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Reaction Paper

The main point the movie is trying to make is you dont waste time, all Congress has been doing when
the movie opens up is let the British land on American shores. John Addams however, thinks otherwise,
he thinks that the time to act and declare American Independence is now while George Washington is
holding off the english at the warfront. Also one of the main points of the movie is that you need
support from someone else, someone wholl listen to you and understand what you are trying to instill
on your listeners
Top 10 most important scenes
1. John Addams tells the Congress discuss the idea of American Independence
It is in this scene that I understood what the movie is all about which then makes subsequent scenes or
chapters much more easy to comprehend. It also in this scene that I noticed that John Addams is
terribly disliked by his fellow Congressmen. This is here as well that I learned how Addams clearly
longed for his wife and at times he could get carried away with his sharp mouth, sometimes not
distinguishing an insult from a compliment
2. The slavery clause
Towards the end of the movie, the delegate of Maryland named Mr. Rutledge ardently fought for the
right to keep black slaves which while Jefferson and Addams fought to abolish. However, that fight
caused the whole South to crumble and disband temporarily because of this as most of the colonies
harbor black slaves. Mr. Rutledge even accused the whole Congress of hypocrisy as most free and able
men have black slaves even the writer of the Declaration of Independence himself (but Jefferson later
revealed that he will release them.) It is here in this scene we saw that some of our first Congressmen
held remorse and pity for the black slaves and even fought bravely but to no avail.
3. Jeffersons motivation was his wife
Although I dont think that the motivation for writing the Declaration was coitus with his wife is
historically accurate(I may be wrong) but I think that it is true that one cannot function when he is far
from his beloved. In this scene, I saw Addams help out a friend and exhibit empathy for he too is miles
away from his wife yet he still holds on by writing correspondences to each other.
4. Dickenson and Addams heated debate
When the Congress finally putted their things in order and assessed the issue of Independence and in
the middle of it all was the heated debate between Addams and Dickenson. In this scene, we are
presented a conflict because Dickenson wanted to trash the idea of Independence in favor of
reconciliation with England but Addams thinks likewise as England has done injustices such as putting
high taxes on tea, coffee stamps and others.
5. James Wilson stood up against John Dickenson
This scene can be found towards the end of the movie. When it is time for Pennsylvanias vote, Ben
Franklin requested a poll vote for the delegates and he obviously voted yea while John Dickenson
voted nay. It was up to James Wilson to decide, at first it was as if he was just a puppet for Dickenson

but he cut his own strings and landed on his own feet. He said that he doesnt want to be remembered
as the man who prevented American Independence but be forgotten as one of the signatories of the
Declaration of Independence. I saw a pivotal point in history in this scene as one vote couldve changed
everything yet Wilson stood up.
6. The Editing of the Declaration
When Secretary Thomson was finished reading the Declaration of Independence to the Congress and
John Hancock asked whether there were any objections. The Congress uproared asking about this and
changing that and adding this. What made it so important is that I understood how the Declaration was
made and how it wasnt made overnight but over a span of a few days. It wasnt really that easy to
present such a document while Congressmen demand changes to the point where its not really what I
was yet it was crucial as it gave America its own framework for its own constitution
7. John Addams self examines his conscience
When the whole South walked out of Congress over the dispute of the slavery clause. Benjamin
Franklin told Addams that the priority is Independence and not in slavery. He then proceeded to the bell
tower and examines his own conscience. This was so important because it helped him organize his own
thoughts and what should be done first. Abigail also helped him to realize the subsequent choices he
will make that, alongside with his fellow Congressmen, changed American
8. The scout sings of the horrors of war
When the scout sung Momma Look Sharp. We were given the view of how war could ravage a
persons psyche and that of his immediate family members. With this song, I understood the situation
that George Washington was in along with his troops and that is why this scene is important to me
9. The Dispatch that paved the way for Independence
As depressing dispatches from G. Washington continued to arrive. One very last dispatch reminded the
Congressmen of who Americans were. He mentioned that the soldiers he has gathered were below 15
and some were past their prime age yet he compensated for that by complementing that these people
were valiant Americans. This then gave a sense of patriotism to everyone in the chamber which
ultimately helped John Addams cause for Independence
10. Dickenson left for the British Army
When the motion of Independence passed. John Dickenson left Congress for the British Army. I dont
understand why he did what he did but this scene was crucial because it showed us that not all of the
people in the room were for America. In this scene, he was still holding on to his own idea of
reconciliation with King George of England but it served futile.

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