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Jessica Alvarez

If there is one thing we all know
about journaling, it is an escape to a
place without judgment. Spelling,
grammar, wordiness does not matter
within those moments and what
matters is how we feel about what
we are writing.


Applying it in the Classroom:

It is an instructional strategy where
students can process their own
thoughts, feelings, and emotions on
paper. Journals are a great way for
teachers to see what their students
are thinking and are an excellent
assessment tool as well. Journal
writing gives students an opportunity
to have a time where they can be
stress free about their spelling and
grammar. Not only does it increase
comprehension and thinking but it is a

time where they are not graded on.

Journaling builds confidence and
better writers.

Type of Journaling that can be used in the classroom:

Dialogue Journaling:
Interactive journals between the teacher and
student. The teacher can comment and ask
questions on what the students writes. The
students will do the same by responding back,
vice versa.
Purpose: to improve writing skills, share ideas,
deepen relationships, build vocabulary,
encourage reading, create productivity, and
can be used in any content area
Other ways to dialogue: with other students in
the classroom, by email, other teachers and
administration in the school, or a friend


Who Benefits?
Students with Mild Disabilities
such as:

Emotional and Behavior

Learning Disabilities

Nonnative English Speakers

Students who are struggling
academically or behaviorally
All students in all grade levels
Classroom teachers

Steps for Dialouge Journaling


Introduce the concept of a journal

Place to be free, write about
things we like and dont like, and
how we feel
2. Then introduce dialogue journaling
by discussing with the class what the
word dialogue means.
part of teaching vocabulary
3. Explain to the students what the
purpose of using dialogue journaling
4. Explain to the students that this
activity is not a verbal activity.
Everything will be on pencil and
5. State directions and expectations at
the beginning and inform that you
will be monitoring their writing
6. Students will write 3 times a week
for 15 minutes and will respond to
the comments and questions I have
prompted for them
7. When they have completed
responding, I will then read over and
respond back again.

Why does it work?

Students anxiety may be

decreased, because they are
encouraged to write about
whatever they want
Free those who have difficulty
accessing prior knowledge
Students dont have to worry
about the conventions of
Effective for students with
language differences
Students are free to express
themselves without fear of
It is relevant to students lives
and has purpose
Teachers are able to build
rapport with their students and
able to connect with them on a
personal level


Regan, K. S. (2003). Using Dialogue

Journals in the Classroom: Forming
Relationships With Students With
Emotional Disturbance. Teaching
Exceptional Children, 36(2), 36-41.
Grande, M. (2008). Using Dialogue
Journals and Interest Inventories
With Classroom Volunteers.
Teaching Exceptional Children,
41(2), 56-63.
Straub, C., & Alias, A. (2013). Next
Generation Writing at the
Secondary Level for Students With
Learning Disabilities. Teaching
Exceptional Children, 46(1), 16-24.

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