Syllabus Sophomore 2016-17

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Sophomore English Room 2230
I am truly excited about the beginning of the new school year and the opportunity to
get to know all my students. My goal is to provide a positive learning experience for
students this year as they increase their knowledge of reading, writing, listening, and
speaking. As a student in my class, your child will be in a positive and structured
environment. They will practice responsibility and time management. The curriculum
is rigorous and rich; expect that your student will be challenged. Please feel free to
contact me anytime if you have questions or concerns. You can reach me Number at
school is (480) 984-8947 and my school e-mail address is
Necessary Supplies
1. 1 inch binder.
2. Pencilsregular #2 or mechanical pencils (be sure to have replacement lead)
3. College ruled, loose leaf paper
4. Colored pencils or markers
5. Glue stick
6. Hand-held sharpener
7. Three different colored highlighters
8. Agenda or planner (phone apps work great)
Classroom Behavior Expectations
Both my teaching and students learning are extremely valuable to me. Every child
has the right to feel safe and comfortable in my class.
1. Be prepared for class with all necessary assignments and materials.
2. Be on timethis means you must be in the classroom by the time the bell
rings, preparing for the days lesson.
3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
4. Make good use of class time.
5. Be respectful of others and their property. No teasing or putdowns, rude
gestures, or grooming.
6. Students will have one opportunity to turn in a late assignment the
FOLLOWING DAY after it is due. You will receive half credit and I will not accept
anything after the 1-day grace period. If you need an extension on an
assignment please let me know well in advance.
Any student who chooses to not meet my expectations may receive the following
consequences: a verbal warning, movement to a different seat and/or conference
with the teacher, a phone call or e-mail home, a referral to the office, and/or a
parent/teacher conference.
Homework and Extra Help
Students should expect homework 4-5 nights per week. I make every effort to post
homework at the beginning of the week. This homework will be posted on our Google
Classroom site that can be accessed at all times. Furthermore I do my best to send
emails through Infinite Campus when an important and/or large assignment is due.
If you need extra help or have a question about an assignment, my door is open
during both lunches Monday- Thursday and after school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,

and Friday. I encourage students to let me know you are coming so I can make sure I
am available.
Absences and Late Work
Attendance is extremely important. Any student who accrues ten or more
absences in any class may see an "INC" as their grade at marking periods
until work is made up. Additionally, any student who accrues ten or more
absences any in any class will be placed on academic probation with the
possibility of losing credit for that class. When an absence is unavoidable,
students are responsible for obtaining and completing all missing assignments and/or
tests and quizzes. There is absent folders in the back of the classroom that students
can access the materials that were missed. School policy allows for one extra makeup day for each day of excused absence. Make-up work completed according to this
policy will receive full credit. ONE EXCEPTION: If a student is absent the day a longertermed project or essay is due, the project is still due on the day s/he returns; s/he
does not have an extra day to turn it in.
Any missing and/or late work will only be accepted until the ASSIGN date of each
embedded assessment. All late work is subject to point reduction.
Independent Reading
Students will be required to complete independent reading throughout the year.
Students will be assessed on their reading through book projects, reading strategy
assignments, tests, quizzes, conferences, etc.
Grades are weighted, meaning that certain categories carry more importance than
The weighting scale is:
40% Formal Writing
40% Coursework (including mastery assignments)
10%Tests and Quizzes
10% District Final Exam
Please note that students must complete the Sophomore Research Paper and
earn a passing grade to pass sophomore English. I value your childs education
very much and these assignments help to ensure success in English II and beyond.
Extra credit: It is my policy that extra credit is not given, especially to raise a grade
at the end of a grading period. I believe that students should do their best as they
move through the year. However, I will assign bonus points here or there along the
way to reward a challenge or an above-and-beyond effort.

I am beyond excited for this year!

Ms. Williams
I have reviewed the syllabus with my parent/guardian. I understand the
expectations and agree to give my best effort this year.
Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Full Printed

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