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It is well known that there are three division in Dasha System Namely: Dasha, Bhukti
and Antara. The other terminology for Dasha is Maha Dasha, Bhukti is known as Antar Dasha
and Antara is referred to as Pratyantar Dashas. Since, the terms Maha Dasha, Antar Dasha
and Pratyantar Dasha are being used in BVB, we will also use the same terminology.
Dasha or Maha Dasha forms the most important factor in an horoscope. If the Maha
Dasha lord is strongly placed then the results shall be benefical to the native.
Now, how to analyse if the Maha Dasha lord is strongly placed in an horoscope or not?
Following points, if carefully seen in an horoscope shall confirm the placement of a Dasha

The particular Dasha lord, should be the owner of a strong Bhava.

The lord should be placed in a benefical / good Bhava.
The lord should be placed in own / existed / mool trikona signs.
It should be conjunct with benefic planet or / and friendly planet.
No malefic planet should aspect the Maha Dasha lord.
Aspect of the benefic planet is a must on the MD lord.
The strength of the lord should on strongly be disposed in Navamsa Chart and other
important Vargas.
In Astaka varga the benefic points (Bindu) for the planet concerned should be on the
higher side.
If all the above factors are present in an horoscope, then the native is surely to
enjoy the benefic results of that particular Maha Dasha.
If for a native both the Dasha lord and Antar dasha lord are strongly placed, keeping
in view the above factors, then the native shall not experience any difficulties in getting the
benefic results of the Maha Dasha / Antar Dasha concerned.
Alternatively, if the Maha Dasha (MD) lord is strong but the Antar Dasha (AD) Lord
is weak, then the native shall have less of ill effect during the period. But if the MD Lord is
weak and the AD Lord is strong, the entire egood results promised in the horoscope during
the given period to the native shall not be coming; still the native shall experience some
benefic results. If both MD & AD lord are weak and ill disposed, then the results shall be
bad only.
We should also understand one very important factor; even if MD & AD lords are
very weak and ill disposed, in some native's chart, still you may see that the concerned
native experienced, benefic or good results. The question that may arise is How is a weak
MD & AD and ill placed Dasha Lords should confer benefic results to the nave. There is a
reason to it. There is a term known as primary strength or basic strength of a Bhava or the
Horoscope. Suppose, in a horoscope if the MD & AD lord does not possess strength but
other associated planets have great strength, then on this basis, even if the MD & AD is a
weak lord shall confer good results to the native. But the benefic results may not be to the

fuller extent. The effect of bad MD & AD will definitely be experienced by having MRITYA
TULYA KASHTA (Death like difficulties) to the native.
The other important factor, we should know here is that the relationship between
the MDL & ADL should be ascertained firstly. The MDL & ADL should not be placed in 6/8
axis. Even if they are otherwise ill placed, then also the full benefic results shall not be
experienced by the native. To be specific, if the MDL & ADL are placed in 6,8,12 house form
each other then the position is not condusive to the native. But if they are placed in kona
5,9,2,12,11,3 from each other, they will confer only benefic results to the native.
But, if the two planets are conjunct in particular rasi, then the relationship between
the planets alongwith its ownership of the Bhava should be carefully be analysed before
forming any conclusion in regard to its outcome.
If both the planets (MDL & ADL) are natural friend then they will give results as per
their karaktwas. But, conversely, if both the planets are natural enemies, and are conjunct
then the good results are rare to comeby.
Rare, Word has been used here and it should not be confused with no good results
should be expected. So, one should say that some good results shall take place but the
degree of it shall be to a lesser extent only.
If both the planets are conjunct and both are weak then during their period they will
give results by competing with each other.
In an malefic MD, the AD of another malefic is bad. For ex: In rahu MD the AD of
Mars and vice versa; In Saturn MD the AD of Rahu and vice versa; In Mars MD the AD of
Saturn and vice versa. In all the above MD/AD planets have inherent nature and every
potential to produce only bad results.
There is an exception to this rule also. i.e. these plants are generally considered to be
PAAF GRAPHS but for a particular native if they attain benefic status (like Lagna lord, Yoga
karka or trine lordship), then they will not confer any malefic results upon the native.
Like wise, if the Dasha is of a planet who owns malefic houses and the AD is also of a
similar planets owning a malefic house then one should not expect any good results during
that given period.
Again, if the Dasha is of a planet who is weak, and the AD is also of a similar planets
possessing no strength then one will experience all sorts of difficult obstacles and loss
during the period even death could occur in the given circumstances to a native.
if the MD is of 8TH lord and anter dasha is of 6th lord then the native will not
experience any good results. Likewise, if the MD is of 6th lord and AD is of 8th lord then
also a native should not expect any good results to fructify during the given period.
Planets conjoined with 6th lord shall also not confer any benefic results to the native.
Generally, the dasha period of 8th lord is not considered to be good; so planets being
aspected by 8th lord shall not give any good results during its anter-dasha.

Similarly, in the MD period of 6th lord, the planets in association with the 8th lord's
AD period shall not be beneficial. One should not aspect good result. Likewise, dasha period
of 12L and Antar Dasha period of 6,8 lords shall not be given any good results.
If the MD is of 12L then the Antar Dasha period of 2L shall not be beneficial.
Moreover, the planets associated with 2L AD period shall also not be beneficial. Even planets
associated with 12L AD period also will not be producing any benefic results.
With the above noting what we understand is that during the dasha period of 12L,
the AD period of 2L is not to be considered as good and it will give only bad results.
Likewise, we should also think of other factor; i.e. if the dasha is of 2L and AD is of
12L or planets being aspected by 12L then during those period, no benefic results shall
comeby. We can say that the planets will not have any ingerent power to confer any good
results to a native in these above mentioned periods.
There are two different principles between Jyotish scholars. They are different
from each other. Normally, 2nd Bhava is known as Dhansthan or house for prosperity. On
this basis 2H Dasha is expected to confer only beneficial results.
But since 2nd Bhava is also known as Maraksthan, on this basis the Dasha of 2L will
not be a good period for native, is the view extended by another school of astrologers. They
further say that, planets placed in the 2nd Bhava, during their period also the results will
not be good.
Even, the dasha period of 7th Bhava lord or planets placed in 7th bhava in their dasha
periods and malefic planets conjunct or in association with 2nd Bhava lord during their
dasha; malefic planets in association with 7L during their dasha period, in all the above MD /
AD period benefic results may not be experienced by a native. This view is not limited only
to MD but is also to be extended to AD also, is the advise of the second school of
If the lord of 3rd & 8th Bhava is conjoined with 2 or 7th bhava lord and if their
dasha / antar dasha is operating then the results shall be fruitless during these periods.
Saturn, if in association with Marak lord or in association with weak planet shall not
confer benefic results during his dasha / antar dasha period is also the view of same
MARAK; ; 2 & 7 both are known as maraksthan or death inflicting bhavas / houses.
The lord of these houses or the planets posited in these houses shall during their dasha /
antar dasha period confer death to the native is a general view.
If in the dasha / antar dasha period of 2 or 7 house lord, the AD is of 5 or 9 house
lord, then the death shall not take place.
If during the Markesh Dasha the antar dasha is of a planets who own malefic houses,
then there are chances that the native may meet his ultimate. Even during the dasha period
of Markesh, the AD period of any benefic planets shall not give much benefic results to the
native. But, it may confer much honour and respect to the native.

In the MD period of malefic planets i.e. the lords of 3,6,8,11 is operating and the
antar dasha is of benefic planet but there is no relationship between the MD and AD lord,
then the results shall only be bad.
But if the antar dasha lord, being a benefic, has established some relationship with
MDL then the results shall be both good and bad mixed.
If a planet, being the owner of a trikona, is in association with a Kendra lord then
during the dasha / antar dasha period of these planets, they shall produce very good results.
In the dasha period of Lagna Lord, the AD period of 5th house lord shall confer much
benefic results to the native.
In the dasha period of 5th lord, the AD period of 4,7,10 house lord shall bring only
benefic results, Also, the dasha period of LL and AD period of 9th lord shall produce only
benefic results. Likewise, the dasha period of 4,7,10 lords and AD period of LL ,5,9 houses
lords will give only benefic results.
If a planets is exalted then during its MD / AD it will confer benefic results to the
native. But at the same time, the planets should be placed in a good house / bhava. If he is
placed in 11th bhava it is considered to be good.
If the planet is not well placed in the bhava but owns a beneficial bhava then the
results shall be only neutral. Also, if he is placed in inimical sign but placed in Kendra / kona,
then also the results will only be neutral.
If a particular planet is posited in own house, during its desha period the native will get only
benefic results. This is a general rule. If that particular planet is also well placed in regard
to the bhava and the sign concerned, then the results will be very good to the native .
If a planet is placed in friendly sign i.e. house owned by his friend, then during its dasha
period, the said planet will produce very good results with the help of the friendly planet
or through its agent. If the relationship between the Dasha-lord and the lord of the house,
he is placed is just friendly then the results shall be only just benefic.
Like-wise, if the relationship is neutral the results shall also be the same i.e. it may not
produce excellent or good result but will not spoil the life of the native.
If the planet is placed in inimical sign, during its dasha period, the native shall have fear
through his enemies and other obstacles in his life. But if the planet is placed in worst
inimical sign then the results during its dasha period will be very bad.
Normally, if a planet is posited in its debilitation sign, then the planets concerned will not
produce any good results in its dasha period. But if the planets attains cancellation of
debilitation status ( neech-bhangam) or if the planets is retrograded, then the planet

during its dasha will produce good results. Planets who are
best of the result during their respective dasha.

combust, will not produce the

If a particular planet is placed in degree which is just at the debilitation degree (adineechs), the native will not get good results during its dasha. For a native, retrograded
dasha of a benefic planet is a very strong dasha. Where as the retrograded dasha
of malefic planets dasha period may not produce desired amount of benefic results.
If a malefic planets and benefic planet are conjunct in a sign then during the dasha of
malefic planets the conjunction of a benefic will reduce the bad effect and will give average
results. Whereas, the benefic planets during its dasha due to the malefic planets influence
will not be able to produce the required quantity of good results, to the native.
Same way, if an exalted planet and a debilitated planet are conjunct in a sign, during the
dasha of debilitated planets, the results will be excellent due to the conjunction of the
exalted plant. But, the dasha of exalted planet will not be able to produce the promised
results due to the conjunction of a debilitated planet.
During the dasha period of planets in moveable sign, the native will experience more physical
movement, the dasha period of planets placed in immoveable sign, the native will have lese
physical movements, and in duel sign, the journey will be off and on to a native.
For native born in Mesha lagna, the dasha of benefic planets posited in Taurus will confer
much materialistic acquisition to the native. If that particular planet in Taurus happens to
be a malefic then the native during its dasha will suffer diseases in eyes or throat.
If a planet is placed in a particular rashi within 10 degrees, then the results will fructify in
the early period of the dasha. If the planet is in between 10-20 degrees then the results
shall come by in the middle of the dasha and suppose, if the planet is in 20-30 deg. Then the
results shall fructify only in the ending period of the dasha, concerned.
Any planet, if placed in the twelfth sign from its own sign, then the respective bhava of the
horoscope and the karaktwas of the respective bhava gets diminished or shall get destroyed
depending upon other factors.
Suppose the lord of 5 th bhava , if placed in the 4 th bhava, being the 12the bava from 5 th ,
then the karaktwas of 5th bhava i.e. putra-bhagya gets diminished. Therefore, during the
dasha there could be loss or harm caused to children.
Suppose, we take another example: -

If we take the case of 10 th bhave 9th bhava, being a very auspicious bhava, is also the 12 th
house from 10th. If a powerless weak planet is placed in the 9 th house and during its dasha
the karaktwas for 10th house shall get diminished or lost.
A planet during its dasha may produce good as well bad results. For example: Suppose if a
malefic planet is placed in the 3rh bhava. In the dasha period of the said planets, the
natives may rise through self efforts will gain powers. But being the bhava for co-born, if it
gives a bad effect to the co-born, then it is not surprising/-.
Moreover, this bhava being the 12 th bhava from 4th, could results in expenditure due to ill
health of ones mother.
We will look at another example also: Planet placed in the 11 th bhava will not limit itself in
providing gains to the native. But 11th being the 2nd bhava from the 10th, known as

From lagna strong planets, if placed in 2,4,9, 10, 11 then it is believed and said that the
respective planets will be benefic results cumulatively. Likewise we have to consider each
bhava individually like a lagna and ascertain the position of the planets reckoned from that
Planets placed in different sign, shall give results identical with the karaktwas of that
bhava. In a dasha period, if most of the planets are placed in 6/8 from the dasha lord, then
during the period one cannot expect to enjoy benefic results. If planets are placed in
conjunction with dasha lord or in 4,5,7,9,13 or 11 bhava from the dasha lord and they are in
full strength then during the dasha period the native shall enjoy benefic results that is to
say the good results of the dasha shall fructify .
In a Maha dasha period, the enemies of the dasha lord shall not give enough strength to the
bhavas they own. That is to say the results relating to the bhava and owned by enemies shall
not fructify during the dasha.
Moreover, if they are placed in 6:8 axis, the benefic results shall be reduced considerably.
For NRI. For native born in simha lagna , the legna lord is sun. Saturn is an adhi enemy to
the sun, it is well known. So, during the dasha period of Saturn, the results of legna bhava
gets damaged . It will be eroded further, it both the sun and Saturn are placed in 6/8 axies.

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