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8 years of IT experience in the Analysis, Design, Development, Administering Client/server

application using Microsoft SQL Server and BI suite (Development, UAT and Production Environment).
Experience in MS SQL Server 2014/2012/2008 R2 /2005(BIDS) with Business Intelligence in SQL
Server Reporting Service and SQL Server Integration Service, SQL Server Analysis
Exposed to all phases of software development life cycle( SDLC )including in-depth knowledge of
Agile methodology, Enterprise Reporting Life Cycle, SQL Server Migrations, Change control rules,
problem management and escalation procedures
Significant knowledge in Health Plan operations like Membership, Enrollment, Providers, Claims,
Part A and B Reporting, PQRS, Health care EDI/CMS formats etc.
Experience in designing Logical and Physical Modeling using ERWIN Tool and ER Studio.
Thorough understanding of Kimballs theory, KPIs, SQL Architecture.
Highly proficient in the use of T-SQL for developing complex stored procedures, triggers, cursors,
tables, user profiles, relational database models and data integrity, SQL joins and query writing.

Good hands-on working experience with using all kinds of SQL Server Constraints (Primary Keys,
Foreign Keys, Defaults, Checks, and Unique), Writing Transact SQL (T-SQL) Queries, & Dynamicqueries.
Hands on experience working with SSIS, for ETL process ensuring proper implementation of Event
Handlers, Loggings, breakpoints, Checkpoints, Transactions and package configurations.
Experience in High Level Design of ETL - DTS Packages & SSIS Packages - for integrating data using
OLE DB connection from heterogeneous sources (Excel, CSV, flat file, Text Format Data) by using
multiple transformations provided by SSIS such as Data Conversion, Conditional Split, Bulk Insert,
merge and union all.
Worked on administration tasks such as data loading, batch jobs, data unloading, backup &
Recovery, user and application table management, upgrades, creating databases/File
groups/files/Transaction logs, database design solutions in collaboration with programming team.
Solid experience on high availability SQL Server solutions, including Replication Models.
(Snapshot/Transactional) and SQL Server clustering (Active-Active, Active-Passive).
Experience in Disaster Recovery Planning, Execution and Testing at remote side.
Support root cause analysis and define action plans to prevent future outages and ensure.
Strong knowledge of star schema, snowflake schema in dimensional modeling and their usage in
different data modeling design
Experience in Integrating SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) with Microsoft Office Share Point
Server (MOSS 2007).
Highly skilled in creating dynamic and customized packages for ETL from various data sources using
SSIS and also enhancing and deploying the SSIS Packages from development server to
production server and also job scheduling using SQL Server Agent to perform
hourly/daily/nightly update
Proficient in OLTP, OLAP and Data warehousing Design concepts
Experience in creating Sub Reports, Tabular Reports, Matrix Reports, Parameterized Reports,
Drill down Reports and Charts using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and web reporting by
customizing URL Access.
Worked on Reporting Services (SSRS).Created multiple reports like Drill Down, Drill through,
Cascaded parameterized, parameterized, and ad hoc reporting.
Experienced in development of content and visually rich reports in SQL Server Reporting Services
(SSRS) like tabular, matrix, list, chart, gauge, and map.
Experience in Developing and Extending SSAS Cubes, Dimensions and data source views SSASData Mining Models and Deploying and Processing SSAS objects.
Developed OLAP Cubes by using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), and defined data sources,
data source views, Dimensions, Measures, Hierarchies, Attributes, Calculations Experience in Cube
designing in Business Intelligence Development Studio using SSAS.
Experience in dimensional data modeling and Cube development, partition, aggregation and
optimization using SSAS and Building and writing DAX Queries, MDX Queries Calculated Members,
and KPI's using Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012 Analysis Services Business Intelligence (SSAS,
Experienced in usage of Microsoft BI tools like Power View, Power Pivot, Power Query, Power Map
which are utilized to retrieve, analyze, and to finally display the data in a well-defined visual form.
The pre-built dashboards and score cards, with measures and KPIs.
Experience in providing SSRS server level, item level Security & Accessibility to various reports in
multi-user environment.

Experience in writing T-SQL, working on DTS, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, Data Cleansing, Data Scrubbing
and Data Migration, Also created Indexed Views, complex Stored Procedures, effective functions, and
appropriate Triggers to facilitate efficient data manipulation and data consistency.

Programming Skills
Database Design Tools
and Data Modeling
BI Tools
Management Tools
Operating Systems
Systems familiarity
Tools and Utilities

T-SQL, SQLC, Java, HTML, XML, JavaScript, ASP.NET, VB, C#

MS SQL Server 2014/2012/2008 R2/2005, MS Access.
Erwin Data Modeler, MS Visio 2003/2007, Star Schema/Snowflake Schema
modeling, FACT & Dimensions tables
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS),
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), Business Intelligence Development
Studio (BIDS), Visual Studio 2005/2008/2012/2013, Erwin Query Analyzer,
Performance Monitor, Power Pivot
SharePoint 2007/2010, Team Foundation Server(TFS)
UNIX, LINUX, Mac, Windows XP/7/8/10
SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Enterprise Manager, SQL Server
Profiler, Import & Export Wizard, Business Intelligence Development Studio

Bachelor of Technology, Electronics & Communication Engineering, JNTU, India.
Senior SQL Server BI/DW Developer
Hexplora, Hartford, CT
Jan 2015 Present
Hexplora is an end-to-end Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence solution for Health Plans, ACOs, and
IPAs. The goal of the project is design a foundational platform for Healthcare. Organizations for all their
Reporting and Analytics requirements and also transforming data into Actionable Information. My role is to
design Enrollment Analytics and claim Analytics.
Install and configure SQL Server 2014/2012. Troubleshooting Performance issues and database
Involved in design of various dimension and fact tables using Ralph Kimball methodology.
Created various fact and dimension tables in data warehouse like Member Dimension, Provider
Dimension, Assignment Fact, Enrollment Fact tables using SSIS 2013.
Created Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) packages using SSIS to load source data provided by
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) from flat files to database tables.
Successfully created database diagrams and physical models for the project.
Created batch files that execute the ETL scripts which invokes SSIS packages.
Development and deploying SSIS 2013 packages to maintain update and migrate the data into and
from the database.
Used Execution Plan, SQL Profiler and Database Engine Tuning Advisor to optimize queries and
enhance the performance of databases.
Created SSIS packages for data Importing, Cleansing, and Parsing etc. Extracted, cleaned and
Created SSIS Packages using Pivot Transformation, Fuzzy Lookup, Derived Columns, Condition
Split, Term extraction, Aggregate, Execute SQL Task, Data Flow Task, and Execute Package
Task etc. to generate underlying data for the reports and to export cleaned data from Excel
Spreadsheets, Text file, MS Access and CSV files to data ware house by using BIDS.
Developed slowly changing dimension SCD-Type2 in SSIS to update the old data in dimension
tables when the new source data is loaded.
Implemented Event Handlers and Error Handling in SSIS packages and notified process results.
Performed cost benefit analysis of different ETL packages (SSIS) to determine the optimal Process.
Built Cubes with star schema and made Hierarchy Relationships on Attributes. Made Partitions on
Cubes with Aggregates for better Performance.
Created complex views in order to build tabular models in SSAS.

Good experience in creating pivot tables and charts in Excel using data sources (SQL Server, SSAS
cubes, Access) and power pivot.

Developed perspectives to simplify the process of browsing the cubes. Defined calculations, which are
Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expressions.
Created custom calculations Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) in Microsoft PowerPivot and in
Created reports in Performance Point using cubes for Analysis Purposes of the Organization.
Scheduled Cube Processing from Staging Database Tables using SQL Server Agent
Design and implement comprehensive Backup Plan and Disaster Recovery strategies.
Generated reports using SQL Server Reporting Services 2013/2012 from OLTP and OLAP data
Designed and deployed reports with Drill Down, Drill Through and Drop down menu option and
Parameterized and Linked reports in BIDS. Deploying and scheduling Reports using SSRS/Crystal
to generate all daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly Reports including current status.
Expert in automating process by Using SQL Server Agent in creating jobs and error report using
Alerts, SQL Mail Agent and SMTP
Successfully tested all task in staging and stored all versions of data using team foundation server
Environment: MS SQL Server2014/2012, SQL Server Integration Services 2013 (SSIS), SQL Server
Reporting Services 2013/20102 (SSRS), SQL Server Analysis Services 2013 (SSAS), MS Visual Studio2013,
TFS (Share Point), Visual Basic6.0/, VB Script and Windows 2008 Server, SQL Server Management
Studio 2010, MS Excel, T-SQL, ERWIN.
Senior SQL BI Developer (SSIS/SSRS/SSAS)
Premier Healthcare Exchange, Bedminster, NJ

Aug 2013 Dec 2014

Premier Healthcare Exchange provides advanced cost management solutions for health plans that combine
claim processing automation with professional services to deliver a timely, centralized approach to healthcare
cost management. The Scope of the project was to redesign the database for the new application and
integration of the data warehouse.
Responsible for documentation of system related activities.
Created complex Stored Procedures, Triggers, Cursors, Tables and other SQL Joins and
Statements for Applications by using T-SQL.
Used Joins and sub-queries for complex queries involving multiple tables from different databases.

Converted Data Transformation Services (DTS) application to SQL Server Integrated Services (SSIS)
as assigned.
Creating reports using SQL Reporting Services (SSRS) for customized and ad-hoc Queries.
Developed DTSX packages to extract, transform and load into the Campaign database from OLTP
database using of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
Experience in Developing and Extending OLAP Cubes, Dimensions and data source view.
Assisted in production OLAP cubes, wrote queries to produce reports using SQL Server 2008
R2/2012 Analysis Services (SSAS) and Reporting service (SSRS)
Designed dynamic SSIS Packages to transfer data crossing different platforms, validate data during
transferring, and archived data files for different DBMS.
Developed dashboard reports using Reporting Services, Report Model and ad-hoc reporting using
Report Builder.
Experience in creating Parameterized reports and Linked reports with thorough knowledge of report
serving architecture. (Table, chart and matrix report).
Designed SSIS Packages to extract, transfer, load (ETL) existing data into SQL Server from
different environments for the SSAS cubes.
Involved in Analyzing, designing, building &, testing of OLAP cubes with SSAS 2008 and in
adding calculations using MDX.
Designed and implemented data mart, facts, dimensions and OLAP cubes using dimensional modeling
standards in SQL Server 2008R2/2012 that maintained data. Involved in the complete data warehouse
development life cycle. Actively supported business users for change requests.
Involved in designing, developing, debugging and testing of reports in SQL Server Reporting Services
Experience in creating Parameterized reports and Linked reports with thorough knowledge of report
serving architecture. (Table, chart and matrix report).

Environment: MS SQL Server2008R2/2012, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting
Services (SSRS), SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), MS Visual Studio.NET# 2008, TFS(Share Point),
Visual Basic6.0/, VB Script and Windows 2008 Server.
SQL Server BI Developer
IMS, Morton Grove, IL
Dec 2012 Aug 2013
IMS Integrated Merchandising Systems is one of the largest supply chain management and promotional
products suppliers in North America. IMS provides Fortune 200 companies with the end-to-end merchandising
solutions they need to promote their brands and drive sales.
Involved in complete SSIS life cycle in creating SSIS packages, building, deploying and executing
the packages in both the environments (Development and Production).
Created SSIS packages for File Transfer from SFTP server to Staging SQL Server Database using
WinSCP SFTP tool.
Created Stored Procedures, Indexes, User defined Functions, Constraints on various database objects
to obtain the required results.
Dynamically supported business users for given requirements and developed the Packages and
documents accordingly.
Involved in Data mapping, Column mapping and maintain data dictionaries and Data models.
Involved in creating, maintaining different SQL Server Objects such as Tables, Procedures,
Functions, Views, CTEs, Triggers etc. according to the Requirements.
Involved in writing complex SQL Scripts using the excel sheets for loading the data into the
maintenance tables.
Involved in Performance Tuning using SQL Server Profiler and SQL server Hints. Created SSIS
Packages using SSIS Designer for export heterogeneous data with text qualifiers like CSV files to
SQL Server 2008.
Used various control flow tasks like File System Task, Execute SQL Task, Script Task, For Each
Loop Container.
Configured SSIS packages with SQL Server Configuration, XML Configuration and Parent
Package variable Configurations and used custom logging in SSIS.
Worked on SSIS Lookup Transformations in data flow tasks for matched and unmatched data and
also used data viewers.
Created SSIS packages with data flow tasks such as Conditional Split, Derived Column, Merge,
Multicast and Row Count.
Used Script task component to write VB scripts and .Net scripts as a part of Data Extraction and
Data Manipulations to arrange files in order and also manipulate data to remove text qualifiers from
Created ETL packages to implement the slowly changing Dimension (SCD TYPE-2) using
OLEDBCOMMAND Task on tables which has Primary Keys.
Used Business Intelligence Markup Language (BIML) Script for generating 40 packages with its
each package requirement using BIDS Helper.
Used Execute Package task in parent package to loop over to call child packages.
Worked on SSIS performance tuning using counters, error handling, and event handling, re-running of
failed SSIS packages using checkpoints and using stored procedure to allow re -run failed files.
Created SSIS packages and notified process Number of errors, Filename, Audit log and error
messages to various users using Send Mail Task.
Created Complex ETL Packages using SSIS to extract data from staging tables to main tables with
incremental load.
Created logging for ETL load at package level and task level to log number of records processed
by each package and each task in a package using SSIS.
Responsible for developing processes , automation of maintenance jobs, tuning SQL Server
performance, Locks and indexed configurations ,administrating SQL Server security, SQL
server automatic email notification and SQL server backup strategy and automation.
Designed Technical specification document and Deployment documentation.
Server Agent
Maintaining SSIS packages.
Environment: Windows 2007, 2008 MS SQL Server 2008R2, BIDS, .net, WinSCP (SFTP), SQL Server
Reporting Services (SSRS), SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Visual Studio, VB. Net, C#, .Net
applications, MS-Office Microsoft Outlook, Team Foundation Server.
SQL BI Developer
Metro Health, Cleveland, OH

Jan 2012 Nov 2012

Health System is the most admired public health care system in the nation. From data integration toolsets and
industry-leading data warehouse architectures, to advanced analytics and predictive modeling, Metro Health
technologies inform the identification of gaps in care, quality, and data accuracy to drive highly targeted insight
and informed intervention providing an end-to-end platform to bring meaningful improvement on a national
scale with patient-specific precision.
Experienced in creating different types of reports Drill down Reports, drill through reports,
parameterized reports, crystal report, matrix reports, tabular reports, chart reports as per the
user request.
Created Adhoc reports Using Report Builder 1.0 and Report Builder 2.0.
Worked for Web sales department to create, test, distribute and maintain Crystal Reports.
Partnered with various Business lines to improve existing reports and create new control reports to
reduce errors and streamline the process.
Provide suggestions to assigned business line to streamline reporting and procedures as necessary.

Built the SSRS reports from Different Databases like Oracle and SQL Server.
Involved in configuring and deploying SSRS reports onto Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.
Pulled the data from DB2 Server by using open queries and SSIS Packages to load data into SQL
Server database to create SSRS Reports.
Creating Indexes and used Scan and Seeks for performance tuning.
Created dashboard reports (daily, weekly, and monthly) for the upper management to monitor the
Home Equity loan performance.
Part of Relational Data Warehouse Designs and effectively identified and created Facts and
Dimensions tables.
Deployed the report rdl files to the report manger (or) share point site to make report visible for user
by using web server link, its easy for upper management to view the reports in report manager or
share point site.
Utilized functions in DB2 Queries to concatenate, finding date differences, finding date part, finding
part of the string in DB2 Server which are different from SQL Functions.
Worked on Team Foundation Sever 2008 to store (check in or check out) the sql queries, packages,
and reports to share them with the team members. Even if the local system crashes down we can able
to use the code from TFS.
Documented the process (Upper management reports) of pulling the data from DB2 Server and load it
into the SQL Server tables, so that it could be used as a training manual for new hires and for audit
Responsible for interacting with business users to learn the business requirements and business
functionality to improve the reporting process.
Transferred data from various data sources/business systems including MS Excel, MS Access, and
Flat Files etc. to SQL Server using SSIS/DTS packages using various features.
Involved in Creating SSIS Packages to pull the data from DB2 Server, Flat files and Excel Files then
load the data into the SQL Server table destination.
Utilized different types of tasks (Execute SQL task, Data flow task, For Loop Container, For each
Loop Container, Bulk Insert task) to load the data from source to destination based on business
requirement with all conditions applied by task functionality.
Used different transformations (Derived Column, Data Conversion, Condition Split, Lookup
transformation, multicast, and script component transformation) under Data Flow Task while
pulling and loading data from one source to another source to makes the data clean and consistent.
Implemented cell level security in cubes using MDX expressions to restrict users of one region
seeing data of another region using SSAS.
Responsible for creating and scheduling the jobs to run store procedures and SSIS packages on daily
manner to automate the loading process by using SQL Server Agent, adding new steps to the existed
jobs in the SQL server agent.
Environment: Enterprise Manager, SQL Server 2008R2, Control-M Manager, Oracle 9i/10g Visual Studio
2008, SSIS, SSAS, SSRS, C #, T-SQL, Performance Tuning, Visio 2010, Windows Server.
SQL Server/SSIS/SSRS Developer
Parexel, India
Sep 2010 Dec 2011
Parexel International is a multinational, life sciences consulting firm. It conducts clinical trials on behalf of its
pharmaceutical clients to expedite the drug approval process.
Developed logical and physical database (using Normalization, Dimension Modeling and Enterprise

Optimized schema, performance, and capacity planning of various data transformation processes
related to the reports.
Made sure that standards and best practices in database development were followed and maintained.
Defined and designed the data sourcing and data flows, data quality analysis.
Identified the data source and defined them to build the data source views.
Wrote Complex Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views and Queries. Created indexes, Constraints and
rules on database objects.
Developed and deployed SSIS packages to load data from OLTP to Data Warehouse system.
Designed ETL packages dealing with different data sources (SQL Server, CSV, Flat Files etc.) and
loaded the data into target data destination by performing different kinds of transformations using SQL
Server Integration Services (SSIS).
Used SQL Server Agent to automate the SSIS 2008 package execution.
Developed stored procedures to transform the data from enterprise data warehouse to SQL server and
load data to fact tables.
Transferred data from various sources like MS Excel, MS Access and SQL Server using SSIS
2005/2008 and then created reports using this data using SSRS.
Configured and maintained Report Manager and Report Server for SSRS.
Identified and added the report parameters and created the reports based on the requirements using
SSRS 2008.
Tested and managed the SSIS 2005 and SSIS 2008 packages and was responsible for its security.
Scheduled and monitored all maintenance activities of SQL Server 2005 including database
consistency checks and index defragmentation.
Set up database backup and recovery strategies.
Designed and Implemented the Stored Procedures and Triggers for automating tasks.
Maintained all records of project status and followed changes as per control procedures.
Provided technical support to internal developers and external clients.
Generated test data and tested database to meet the functionalities/deliverables in the project
documentation and specifications.
Environment: MS SQL Server 2005/2008, MS Access 2000, Erwin, SSIS 2005/2208,SSRS 2005/2008, TSQL, MS-Excel, MS-Access, SQL Server Management Studio, MS SQL Profiler.
SQL Developer
Bajaj Auto Ltd., India

May 2008 Aug 2010

The Bajaj Group is amongst the top 10 business houses in India. Its footprint stretches over a wide range of
industries, spanning automobiles (two-wheelers and three-wheelers), home appliances, lighting, iron and steel,
insurance, travel and finance.
Performed extensive data extraction from web and other sources and handled data preparation
missing values, formatting, transformations using SSIS.
Handled migrations from DTS to SSIS 2005 and 2005 to 2008.
Written Stored Procedures and SQL scripts both in SQL Server and Oracle to implement business
rules for various clients.
Designed T-SQL scripts to identify long running queries and blocking sessions.
Writing and Debugging T-SQL, stored procedures, Views and User Defined Functions.
Data migration (import & export BCP) from Text to SQL Server.
Error handling using Try-Catch Block.
Normalization and De-Normalization of tables.
Developed Backup and Restore scripts for SQL Server 2005.
Installed and Configured SQL Server 2005 with latest service packs.
Created database objects like tables, views, indexes, stored-procedures, triggers, and user defined
Written T-SQL queries for the retrieval of the data.
Developed administrative tasks of SQL Server of performing daily Backups and Recovery procedures.
Worked with the developing team in the Writing functions in Visual Basic 6.0 for Upload download
functionality, Data transfer and migration.
Prepared daily and weekly status reports and collaborated with other team members.
Created and managed schema objects such as tables, views, constraints, indexes, functions,
procedures and triggers and maintained Referential Integrity.
Customized the stored procedures and database triggers to meet the changing business rules.

Implemented indexes for performance tuning.

Data loaded into the database using SSIS 2005 from flat files.
Environment: SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 Oracle 9i, Visual Basic, SSIS 2005, Excel.

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