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1. Write a letter to your head teacher with the aim of persuading him
to ban homework.
2. An adult travel magazine needs a rough guide to your local town.
Write an article which informs about your local area.
3. Your school is running a competition to design a leaflet with the aim
of persuading young people not to take up smoking. You should
design a persuasive leaflet with
4. A friend needs advice on how to deal with a cheating boyfriend who
she claims she loves. Write a letter advising her on what to do.
5. Write a magazine review of the best film you have watched recently.
The magazine will be read by young people.
6. Write a letter to the Prime Minister with the aim of persuading him
to extend the length of the school holidays.
7. Write an entertaining article focusing on interactions between
teenage boys and girls at school. Aim the article at adults.
8. Produce a leaflet informing your parents how MSN works and why
its so successful.
9. Write a report on the benefits of social media aimed at parents
Write to inform your local school that they are closing. You
should include reasons for this decision.
You are concerned about the inequality in pay between men
and women. Write a report which advises on how to even up this

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