Meadowfield (Section2)

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25 days in a mental health hospital for an illness you haven't got.

The chronology of events so far:

Wednesday 13th July:
Had an argument with my mother in the am upon waking. She had been attempting to convince me
that I have mental problems for a while. She told me she was going to call the authorities, she was
going absolutely apoplectic. I packed my stuff and got into my car. I got halfway down the A27 to
Arundel and there was a police car behind me, it followed me all the way to Morrisons in
Littlehampton where it then pulled in front of me. They done a search and found a scraper in my
back pocket which I had collected as part of my work kit. That was considered a dangerous weapon.
(I have now been administered 15mg of Olanzapine so the quality of this writing may now
deteriorate) 18:39pm 08/08/2016
The police officers arrested me for possession of a dangerous weapon and I was taken to worthing
police station and held in a cell. This was about 12pm on the 13th of July. They told me they could
only hold me 24 hours for the offence and somebody would be attending the case soon.
I'm omitting a lot of the events here that cannot be proven as factual, hearsay, as it were.
By 1:20 am, thirteen hours or so into my detention a mental health assessment team invited me to
an interview. At first I sent them away on the grounds that they clearly weren't qualified to assess
my mental health, what with the hour of their arrival being so late and all. Ridiculous. They went
away at first but soon came back accompanied by an officer, who, through non-verbal gestures gave
the impression that I would be better off attending their call.
The interview lasted approximately three quarters of an hour and was based on unsubstantiated
claims, most of which were grossly elaborated, that my mother had made in her report. Not being in
my proper mind I spoke too much and dug myself a hole.
The following day I was collected around 5 pm and taken to Meadowfield hospital where I was
going to be detained under section 2 of the mental health act. This is three weeks ago now and the
memories are less than clear.
One of the first actions taken was to file for a tribunal hearing to contest the decision. Being made
no later than the 15th of July the form did not arrive at their desk until the 27th. The hearing itself
was on the 3rd of August. Law states that a tribunal hearing must occur within 7 days of the
documents being received.
So far I have officially spoken to my duty nurse for 30 minutes to an hour on the day after arriving.
Had two official meeting each lasting 30 45 minutes with Dr. Inayat and one informal chat which
lasted no longer than thirty minutes (which he grossly misrepresented in his report). Three
conversations with Social worker Helen Tunnicliffe each lasting approximately 30 45 minutes.
Three meetings with my solicitor Sharon Foley. One meeting with Dr. Katz, the independent
tribunals professional representative on the day of the tribunal. The tribunal itself. A thirty minute
meeting with an independent healthcare advocate who is based at the hospital. A thirty minute
conversation with Dr. Moss (5.08.16)
After the first meeting with Dr. Inayat he prescribed Olanzapine in 10mg doses rising to 15mg after

4-5 days. Today is the first time I have actually consumed the tablet. Each other time I made sure to
spit the pill out immediately after leaving the dispersal room. Since the tribunal the staff have been
made aware of my strategy, today they made sure the whole thing had dissolved before my
departure from sight. According to the doctors report I have been making improvements, based on
the sole treatment of prescribed medication, which I haven't been taking.
The combined total of all conversational assessments/therapies(?) since arriving 24 days ago
amounts to no more than 5 hours 15 minutes, more likely this figure is closer to 4 hours but for the
benefit of the doubt...
So, that's less than 1 hour 45 minutes per week of one to one involvement with any sort of health
care practitioner. Quite shocking when you think of the seriousness of the impact these events have
had on my life.
My first leave was granted 29.07.16 and taken on 31.07.16, two hours accompanied by a relative,
in this case my father. Since then there have been two further opportunities for me to visit the world,
both times accompanied by my father; 5.08.16 and 7.08.16.
Yesterdays leave led to a meeting and confrontation with my mother in which she showed no
remorse and made it clear that she was going to work actively to keep me within the confines of the
healthcare system, hopefully, from her point of view under a section 3 (up to 6 months).

Okay, nearly two hours in to this medication am gonna do a bit of freestyle to convey the mental
state it makes and what the what, exactly. Like this, rising temperature, hot, around the head..
thinking of fellow inmates and their episodes, like how they are.. their thoughts etc.. like it's
contagious, more susceptible? Slight nausea. Pff, not good. Really incoherent. Pressure building in
head. Toothache doesn't help. Minor toothache. Drawing a blaank. Was hoping to research what
avenues may be available outside of this facility to request some kind of help/justice. Focus? Don't
reckon. Not good.
That's the craic, totally unable to string together a coherent .......................

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