ZONING Proposed Fees 2010

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8.5” x 11.0” and 8.5” x 14.0” black and white:!! ! ! No charge up to three copies! ! ! $ 0.15 one-sided copy
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 0.25 each additional page side ! ! $ 0.25 two-sided copy
8.5” x 11.0” and 8.5” x 14.0” color:! ! ! ! ! ! $ 1.00 each page side
11.0” x 17.0” black and white:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 1.00 each page side
11.0” x 17.0” color:!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 2.50 each page side
18.0” x 24.0” black and white:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 2.50 each page side
18.0” x 24.0” color:!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 5.00 each page side
Up to 24.0” x 36.0” any color:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 10.00 each page side

Land Use Regulations (LURs)

One unbound copy:!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 20.00! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 30.00
• Insert Update Pack:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 0.50 per sheet up to $5.00! ! ! $ 0.50/sheet max. $10.00

Comprehensive Plan
One unbound copy GOP’s! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 25.00! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $110.00
• Insert update pack:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 1.00 per sheet!! ! ! ! ! $ 2.00 per sheet

Land Use Written Research

Administrative Determination on City Letterhead:! ! ! $ 25.00! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $50.00

Freedom of Information Act Requests

Single page:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 0.15 each page side
Double-sided page:!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 0.20 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 0.25 double-sided
Staff time up to 30 minutes:!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! No charge
Staff time beyond 30 minutes:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! At cost
Minutes: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 10.00 per CD

Zoning Permits (See Section 2.2.1)
The fee shall be an amount equal to the fee for the building permit, provided that the fee shall not be less than $30.00 nor more than
$100.00. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $200.00

Certificate of Change of Use (See Section 2.2.2): ! ! $! 40.00 if separate from ! ! ! ! ! $100.00 if separate from
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Zoning Permit. !! ! ! ! ! ! ! Zoning Permit

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Land Alteration Permit (See Section

Tree Removal Permit
$10.00 per tree with a maximum charge of $1500.00 per acre. Clearcutting of more than one-half acre on any property shall
require tree replacement according to these LURs, and an additional charge of $1,500.00 per acre, or fraction thereof. (See
Section 202.C.1). A Tree Removal Permit fee shall be in addition to all other fees made payable to the City of Bradenton.
Note: Rear yards, as defined by the DDS Director, of single-family lots shall not be subject to tree removal permit fees for non-
significant trees including ornamental, understory, and palm species.

Site Improvement (See Section 2.2.3).

The fee shall be an amount equal to the fee for the building permit, provided that the fee shall not be less than $30.00 nor more
than $100.00. When landscape plans are required, the review fee shall be $100.00.
The fee shall be $500.00. When landscape plans are required,the fee shall be 600.00

Special Use (See Section 2.2.4)

Application and Review Fee:!! ! ! ! ! $ 600.00 plus! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 1000.00
Public Notice:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 100.00 plus! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 300.00
Each sign:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 7.00
Amendment to Special Use
Application and Review Fee:! ! ! ! ! $ 300.00 plus! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 500.00
Public Notice: ! ! ! ! ! $ 100.00 plus! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 300.00
Each sign:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 7.00

Land Use Atlas Amendment (See Section 2.2.5)

Application and Review Fee: ! ! ! ! $ 600.00 plus! ! ! ! ! ! ! $1000.00 plus
If accompanied by a CP FLUM Amendment! $ 300.00! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 500.00
Public Notice:! ! ! ! $ 1,000.00 plus! ! ! ! ! ! $2500.00
Each sign: ! ! ! ! $ 7.00

Annexation Petition (See Section 2.2.6)

Application and Review Fee:! ! ! ! ! $ 1,000.00 plus
Public Notice:! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 1,500.00 plus! ! ! ! ! !
Joint Planning Committee Public Notice:!! ! $ 100.00 plus
Each sign:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 7.00
Note: Upon approval of the annexation, a CP Amendment and LUR Atlas Amendment must then be applied for.
Vacation of Right-of-Way or Easement (See Section 2.2.7)
Application and Review Fee:!! ! ! ! ! $ 400.00 plus
Public Notice: ! ! $ 100.00 plus!! ! ! ! ! ! $ 300.00
Recording Fee (per page): $ 10.00 plus
Each sign:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 7.00!
Application and Review Fee: ! ! ! ! $ 250.00 (Public Notice not required)

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Variance (See Section 2.2.8)

Application and Review Fee:! ! $ 300.00 or
After the Fact Application and Review Fee:! ! $ 450.00 plus
Public Notice: ! ! $ 75.00 plus! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 150.00
Recording fee - per page:! ! $ 10.00
Each sign: $ 7.00

Administrative Variance (See Section 2.2.8)

Application and Review Fee:! ! $ !100.00 or
After the Fact Application and Review Fee:! ! $ 250.00 plus
Recording fee - per page:! ! $ 10.00

Alcoholic Beverage License (See Section 2.2.9)

Application and Review Fee! ! ! ! ! ! $ 300.00 plus
Public Notice:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 100.00* plus! ! ! ! ! ! ! $300.00
Each Sign:!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 7.00
*When ABL is applied for with Special Use, no fee for Public Notice ! ! ! ! ! ! $150.00

Subdivision Approvals (See Section 2.2.10)

Preliminary Plat
Application and Review Fee: ! ! $ 200.00 plus $10.00 per acre or fraction thereof upward plus $500.00/20.00
Public Notice: ! ! $ 100.00 plus! ! ! ! ! $300.00
Each sign: ! ! $ 7.00
Final Plat
Application and Review Fee: ! ! $ 350.00 plus
Recording Fee: ! ! $ 30.00 1st sheet plus $15.00 each additional sheet plus
Surveyor’s Certification: ! ! $ 250.00 1st sheet plus $150.00 each additional sheet
• Extension of time: ! ! $ 50.00

Planned Development Project (See Section 3.4)

Preliminary Plan
Application and Review Fee (less than 2 acres) ! ! $ 500.00
Application and Review Fee (2 acres or more) $ 1,000.00 plus $20.00 per acre or fraction thereof upward, plus
Public Notice: ! ! $ 100.00 plus! ! ! ! ! $300.00
Each sign: ! ! $ 7.00
Final Plan
Application and Review Fee: $ 350.00

PDP Amendment-Major
Application and Review Fee: $ 500.00 plus $20.00 per acre or fraction thereof upward, plus
Public Notice: ! $ 100.00! ! ! ! ! ! ! $300.00
Each sign:! ! $ 7.00

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PDP Amendment-Minor
Application and Review Fee: ! $ 350.00 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 500.00
Extension of Time Review Fee: ! $ 150.00

Certificate of Appropriateness (See Section 2.2.14)

Application and Review Fee: !! ! ! ! $ 300.00 plus
Public Notice: !! ! ! ! $ 75.00 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 150.00
Each sign:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $! 7.00

Historic Preservation Property Tax Exemption (See City Code of Ordinances Chapter 66, Article V)
Application and Review Fee:!! ! ! ! ! $! $100.00 with CA plus
Public Notice:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $! 75.00!! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 150.00

Development of Regional Impact (See Section 2.2.15)

Application and Review Fee:!! ! ! ! ! $ 2,500.00* plus
Public Notice:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 2,000.00
Each sign:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 7.00
*Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council Review Fee will also be charged as applicable

Comprehensive Plan Amendment (See Section 2.2.16)

Application and Review Fee*: ! ! ! ! $ 1,000.00 plus
Public Notice (small scale): ! ! ! ! $ 1,500.00 plus, or! ! ! ! ! ! $2,500.00
Public Notice (large scale): ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 2,000 plus! ! ! ! ! ! ! $4,100.00
Each sign:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 7.00
*Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council Review Fee will also be charged as applicable

Special City Council Approval (See Section 2.2.17)

Application and Review Fee: ! ! $! 150.00 or
Non-profit Organization: ! !$ 75.00 plus
Public Notice (if applicable): ! $ 75.00

Development Agreement (See Section 2.2.17)

Application and Review Fee: ! $1,500.00 plus $20.00 per acre or fraction thereof upward plus
Public Notice:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 925.00 plus
Each sign!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $! 7.00

Appeal (See Section 2.4)

Application and Review Fee: ! ! ! ! $ 300.00 plus
Public Notice:! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 75.00 plus! ! ! ! ! ! ! $150.00
Each sign: ! ! ! ! $ 7.00

Street Renaming (City Code of Ordinances 62.57tbd)

! Application and Review Fee:! ! $ 350.00
Public Notice:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $ 100.00 plus! ! ! ! ! ! ! $200.00
Cost of street signage labor and materials!! ! $! tbd

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Code Enforement Board

Case Review Fee if found in Violation:! ! ! ! ! $ 150.00 plus legal notice costs
(Note: Fee to be charged as a lien if not paid within 30 days of CEB finding)

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