
your education and your future, you know youre on the right track. Keep charging! If a lion or an eagle tell
you that youre stupid. Proceed with caution. If another rhino tells you that youre stupid, then youve
probably slipped back into the cow pasture. Get re-focused and start charging again.
Have you ever gone into a fast food restaurant and the people working there seemed to be in agony. I
mean they were really unhappy. They act like theyre the walking dead just waiting to die. Sometimes they
dont even say How are you? or Thank you, have a nice day. That would be too difficult for a cow. How
depressing. Make work fun. It spreads to everyone eventually. Be a rhino. Show your happy smile. Put
some joy and enthusiasm behind the words you speak. You will help create a more productive, friendlier, and
loving work environment.
As a rhino, you are going to make the cows look bad. You will embarrass them because of your
presence. The better you do, the worse they look. They should learn from your example, but some wont.
Dont let this stop you. Keep charging! Cows are lazy and will try to pull you down to their level. It makes
them feel better about their life of misery and failure. Dont fall for it. Be a good example for them. One
charging livewire of a rhino can change a whole classroom of cows into a jungle full of rhinos. You might
have to be that person. Get ready to see good things happen!
We already talked about how important it is to associate with the right animals. Here are some great quotes
that drive this point.
Tell me thy company and I will tell thee what thou art.---Cervantes
Chance makes our parents, but choice makes our friends.---Delille
He that walketh with wise men shall be wise,---Proverbs 13:20
If you always live with those who are lame, you will yourself learn to limp.---Latin Proverb
And of course my favorite is from my seventh-grade teacher, Mrs. Romanchuck, who always told me
that, Birds of a feather flock together. Make sure you choose the right friends. Dont surround yourself with
cows and sheep. You are a friendly rhino. Other rhinos will be naturally drawn to you.
You have only one shot at your education, so make the most of it. You have only one 9 th grade year in
your whole life (unless you decide to fail and have to repeat). The value of your education is not determined
as much by the school you attend or the teachers you have, but by the decision you make to get the most out of
it. History is full of stories of successful people who attended one-room schoolhouses where one lone teacher
taught a class full of students from age six to eighteen. President Abraham Lincoln taught himself with only a
handful of books by the light of a fireplace. Look at all he achieved. You have an unlimited number of books
to read. You have a first rate school to learn in, highly qualified teachers, and a great support system at home.
What you do with the next four years of free public education is entirely up to you!
If you were a NASCAR driver, you would make sure your car was in tip-top condition. Make sure
your body is equally fine tuned for peak performance. You may not have a healthy body right now, but if you
set your mind to it, you can eventually get in great shape. You cant charge like a rhino for very long if you
dont have stamina. Once you get in peak physical condition, you will feel awesome. You will believe in
yourself like never before. You have two-inch thick skin, not two-inch thick fat. Exercise, eat healthy, dont
be a couch potato, and try drinking water instead of all of those sugar-filled sodas.
Do you and your family have enough money? Most of us dont, so make a plan to get more of it. The
most important thing you can do in your young life is to achieve in school. This will almost guarantee you

more money as you become an older rhino. College graduates make a lot more money than high school
graduates. Thats all you need to know. Dont let someone tell you that money is not important. Without
money, you cant pay your bills. You could even starve to death. You need money. It is not the root of all
evil. It is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. Money CAN buy happiness, but LOVE of money
will only buy misery in the long run. You cant make money your god, or youll live a lonely life and die
morally broke. Learn to use money wisely.
Look at how Bill and Melinda Gates are using their hundreds of millions of dollars. You see, money
can be used for a lot of good. If you give money to your church or to a non-profit agency, it goes to help those
less fortunate than yourself. Look at making money as a hobby. All rhinos do this. It is a lot more profitable
than collecting stamps, rocks, or baseball cards. Start collecting some money today. Then put it in the bank to
earn interest, or ask your parents to help you invest it. Dont be afraid to loose money. Most millionaires have
lost their entire fortunes several times over. But because of their rhino spirit, they successfully bounced back.
Religion is a very personal subject, and I wont tell you who or what you should believe in. You
might want to look into believing in something bigger and more powerful than yourself. All decent human
beings can tell the difference between right and wrong. Choose to do what is right and things will go your way
more often than not. If you choose to do what you know in your heart is wrong, your wrongs will someday
catch up with you. Dont let peer pressure or immediate gratification steer you down the wrong path in life.
Just believe that doing what is right will pay off!
Rhino Games
When you arrive at school tomorrow, greet everyone with a beautiful smile. Without your warm
greeting, some people would just look sad and lifeless like they were getting ready for a funeral. Brighten their
day and you brighten your own! For the fun of it, just stare at someone with a smile on your face until they
give you one back in return. Make a game out of it.
When you go through the lunch line, ask the cafeteria worker how she is doing. Make sure to say
thank you. Maintain the same positive attitude throughout the day with everyone you meet.
Cows and sheep do the same thing every day when they get home from school. Youre different. Try
to do something different from time to time. Make a game of it. Experience something youve never done
before. Turn to a radio station youve never listened to before. Watch an educational program about animals
that you might otherwise flip past. Go out for a brisk walk or jog. Just do something different. Youll have an
interesting story the next day at school and will have broadened your horizons in the process!
Make a game out of finding other rhinos as well. When you go to your encore classes today, try to
find the other rhinos in the room. You can usually spot them because of their positive attitudes. Like you, they
stand out in a crowd. Next, introduce yourself. Make a new friend. Rhinos love good rhino friends!
Be Prepared For Rhino Problems
Some people will become extremely jealous of you for becoming a rhino. Youve got something they
want, and they might say or do mean things to hurt you. Ignore them, pity them, pray for them, but dont give
in to them. You are the crab trying to escape from the fishermans bucket while the other crabs try to pull you
down and prevent your escape to freedom. Dont let it happen!
Become A Rhinoceros Today!
I dont want you to become a full-time charging rhino for my gain. After all that we have discussed,
you may want to choose the life of contentment as a cow. That is your prerogative. However, just think about
how much more fun school will be if you go rhino. You will set yourself up for future success in all aspects of
your life and succeed to your maximum potential. So come on---its really an easy choice isnt it?
Are you undecided? Dont be. Sheep suffer from the disease of indecision, not rhinos. We love
challenges and realize that tough decisions have to be made everyday. The old saying says, Nothing ventured,
nothing gained, so go ahead and decide to be a rhino. A life of memorable adventures awaits you. And
always remember that things will turn out for the best.
You know there will be students and friends who denounce the rhino lifestyle because they want to
convince you that, with exactly saying it, being a sheep is where its at. Would you really rather be a loser who
looked cool, or a winner who stayed focused? Weve all seen men and women on the side of the road who live
sad and pathetic lives filled with sickness, poverty, addiction, and unhappiness. Some of them suffer from no
fault of their own, but Ill guarantee you that a great many were the same types of students who chose to
follow a herd of cows rather than charging like a rhino. When they unknowingly chose to be sheep and cows,
they in affect doomed their lives.

You probably have a cow friend. If theyre truly a friend, then you cant in good consciousness let
them wallow in the muck of a cow and sheep lifestyle. Share your newfound knowledge with them. Thats
what friends are for.
Dont be a pessimist. A pessimist is one who is always complaining, whining, and claiming that life is
unfair. Those who suffer from pessimism always see the worst in everything. You know people like this dont
you? You might even live with one or more. Counter their pessimism with optimism and you might just make
a positive difference in their life. Fight the temptation to speak negative words from your mouth, feel them in
your heart, or think them in your mind, but dont speak them.
O.K. If you are 100% decided on becoming a rhino, then congratulations! Others may wonder where
you got that special twinkle in your eyes. Its just the fact that you know you will now live a longer, happier,
more successful, and more prosperous life. So, think like a rhino, act like a rhino, and get charging. Talking
like a rhino is not enough. You have to start charging at your goals and opportunities right now!

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