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According to the Gelug tradition

of Tibetan Buddhism

Composed by Lama Ngul.chu Dharmabhadra

(1772 1851 C.E.)

English translation by the Ven. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

This sadhana practice is intended only for those people

who have received this Kurukulle Yogatantra Initiation from a qualified Lama.

Gaden for the West

Version 1
December 2003


Taking Refuge and Generating Bodhichitta
In Buddha, Dharma and the most Excellent Community,
I take refuge until I reach Enlightenment.
By my merit of giving and other good deeds,
May I achieve Buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings. [3x]
The Four Unlimited Attitudes
May all living beings have happiness and its causes;
May they never have suffering nor its causes;
May they constantly dwell in joy transcending sorrow;
May they dwell in equal love for those both close and distant.
Self-Generation as Kurukulle
Everything becomes empty.
Out of the state of emptiness arises a lotus and sun-disc. Upon this arises the letter HUM H.
The HUM H transforms into a crossed vajra marked by a HUM H.
From it light rays emanate to form a protection sphere with a vajra ground and a mountain of
flames. In the centre is a triangle, white on the outside and red in the inside. The triangle is the
essence of the letter E ].
Inside of the triangle, from a HRIH h arises a red eight-petalled lotus. In its centre from a RAM R
arises a sun-disc and on top is a corpse.
On top of the corpse from a HRIH h I arise in the form of Holy Kurukulle.
I have a red body with one face and four arms. My first two hands hold a bow and arrow made of
utpala flowers. The lower right hand holds a hook made of red utpala flowers, and the lower left
hand holds a red utpala flower upon which is a blood-filled skullcup.
I have three eyes and bare my fangs. My yellow hair twists upwards. On my crown I have five dry
skulls. Around my neck I have a necklace of fifty freshly severed heads. I wear a tiger-skin skirt.
Standing on the corpse with my left leg, my right leg is drawn up in the half-lotus position.
At my forehead is the syllable OM . At my throat I have the syllable AH _. At my heart I have
the syllable HUM ^.


December 2003 Ver. 1


A Short Sadhana of Kurulle

Absorbing the Wisdom Beings

Rays of light emanate from the HRIH h in my heart and invite all the Tathagatas of the ten
directions, who then melt into me in the form of many Kurukulles.
They become non-dual with me
Receiving Empowerment
Light again shines from the HRIH h in my heart and requests the Tathagatas to consecrate me. The
Tathagatas, in the form of the five Dhyani Buddhas, pour consecration water over me. This fills my
body entirely. The overflow on my crown transforms into Amitabha Buddha.
Mantra Recitation and Visualisation
The seed syllable in my heart is surrounded by the letters of the mantra. From these, rays of light
shine, presenting offerings to the Enlightened Ones and freeing all beings from suffering. The
compassion, blessings and spiritual powers of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas merge with me in
the form of light rays and are absorbed into my consciousness,

Recite 21x or more

Blessed One, please bestow upon myself and all living beings the common and excellent
Concluding Visualisation
Light rays shine out from my heart, and the lotus and other objects upon which I stand dissolve
into light and absorb upwards into myself.
Though this practice, may I quickly attain the Enlightened state of Kurukulle, and then lead all
living beings without exception, to her Enlightened state.


December 2003 Ver. 1

Gaden for the West Colophon:

Under the kind supervision of the Venerable 13th Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, this Gaden for the West
(GFTW) version of Lama Ngul.chu Dharmabhadra's short Kurukulle sadhana has been lightly edited
by Chuck Damov and formatted by Peter Lewis.
Please forward editing suggestions / corrections to chuckdamov@yahoo.ca , and formatting
suggestions / corrections to peterl@netidea.com .
Updated versions will be available on the web.
We dedicate any and all merit of this effort to the study and pure practice of the precious Vajrayana


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