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So heres the thing.

If youre searching for a plan or you have somehow reached up

to this article, you are either going to appear for your exam the next year, or probably
youre in class XIth now and have well about 20 odd months for the D Day.
Let me break the ice for you and let me just say it. IIT JEE is not tough, it is
absolutely ridiculous to call it tough. Neither is it vast nor is it brain draining. We are
going to help you out with all the confusion that you have regarding JEE. Before we
jump to that, let me clarify some fundamental things that are necessary when you get
yourself into preparing for JEE.


Students are ridiculously passionate about their preparations, they
craft strategies and design long time tables, decide to put in 4-6
hours of studies every day, to avoid all the distractions, no usage of
mobile and so on. Loads of righteous constraints, but sadly this is
adhered to only for so long. A student who tops the country and
secures the best seat, he did a few things differently, one out of
those few things is that he was consistent in his plans.


Concentration is a prerequisite of effective learning. This is a factor
that a lot of students would agree they suffer in. We understand that
in the world of numerous distractions it is hard to pay attention.
Getting distracted is your right and you will rightfully claim it,
however, when you claim on that right, theres a corresponding duty
that you have. That duty is to not get carried away by that distraction
and repeat to your base in a timely manner. Come on guys, its not
that difficult after all. The simplest ways to improve your
concentration is



Having fixed hours of sleep (Usually 6-7 hours)


Eat well


Read aloud


Have a quiet and undisturbed environment around


Conceptual Learning:
Theres something called as superficial learning. Which means upar
upar se padhna, ek baar dekh lia hai, thoda bohot ata hai, pura
nai kia so on and so forth. Conceptual learning is the exact opposite
of this. It means you learn in depth,and never forget it. The crux of
the matter is hit and brought under control. Remember how you can
now multiply or divide complex numbers? Youre able to do it
because you have mastered the concept of multiplication and
division. That is exactly the same thing that you to aim here as well.


Revision (Read spaced revision):

Now ther next issue that comes into the picture is that sir I have
studied but that was too long ago and I cant remember now. The
simplest answer is revision. You might be wondering, what spaced
revision is. Spaced revision is basically that you increase the time
between which you revise a particular topic. For example you
completed the S-block elements today. So ideally you should revise
it again the next week, then two weeks later, then a month later, then
2 months later, then 3 months later and so on and so forth. Your
mind will recognize this pattern, and before or during exams, you
wont have to bang your head in going through that entire thing again.

So these are the four pillars around which your preparation should revolve. Slightest
lack of effort in any of these four factors will have a significant negatively affect on
your preparations.
The next thing is how you should study and manage your time.
So for this, let us bifurcate you readers into two categories, students who are in class
XIth & students who are in class XIIth. Students who are currently in Class XI, they

dont have to do much now except for the fact that they are rock solid on their
concepts of class XIth. The complicated sums in JEE Mains & JEE Advance are
based on concepts which you learn in class XI. When you enter class XII and your
concepts are strong enough, trust me youve saved yourself 2 months of redundant
So for class XI students, take your current syllabus seriously and chill.

Students of class XIIth, first thing that youll need to do is identify whether or not your
concepts from class XI are rock solid. If the answer is no, then the initial couple of
months will have to be spent in getting a clarity about those concepts i.e
strengthening your base.
If the answer is yes, great. Heres a period wise plan for you.

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