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The minimum recommended diameter of sewers, is

5 cm
10 cm

15 cm

20 cm.

ANS. Min diameter of the sewer is 15 cm.

Max diameter of the sewer is 300 cm.
The principal materials used in the manufacture of sewer pipe are asbestos
cement, ductile iron, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, polyvinyl
chloride, and vitrified clay. Minimum sewer sizes are usually specified in local
building codes. Building sewer connections vary in size from 100 to 150 mm.
The minimum size recommended for gravity sewers is 200 mm although 150
mm connections have been used in some communities.
Type of pipe size range in mm.
Asbestos cement 100-900.
Ductile iron 100-1350.
Reinforce concrete 300-3600.
Prestressed concrete 400-3600.
Polyvinyl chloride 100-375.
Vitrified clay 100-900.
4. If 2% solution of a sewage sample is incubated for 5 days at 20C and
depletion of oxygen was found to be 5 ppm, B.O.D. of the sewage is
200 ppm

225 ppm

250 ppm

None of these.

ANS. D.O consume = 5 ppm.

Dilution factor = 100/2 = 50.
B.O.D of the sewage = 5*50 = 250 ppm.
5. If D is the diameter of upper circular portion, the overall depth of a standard
egg shaped section, is
1.25 D

1.5 D

1.75 D
2 D.

ANS. Because top Dia-D and Bottom Dia D/2.

Hence total depth D+D/2 = 1.5 D.

6. If the diameter of sewer is 225 mm, the gradient required for generating self
cleansing velocity, is
1 in 60
1 in 100

1 in 120

none of these.

ANS. But actually 1 in 105 for a velocity of 0.9m/s & 1 in 150 for a velocity of
ANS2. Greater is the gradient, greater is the velocity. Thus your point is wrong
and as for 225 mm diameter, velocity should be 1 m/s. So it would require the
highest gradient.
ANS3. Velocity of the sewer is 0.9 to 0.75 m^3/s.
So assume velocity of sewer V = 0.9 m/s.
And using the manning's formula:
V = R^2/3*s^1/2/n but the wastage flow is not specify.
10 The width of a rectangular sewer is twice its depth while discharging 1.5
. m/sec. The width of the sewer is
0.68 m
0.88 m

1.36 m

1.76 m.

ANS. For sewer velocity is 0.9m/sec to 0.75. So Q = AV.

Given b =2d and Q = 1.5.
Then A = Q/v, bd = 1.5/0.9 = 1.67.
(2d)d = 1.67, d = 0.91.
Hence b = 2(0.91) = 1.82 m.
16 If the over land flow from the critical point to the drain is 8 km and the
. difference in level is 12.4 m, the inlet time is
2 hours
3 hours

4 hours

5 hours.

ANS. Ti = [0.885 L^3/H]^0.385.

Where Ti = inlet time in hrs.
L = overland flow in KM.
L = 8KM.
H = 12.4m.
Ti = 3.999 say 4hrs.

19 When drainage to sewage ratio is 20, the peak dry weather flow is
20% of the design discharge

slightly less than 5% of the design discharge

slightly more than 5% of the design discharge
none of these.

22 The dimensions of a rectangular settling tank are : length 24 m, width 6 m

. and depth 3 m. If 2 hour detention period for tanks is recommended, the
rate of flow of sewage per hour, is
204 cu m
208 cu m
212 cu m

216 cu m

220 cu m.

ANS. Detention time = vol.of tank/Rate of flow.

Rate of flow = (24*6*3)/2.

= 216 cu m.
24 In primary sedimentation, the 0.2 mm inorganic solids get separated if
. specific gravity is






27 A sewer pipe contains 1 mm sand particles of specific gravity 2.65 and 5

. mm organic particles of specific gravity 1.2, the minimum velocity required
for removing the sewerage, is
0.30 m/sec
0.35 m/sec
0.40 m/sec

0.45 m/sec

0.50 m/sec.

ANS. Sqr(8k/f*(s-1)*g*d).
K = Constant, for clean inorganic solids = 0.04 and for organic solids = 0.06.

f' = Darcy Weisbach friction factor (for sewers = 0. 03).

Ss = Specific gravity of sediments.
g = Gravity acceleration.
d' = Diameter of grain, m.
30 The ratio of maximum sewage flow to average sewage flow for mains up to
. 1 m in diameter, is





For non-scouring velocity 5 m/sec, the type of sewers generally preferred to,
cast iron sewers
cement concrete sewers

glazed bricks sewers

stone ware sewers.

40 In R.C. sewer pipes, the percentage longitudinal reinforcement to the cross. sectional area of concrete is kept





2. If the depletion of oxygen is found to be 2.5 mg/litre after incubating 2.5 ml

of sewage diluted to 250 ml for 5 days at 20C, B.O.D. of the sewage is
50 mg/l
100 mg/l
150 mg/l
200 mg/l

250 mg/l.


2.5 X (250/2.5).
5. Maximum permissible velocity 1.5 m/sec, is adopted in drains
with beds of rocks and gravels
lined with stones

both (a) and (b)

neither (a) nor (b).

9. The settling velocity of the particles larger than 0.06 mm in a settling tank of
depth 2.4 is 0.33 m per sec. The detention period recommended for the
tank, is
30 minutes
1 hour
1 hour and 30 minutes

2 hours

3 hours.

ANS. Go unit wise.

Detention time is in sec.
Size of particles is in mm.
Settling velocity is in mm/sec.
Hence, particles size (mm) is divide by velocity (mm/sec).
ANS2. 2 hours for 0.33 mm /sec not m/sec.
It is 181.82 sec so 3 min is the answer.

13 If the depth of partial flow in a sewer of diameter 2 m, is 50 cm, its wetted

. perimeter is


ANS. Wetted perimeter = D/360.

Diameter D = 2 m.
For circular section running partially full:
Cos /2 = 1-2 d/D = 1-2 x 0.5/2 = 0.5.
= 120.
Therefore, Wetted perimeter = x2x(120/360) = 2/3.
15 In a city the ratio of the drainage to sewage is 20, the percentage discharge
. passing through non-monsoon periods, is





ANS. Percentage discharge in non monsoon will eliminate water coming

through storm. So, as in sewer there will be sewage and drainage but in non
monsoon it is only sewage.
So percentage discharge would be = Qs*100/(Qs+Qd) = 100/21.
21 To prevent settling down of sewage both at the bottom and on the sides of a
. large sewer, self-cleaning velocity recommended for Indian conditions, is
0.50 m/sec
0.60 m/sec
0.70 m/sec

0.75 m/sec

1.0 m/sec.

ANS. It is 1 to 1.2 m/s for Indian conditions.

25 A manhole is classified as shallow if its depth is between
0.4 to 0.5 m
0.5 to 0.7 m

0.7 to 0.9 m

0.9 to 1.20 m
1.2 to 1.50 m.

2. The moisture content of a sludge is reduced from 90% to 80% in a sludge

digestion tank. The percentage decrease in the volume of sludge, is





ANS. V2/V1 = (100-p1) / (100-p2) = 1/2.

16 If the depth of flow in a circular sewer is 1/4th of its diameter D, the wetted
. perimeter is

ANS. (Area/Wetted perimeter) = (pi*D^2/4 / (D - (D/4)) = piD/3.

23 For trunk sewers more than 1.25 m in diameter, the ratio of the maximum
. daily sewage flow to the average daily sewage flow is assumed





In trickling filter, B.O.D. is reduced to
30 to 40%
40 to 60%

60 to 80%

80 to 90%

ANS. Trickling filter reduces B.O D 75%-89%.

31 The maximum spacing of manholes specified by Indian standard in sewers
. upto 0.3 m diameter is
20 m

30 m

45 m

75 m.

35 The density of population over 40 hectares is 250/hectare. If water supply

. demand per day is 200 litres and sewage discharge is 80% of water supply,
the sewage flow in sewers of separate system, is
0.05552 cumec
0.05554 cumec

0.05556 cumec

0.0556 cumec
0.0558 cumec.

37 If the diameter of a sewer is 150 mm, the gradient required for generating
. self cleansing velocity, is
1 in 60


1 in 100

1 in 120
none of these.

36 For the open drain (N = 0.025) shown in the below figure, the discharge is

26.88 cumecs
27.88 cumecs

28.88 cumecs

29.88 cumecs.
Water content of sewage is about


[C] 99%



ANS. Wastewater from your shower, bathtub, washing machine, dishwasher,

kitchen sink and toilet is all considered sewage - it isn't just from the toilet.
Therefore, the sewage is actually 99.8% water.

50 For a grit chamber, if the recommended velocity of flow is 0.2 m/sec and
. detention period is 2 minutes, the length of the tank, is
16 m
20 m

24 m

30 m.

ANS. v = 0.2m/sec = 12m/min, t = 2min.

Length = 2*12 = 24m.
10 The sewage discharge in a detritus tank of a treatment plant is 576 litres/sec
. with flow velocity of 0.2 m/sec. If the ratio of width to depth is 2, the depth
100 cm
110 cm


120 cm

150 cm.

ANS. Given.
Q = 576 lit/sec, means Q = 0.576 m^3/sec because (1 m^3 = 1000 lit).
Also given v = 0.2 m/sec.
We know that Q = A*V,
So A = Q/V = 0.576/0.2 = 2.88 m^2,
Also given width/depth = 2 means b = 2*d.
So A = b*d = 2.88, given b = 2d.
So 2d*d = 2.88. So d^2 = 1.44.
So d =under root 1.44, d = 1.2 m = 1.2*100 = 120 cm.
6. 3.0 ml of raw sewage is diluted to 300 ml. The D.O. concentration of the
diluted sample at the beginning of the test was 8 mg/l. After 5 dayincubation at 20C, the DO. concentration was 5 mg/l. The BOD of raw
sewerage is
100 mg/l
200 mg/l

300 mg/l

400 mg/l.

ANS. At first.
Bod = 8*(300/3) = 800.
Bod = 5*(300/3) = 500.
Now 800-500 = 300mg/l.
21 In a residential colony, sewers of diameters 100 mm, 150 mm and 225 mm
. were laid with a gradient 1 in 120. Which portion of the sewage system does
not choke in due course of time
100 mm dia.
150 mm dia.

225 mm dia.

all of these.

22 If D is the diameter of upper circular portion, the overall depth of New Egg
. shaped sewer section, is
1.250 D
[B] 1.350 D

1.425 D

1.625 D.

29 The reduced levels of the string at the consecutive sight rails A and B are
. 203.575 m, 203.475 m respectively. If the difference of their R.D.s is 10 m,
the gradient of the sewer line is
1 in 100 upward
1 in 500 upward

1 in 100 downward

1 in 503 upward.
For a peak discharge of 0.0157 cumec, with a velocity of 0.9 m/sec, the
diameter of the sewer main, is
10 cm
12 cm

15 cm

18 cm
20 cm.

ANS. Q = AV.
0.0157 = Ax0.9.
A = 0.01744.
Pi/4xd2 = 0.01744.
D = 15 cm.
ANS2. A = Q/V = 0.0157/0.9 = 0.01744 m^2.
So A = (pi/4)*d^2, so d = 0.149 m = 14.9 cm = 15 cm.
48 You are asked to design sewer pipes of diameters 0.4 m to 0.9 m at
. maximum flow, you will assume the sewer flow running at
full depth

half full

two third full
three fourth full.

ANS. It's two-third full.

up to 0.4m - half full.
0.4 to 0.9 - two third.

Greater than 0.9m - three-fourth full.

50 For sewer mains of 0.5 to 1 m diameter, the ratio of
. maximum daily sewage flow to the average daily sewage
flow is assumed





ANS. If diameter is more then sewage flow is also more.

So V/v=D/d=1/0.5=2.
31 In 1000 kg of sewage, the total solids approximate
[A] 0.5 to 1.0 kg
1 kg to 2.0 kg
5 kg to 7.5 kg
7.5 kg to 10 kg.

37 If the length of overland flow from the critical point to the mouth of drain is
. 13.58 km and difference in level between the critical point and drain mouth
is 10 m, the inlet time is
[A] 2 hours

4 hours
6 hours

8 hours.

41 The settlement velocity of a solid (diameter 0.5 mm, specific gravity 1.75) in
. water having temperature 10C, is
213.5 cm/sec

313.5 cm/sec

413.5 cm/sec
500 cm/sec.

ANS. If Diameter of the particle lies between 0.1mm to 1mm then settling is
called transition settling is given by,
V = 418*(S-1)((3T+70)/100).
V = 418*(1.75-1)((3*10+70)/100).
V = 313.5 cm/sec.
44 The width of a settling tank with 2 hour detention period for treating sewage

378 cu m per hour, is

5.5 m
6.5 m

7 m.

1. To maintain aerobic biological activity, the moisture content of the compost

mass should be about





7. The bottom of the sewage inlet chamber of septic tanks, is provided an

outward slope
1 in 5

1 in 10

1 in 15
1 in 20
1 in 25

18 Bottom openings 15 cm x 15 cm in the standing baffle wall are provided

15 cm c/c
22.5 cm c/c
30 cm c/c
50 cm c/c.

20 The ratio of maximum sewage flow to average sewage flow for trunk mains
. having diameters more than 1.25 m, is





Acid regression stage of sludge digestion at a temperature 21C extends

over a period of
[A] 15 days

30 days
60 days

90 days.

29 The spacing of bars for perforations in coarse screens used for the treatment
. of sewage, is
20 mm
30 mm
40 mm

50 mm

100 mm.

37 If the discharge of a sewer running half is 628 1.p.s., i = 0.001, and n =

. 0.010, the diameter of the sewer, is
1.39 m
[B] 1.49 m

1.59 m

1.69 m

1.79 m.

43 If the depletion of oxygen is found to be 5 ppm after incubating a 2.5%

. solution of sewage sample for 5 days at 21C, B.O.D. of the sewage is
50 ppm
100 ppm
150 ppm

200 ppm

250 ppm.

50 The Brake Horse power of the motor (efficiency 60%) required for a pump of
. capacity 0.075 cumec for a total lift of 12 m, is



[D] 25


ANS. = ((W*Q*H)/(75*n))*100.
= ((9.81*.075*12)/(75*.6)*100.
= 19.62 = 20%.
5. For laying a sewer line in a trench of 2 m width, an offset line is marked on
the ground parallel to the given centre line at a distance of
100 cm
120 cm
140 cm

160 cm

180 cm.

8. The spacing of man holes along a straight portion of a sewer is 300 m, the
diameter of the sewer may be
0.9 cm
1.2 m
1.5 m


> 1.5 m.

10 If a 2% solution of sewage sample is incubated for 5 days at 20C and the

. dissolved oxygen depletion was found to be 8 mg/l. The BOD of the sewage
100 mg/l
200 mg/l
300 mg/l

400 mg/l.

ANS. BOD = loss of oxygen / % diluted = 8/0.02 =400mg/l.

22 1000 kg of sewage contains
0.112 kg in suspension
0.112 kg in solution
0.225 kg in solution
0.450 kg in suspension

both (a) and (c) of above.

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